arithmoi- Efficient basic number-theoretic functions. Primes, powers, integer logarithms.

PortabilityNon-portable (GHC extensions)
MaintainerDaniel Fischer <>




Certificates for primality or compositeness.



data Certificate Source

A certificate of either compositeness or primality of an Integer. Only numbers > 1 can be certified, trying to create a certificate for other numbers raises an error.


data CompositenessProof Source

A proof of compositeness of a positive number. The type is abstract to ensure the validity of proofs.

composite :: CompositenessProof -> IntegerSource

The number whose compositeness is proved.

data PrimalityProof Source

A proof of primality of a positive number. The type is abstract to ensure the validity of proofs.


cprime :: PrimalityProof -> IntegerSource

The number whose primality is proved.


data CompositenessArgument Source

An argument for compositeness of a number (which must be > 1). CompositenessProofs translate directly to CompositenessArguments, correct arguments can be transformed into proofs. This type allows the manipulation of proofs while maintaining their correctness. The only way to access components of a CompositenessProof except the composite is through this type.



compo == firstDiv*secondDiv, where all are > 1


compo fails the strong Fermat test for fermatBase


compo fails the Lucas-Selfridge test


compo :: Integer

No particular reason given


compo :: Integer

data PrimalityArgument Source

An argument for primality of a number (which must be > 1). PrimalityProofs translate directly to PrimalityArguments, correct arguments can be transformed into proofs. This type allows the manipulation of proofs while maintaining their correctness. The only way to access components of a PrimalityProof except the prime is through this type.



A suggested Pocklington certificate


Primality should be provable by trial division to alimit


aprime :: Integer
alimit :: Integer

aprime is said to be obviously prime, that holds for primes < 30


aprime :: Integer

Primality assumed


aprime :: Integer

Weaken proofs to arguments

arguePrimality :: PrimalityProof -> PrimalityArgumentSource

arguePrimality transforms a proof of primality into an argument for primality.

argueCompositeness :: CompositenessProof -> CompositenessArgumentSource

argueCompositeness transforms a proof of compositeness into an argument for compositeness.

Prove valid arguments

verifyPrimalityArgument :: PrimalityArgument -> Maybe PrimalityProofSource

verifyPrimalityArgument checks the given argument and constructs a proof from it, if it is valid. For the explicit arguments, this is simple and resonably fast, for an Assumption, the verification uses certify and hence may take a long time.

verifyCompositenessArgument :: CompositenessArgument -> Maybe CompositenessProofSource

verifyCompositenessArgument checks the given argument and constructs a proof from it, if it is valid. For the explicit arguments, this is simple and resonably fast, for a Belief, the verification uses certify and hence may take a long time.

Determine and prove whether a number is prime or composite

certify :: Integer -> CertificateSource

certify n constructs, for n > 1, a proof of either primality or compositeness of n. This may take a very long time if the number has no small(ish) prime divisors

Checks for the paranoid

checkCertificate :: Certificate -> BoolSource

Check the validity of a Certificate. Since it should be impossible to construct invalid certificates by the public interface, this should never return False.

checkCompositenessProof :: CompositenessProof -> BoolSource

Check the validity of a CompositenessProof. Since it should be impossible to create invalid proofs by the public interface, this should never return False.

checkPrimalityProof :: PrimalityProof -> BoolSource

Check the validity of a PrimalityProof. Since it should be impossible to create invalid proofs by the public interface, this should never return False.