name: archiver version: 0.2 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Gwern maintainer: Gwern category: Documentation, Network synopsis: Archive supplied URLs in WebCite & Internet Archive description: archiver is a daemon which will process a specified text file, each line of which is a URL, and will one by one request that the URLs be archived or spidered by and for future reference. . Because the interface is a simple text file, this can be combined with other scripts; for example, a script using Sqlite to extract visited URLs from Firefox, or a program extracting URLs from Pandoc documents. build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 stability: provisional tested-with: GHC==6.12.1 source-repository head type: darcs location: Library exposed-modules: Network.URL.Archiver build-Depends: base>=4 && < 5, network, HTTP, curl ghc-options: -Wall Executable archiver main-is: archiver.hs build-depends: base>=4 && < 5, bytestring