module CairoHistogram ( hasCairoHistograms, writeHistogram ) where import Control.Monad.ST (runST) import Data.Accessor ((^=), (^:)) import qualified Data.Colour as Colour import qualified Data.Colour.Names as ColourNames import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as VI import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG import Data.Vector.Unboxed ((!)) import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Chart as Chart import Statistics.Test.ApproxRand import Statistics.Test.Types (TestType(..)) import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FP import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Histogram hasCairoHistograms :: Bool hasCairoHistograms = True writeHistogram :: TestOptions -> Int -> TestResult -> FP.FilePath -> IO () writeHistogram testOptions bins result path = case histogram bins result of Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr err Right h -> let r = createHistogram testOptions result h in case snd $ FP.splitExtension path of ".pdf" -> Chart.renderableToPDFFile r 800 600 path ".png" -> do _ <- Chart.renderableToPNGFile r 800 600 path return () ".ps" -> Chart.renderableToPSFile r 800 600 path ".svg" -> Chart.renderableToSVGFile r 800 600 path _ -> hPutStrLn stderr "Unknown output format!" -- Creates a histogram. The histogram is stacked, but the second bar -- is always empty, except for the bin of the original statistic (if any). -- There, the first bar is empty and the second bar has the frequency. -- Yes, this is cheating ;). createHistogram :: TestOptions -> TestResult -> [(Double, Int)] -> Chart.Renderable () createHistogram testOptions result his = Chart.toRenderable layout where layout = Chart.layout1_background ^= Chart.solidFillStyle opaqueWhite $ Chart.layout1_left_axis ^: Chart.laxis_override ^= Chart.axisTicksHide $ Chart.layout1_right_axis ^: Chart.laxis_title ^= "Frequency" $ Chart.layout1_bottom_axis ^: Chart.laxis_title ^= "Statistic" $ Chart.layout1_plots ^= [ Right (Chart.plotBars randomizationBars), Right statisticLine, Right sigLines ] $ Chart.setLayout1Foreground opaqueBlack $ Chart.defaultLayout1 randomizationBars = Chart.plot_bars_style ^= Chart.BarsStacked $ Chart.plot_bars_spacing ^= Chart.BarsFixGap 6 2 -- $ Chart.plot_bars_spacing ^= Chart.BarsFixGap 0 0 $ Chart.plot_bars_item_styles ^= [ (Chart.solidFillStyle $ opaqueGreen, Nothing) ] $ Chart.plot_bars_values ^= map (\(b, f) -> (b, [f])) his $ Chart.defaultPlotBars statisticLine = Chart.vlinePlot "Statistic for samples" (Chart.solidLine 2 (opaqueRed)) $ trStat result sigLines = vlinesPlot "Significance" (Chart.dashedLine 2 [8, 4] opaqueBlack) $ sigBounds testOptions result -- Plot vertical lines, adapted from Chart.vlinePlot. vlinesPlot :: String -> Chart.CairoLineStyle -> [a] -> Chart.Plot a b vlinesPlot t ls xs = Chart.toPlot Chart.defaultPlotLines { Chart.plot_lines_title_ = t, Chart.plot_lines_style_ = ls, Chart.plot_lines_limit_values_ = [[(Chart.LValue v, Chart.LMin),(Chart.LValue v, Chart.LMax)] | v <- xs] } -- Calculate the bounds of significance. sigBounds :: TestOptions -> TestResult -> [Double] sigBounds (TestOptions testType _ n pTest) (TestResult _ _ stats) = case testType of TwoTailed -> [sorted ! (nExtreme - 1), sorted ! (n - nExtreme)] OneTailed -> [sorted ! (n - nExtreme)] where sorted = sortVector stats nExtreme = floor $ (pVal testType pTest) * (fromIntegral n + 1) - 1 pVal OneTailed p = p pVal TwoTailed p = p / 2 -- XXX: Fix extreme cases: p-value of 0, small n. sortVector :: (Ord a, VG.Vector v a) => v a -> v a sortVector v = runST $ do s <- VG.thaw v VI.sort s VG.freeze s -- Convenience... opaqueBlack, opaqueGreen, opaqueRed, opaqueWhite :: Colour.AlphaColour Double opaqueBlack = Colour.opaque opaqueGreen = Colour.opaque opaqueRed = Colour.opaque opaqueWhite = Colour.opaque ColourNames.white