## ## Core packages and their versions. These come with ## ghc, so we should be right. ## ## http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Libraries_released_with_GHC ## ## And what Arch Linux thinks GHC provides: ## ## http://repos.archlinux.org/wsvn/packages/ghc/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD ## ## Note: we could just list these directly, and have yaourt solve them. ## ## NEW POLICY: ## We rely on all "provides" from the GHC library to be listed explicitly. ## base== dph-base dph-par dph-prim-interface dph-prim-par dph-prim-seq dph-seq ghc ghc-prim integer integer-gmp ghc-binary ## Official Provides: http://repos.archlinux.org/wsvn/packages/ghc/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD #array== #bytestring== #cabal== #containers== #directory== #extensible-exceptions== #filepath== #haskell98== #hpc== #old-locale== #old-time== #pretty== #process== #random== #syb== #template-haskell== #time==1.1.4 #unix== #haddock==2.6.0 ## utf8-string # # ## Removed in 6.12.x # html== # integer== # QuickCheck== # haskell-src== # parsec== # packedstring== # parallel== # network== # mtl== # stm== # HUnit== # xhtml==3000.2.0.1 # regex-base== # regex-compat== # regex-posix== # ## Removed in 6.10.x # editline # ALUT== # cgi==3001.1.5.1 # fgl== -- gone # GLUT== # OpenAL== -- gone # readline==