module System.Archive.UpdateMirror ( updateMirrorMain , Option(..) , Target(..) , Config(..) , genericConfig ) where import Control.Monad import Data.List import Text.Help as H import Extra.HughesPJ import System.Environment import System.IO import System.Archive.Archive import System.Archive.Target as T -- * General Stuff manpage progName targets = Manpage { name = progName , sectionNum = General , shortDesc = text "tool to keep mirrors of various repositories up to date." , synopsis = text (progName ++ " TARGET...") , description = text "update the mirrors named on the command line." , H.options = Just opts , extraSections = Just [targetSection] , files = Nothing , environment = Nothing , diagnostics = Nothing , bugs = Nothing , authors = Just [("Jeremy Shaw", "")] , seeAlso = Nothing } where targetSection :: (ShowIn, Text, Elements) targetSection = (InBoth, (text "TARGETS"), (showTargets targets)) opts :: [OptDescr [Option]] opts = [ -- Option [] ["prune"] (ReqArg (\n -> [Prune n]) "NUM") "limit the number of backup dirs to NUM." -- , Option [] ["unlink"] (NoArg [Unlink]) "Keep only the most recent hard link. The newest backup is always complete, but the previous day will only include the files that changed or were removed." -- , Option [] ["current"] (NoArg [Current]) "Create a link named 'current' to the new archive." Option [] ["exclude"] (ReqArg (\x -> [Rsync "--exclude", Rsync x]) "PATTERN") (text "Passed to rsync. Implies rsync's --delete-excluded flag (so that adding this flag makes files go away in newer backups).") -- , Option ['n'] ["dry-run"] (NoArg [DryRun, Rsync "-n"]) "Do not do any file transfers, just report what would have happened." , Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg [Rsync "-v"]) (text "run rsync with verbose option.") , Option ['P'] [] (NoArg [Rsync "-P"]) (text "run rsync with -P, which is the same as --partial --progress.") , Option ['c'] ["checksum"] (NoArg [Rsync "-c"]) (text "run rsync with -c, skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size.") , Option [] ["delete-excluded"] (NoArg [Rsync "--delete-excluded"]) (text "run rsync with --delete-excluded, also delete excluded files from dest dirs.") , Option [] ["delete-after"] (NoArg [Rsync "--delete-after"]) (text "run rsync with --delete-after, Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done after the transfer has completed.") , Option [] ["partial"] (NoArg [Rsync "--partial"]) (text "run rsync with --partial, keep partially transferred files.") , Option [] ["force"] (NoArg [Rsync "--force"]) (text "run rsync with --force, force deletion of dirs even if not empty.") , Option [] ["size-only"] (NoArg [Rsync "--size-only"]) (text "run rsync with --size-only, skip files that match in size.") , Option [] ["timeout"] (ReqArg (\t -> [Rsync $ "--timeout="++ t]) "TIME") (text "set I/O timeout in seconds.") , Option [] ["bwlimit"] (ReqArg (\kbps -> [Rsync $ "--bwlimit=" ++ kbps]) "KBPS") (text "limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per second.") , Option [] ["dump-man-page"] (NoArg []) (text "dump the manpage for this program on stdout and exit immediately. Use groff -mandoc to process the output.") , Option [] ["no-update-symlink"] (NoArg [NoUpdateSymlink]) (text "do not update the symlink, current, after the update is done.") ] parseOptions :: [Target] -> [String] -> Either String ([Option], [String]) parseOptions targets args = case getOpt Permute opts args of (extraOptions, tgts@(_:_), []) -> case tgts \\ (map prettyName targets) of [] -> Right (concat extraOptions, tgts) unknownTargets -> Left $ (if (singleton unknownTargets) then "Unrecognized target: " else "Unrecognized targets: ") ++ show unknownTargets (_, [], errors) -> Left $ concat $ "You must specify one or more TARGETs.\n" : errors (_, _, errors) -> Left $ concat $ errors where singleton [_] = True singleton _ = False updateMirrorMain :: [Target] -> IO () updateMirrorMain targets = do args <- getArgs progName <- getProgName when ("--dump-man-page" `elem` args) (dumpManPage (manpage progName targets)) case parseOptions targets args of (Left e) -> do hPutStrLn stderr e hPutStrLn stderr =<< usage (manpage progName targets) (Right (extraOptions, tgts)) -> do res <- archiveTargets extraOptions (filter (\t -> (prettyName t) `elem` tgts) targets) putStrLn =<< renderWidth (ppResults res)