arithmoi- Efficient basic number-theoretic functions. Primes, powers, integer logarithms.

PortabilityNon-portable (GHC extensions)
MaintainerDaniel Fischer <>
Safe HaskellNone




Miscellaneous functions related to modular arithmetic.


Functions with input check

jacobi :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> a -> IntSource

Jacobi symbol of two numbers. The "denominator" must be odd and positive, this condition is checked.

If both numbers have a common prime factor, the result is 0, otherwise it is ±1.

invertMod :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe IntegerSource

Invert a number relative to a modulus. If number and modulus are coprime, the result is Just inverse where

    (number * inverse) `mod` (abs modulus) == 1
    0 <= inverse < abs modulus

unless modulus == 0 and abs number == 1, in which case the result is Just number. If gcd number modulus > 1, the result is Nothing.

powerMod :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Integer -> a -> Integer -> IntegerSource

Modular power.

 powerMod base exponent modulus

calculates (base ^ exponent) `mod` modulus by repeated squaring and reduction. If exponent < 0 and base is invertible modulo modulus, (inverse ^ |exponent|) `mod` modulus is calculated. This function does some input checking and sanitation before calling the unsafe worker.

powerModInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IntegerSource

Specialised version of powerMod for Integer exponents. Reduces the number of shifts of the exponent since shifting large Integers is expensive. Call this function directly if you don't want or can't rely on rewrite rules.

chineseRemainder :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> Maybe IntegerSource

Given a list [(r_1,m_1), ..., (r_n,m_n)] of (residue,modulus) pairs, chineseRemainder calculates the solution to the simultaneous congruences

 r ≡ r_k (mod m_k)

if all moduli are pairwise coprime. If not all moduli are pairwise coprime, the result is Nothing regardless of whether a solution exists.

Partially checked input

sqrtModP :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe IntegerSource

sqrtModP n prime calculates a modular square root of n modulo prime if that exists. The second argument must be a (positive) prime, otherwise the computation may not terminate and if it does, may yield a wrong result. The precondition is not checked.

If prime is a prime and n a quadratic residue modulo prime, the result is Just r where r^2 ≡ n (mod prime), if n is a quadratic nonresidue, the result is Nothing.

Unchecked functions

jacobi' :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> a -> IntSource

Jacobi symbol of two numbers without validity check of the "denominator".

powerMod' :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Integer -> a -> Integer -> IntegerSource

Modular power worker without input checking. Assumes all arguments strictly positive and modulus greater than 1.

powerModInteger' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IntegerSource

Specialised worker without input checks. Makes the same assumptions as the general version powerMod'.

sqrtModPList :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]Source

sqrtModPList n prime computes the list of all square roots of n modulo prime. prime must be a (positive) prime. The precondition is not checked.

sqrtModP' :: Integer -> Integer -> IntegerSource

sqrtModP' square prime finds a square root of square modulo prime. prime must be a (positive) prime, and sqaure must be a quadratic residue modulo prime, i.e. 'jacobi square prime == 1. The precondition is not checked.

tonelliShanks :: Integer -> Integer -> IntegerSource

tonelliShanks square prime calculates a square root of square modulo prime, where prime is a prime of the form 4*k + 1 and square is a quadratic residue modulo prime, using the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm. No checks on the input are performed.

sqrtModPP :: Integer -> (Integer, Int) -> Maybe IntegerSource

sqrtModPP n (prime,expo) calculates a square root of n modulo prime^expo if one exists. prime must be a (positive) prime. expo must be positive, n must be coprime to prime

sqrtModPPList :: Integer -> (Integer, Int) -> [Integer]Source

sqrtModPPList n (prime,expo) calculates the list of all square roots of n modulo prime^expo. The same restriction as in sqrtModPP applies to the arguments.

sqrtModF :: Integer -> [(Integer, Int)] -> Maybe IntegerSource

sqrtModF n primePowers calculates a square root of n modulo product [p^k | (p,k) <- primePowers] if one exists and all primes are distinct.

sqrtModFList :: Integer -> [(Integer, Int)] -> [Integer]Source

sqrtModFList n primePowers calculates all square roots of n modulo product [p^k | (p,k) <- primePowers] if all primes are distinct.

chineseRemainder2 :: (Integer, Integer) -> (Integer, Integer) -> IntegerSource

chineseRemainder2 (r_1,m_1) (r_2,m_2) calculates the solution of

 r ≡ r_k (mod m_k)

if m_1 and m_2 are coprime.