-- | Construct reports about a set of packages in AUR
module Distribution.ArchLinux.Report where

import Distribution.ArchLinux.AUR
import Distribution.ArchLinux.PkgBuild

import Distribution.Text

import System.FilePath
import Data.Maybe

import Text.XHtml.Transitional
import Control.OldException
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Char

import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.OldException as C
import System.IO
import System.Process

-- | Take as input a list of package names, return a pandoc object
-- reporting on interesting facts about the packages.
report :: [String] -> IO String
report xs = do
    -- collect sets of results
    res_ <- forM xs $ \p -> do
        handle (\s -> return (p, Nothing, (Left (show s), Left []))) $ do
            putStrLn $ "Retrieving " ++ p
            k <- package p

            -- if there is a hackage path, lookup version.
            --  cabal info xmonad -v0
            vers <- case k of

                 (Right aur, _) | not (null (packageURL aur))  -> do
                     let name = takeFileName (packageURL aur) -- haskell package name
                     v <- myReadProcess "cabal" ["info","-v0",name] []
                     return $! case v of
                          Left _  -> Nothing
                          Right s -> let v = reverse
                                          . takeWhile (not . isSpace )
                                          . reverse
                                          . (\k -> case find ("Latest version available" `isInfixOf`) k of
                                                 Nothing -> []
                                                 Just n  -> n )
                                          $ lines s

                                     in simpleParse v
                 _ -> return Nothing

            return (p, vers, k)

    let results = sortBy (\(n,_,_) (m,_,_) -> n `compare` m) res_

    return. showHtml $
        (header $
            (thetitle (toHtml "Arch Haskell Package Report")) +++
            ((thelink noHtml) ! [ rel "stylesheet"
                                , href "http://galois.com/~dons/arch-haskell.css"
                                , thetype "text/css" ])) +++

        (body $
            center ((h2 (toHtml "Arch Haskell Package Status")))

            (scores . table $
                tr (concatHtml
                      [ td . categoryTag . toHtml $ "Package"
                      , td . categoryTag . toHtml $ "Hackage"
                      , td . categoryTag . toHtml $ "Version"
                      , td . categoryTag . toHtml $ "Latest"
                      , td . categoryTag . toHtml $ "cabal2arch"
                      , td . categoryTag . toHtml $ "Votes"
                      , td . categoryTag . toHtml $ "Description"
                      ]) +++



                     tr $ concatHtml $
                      case aur_ of
                       Left  err ->
                          [ td $ toHtml p
                          , td $ bad (toHtml "No AUR entry found!")

                       Right aur -> case pkg_ of

                        -- Didn't find a PKGBUILD
                         Left  err ->
                          [ td . toHtml $
                                (packageURLinAUR aur)
                                (toHtml p)

                          , td .
                              (if null (packageURL aur) then bad else id) . toHtml $
                                (packageURL aur)
                                (toHtml (takeFileName (packageURL aur)))

                          , td  $ case packageVersion aur of
                                     Left s  -> bad $ toHtml s
                                     Right (v,_) -> toHtml $ display v

                          , td  $

                              case vers of
                                   Nothing -> bad (toHtml "-")
                                   Just v  -> case packageVersion aur of
                                     Left s  -> toHtml (display v)
                                     Right (v',_) | v == v' -> toHtml (display v)
                                                 | otherwise -> bad (toHtml (display v))

                          , td $ bad (toHtml "PKGBUILD not found")

                          , td  $ if packageVotes aur > 10
                                     then good $ toHtml $ show $ packageVotes aur
                                     else        toHtml $ show $ packageVotes aur

                          , td $ toHtml $ packageDesc aur

                        -- Found everything
                         Right pkg ->
                          [ td . toHtml $
                                (packageURLinAUR aur)
                                (toHtml p)

                          , td .
                              (if null (packageURL aur) then bad else id) . toHtml $
                                (packageURL aur)
                                (toHtml (takeFileName (packageURL aur)))

                          , td  $
                                case packageVersion aur of
                                     Left s  -> bad $ toHtml s
                                     Right (v,_) -> toHtml $ display v

                          , td  $
                              case vers of
                                   Nothing -> bad (toHtml "-")
                                   Just v  -> case packageVersion aur of
                                     Left s  -> toHtml (display v)
                                     Right (v',_) | v == v' -> toHtml (display v)
                                                 | otherwise -> bad (toHtml (display v))

                          , td  $
                              if oldCabal2Arch pkg
                                 then bad . toHtml $
                                            case pkgBuiltWith pkg of
                                                     Nothing -> "Nothing"
                                                     Just v  -> display v

                                 else toHtml $
                                            case pkgBuiltWith pkg of
                                                     Nothing -> "Nothing"
                                                     Just v  -> display v

                          , td  $ if packageVotes aur > 10
                                     then good $ toHtml $ show $ packageVotes aur
                                     else        toHtml $ show $ packageVotes aur

                          , td  $ toHtml $ packageDesc aur


                        | (p, vers, (aur_,pkg_)) <- results

    (Right (AURInfo {packageID = 17480, packageName = "haskell-json", packageVersion = Right (Version {versionBranch = [0,4,3], versionTags = []},"1"), packageCategory = 10, packageDesc = "Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON", packageLocation = 2, packageURL = "http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/json", packagePath = "/packages/haskell-json/haskell-json.tar.gz", packageLicense = "custom:BSD3", packageVotes = 16, packageOutOfDate = False}),Right (AnnotatedPkgBuild {pkgBuiltWith = Just (Version {versionBranch = [0,5,3], versionTags = []}), pkgHeader = "# Contributor: Arch Haskell Team <arch-haskell@haskell.org>", pkgBody = PkgBuild {arch_pkgname = "haskell-json", arch_pkgver = Version {versionBranch = [0,4,3], versionTags = []}, arch_pkgrel = 1, arch_pkgdesc = "\"Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON\"", arch_arch = ArchList [Arch_X86,Arch_X86_64], arch_url = "\"http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/json\"", arch_license = ArchList [BSD3], arch_makedepends = ArchList [], arch_depends = ArchList [], arch_source = ArchList [], arch_md5sum = ArchList [], arch_build = [], arch_install = Nothing, arch_options = ArchList []}}))

categoryTag  x = thediv x ! [identifier "Category"    ]
bad     x = thediv x ! [identifier "Bad"  ]
good    x = thediv x ! [identifier "Best" ]
scores  x = thediv x ! [identifier "Scores" ]


-- Strict process reading
myReadProcess :: FilePath                              -- ^ command to run
            -> [String]                              -- ^ any arguments
            -> String                                -- ^ standard input
            -> IO (Either (ExitCode,String,String) String)  -- ^ either the stdout, or an exitcode and any output

myReadProcess cmd args input = C.handle (return . handler) $ do
    (inh,outh,errh,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess cmd args Nothing Nothing

    output  <- hGetContents outh
    outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
    forkIO $ (C.evaluate (length output) >> putMVar outMVar ())

    errput  <- hGetContents errh
    errMVar <- newEmptyMVar
    forkIO $ (C.evaluate (length errput) >> putMVar errMVar ())

    when (not (null input)) $ hPutStr inh input
    takeMVar outMVar
    takeMVar errMVar
    ex     <- C.catch (waitForProcess pid) (\_e -> return ExitSuccess)
    hClose outh
    hClose inh          -- done with stdin
    hClose errh         -- ignore stderr

    return $ case ex of
        ExitSuccess   -> Right output
        ExitFailure _ -> Left (ex, errput, output)

    handler (C.ExitException e) = Left (e,"","")
    handler e                   = Left (ExitFailure 1, show e, "")