úÎ1ç..1      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 portable provisionallibraries@haskell.org123456789:;<=>?@A#non-portable (uses Data.Array.Base) experimentallibraries@haskell.org1=>?@A     #non-portable (uses Data.Array.Base) experimentallibraries@haskell.org'Mutable, unboxed, strict arrays in the B  monad. The type  arguments are as follows:  i8: the index type of the array (should be an instance of 1 )  e=: the element type of the array. Only certain element types  are supported: see Data.Array.MArray for a list of instances. ! Casts an  ' with one element type into one with a B different element type. All the elements of the resulting array ( are undefined (unless you know what you're doing...). CD !" !"#non-portable (uses Data.Array.Base) experimentallibraries@haskell.org1=>?@%non-portable (uses Data.Array.MArray) experimentallibraries@haskell.org#Reads a number of E s from the specified F  directly  into an array. $Writes an array of E  to the specified F . 1=>?@C!#$!#$%non-portable (uses Data.Array.IArray) experimentallibraries@haskell.org%5Strict unboxed diff array, working only for elements = of primitive types but more compact and usually faster than &. &)Fully polymorphic lazy boxed diff array. ' An arbitrary  type living in the B  monad can be converted  to a diff array. 1=>?@A %&'()*'&%()*%non-portable (uses Data.Array.MArray) experimentallibraries@haskell.org+GA safe way to create and work with a mutable array before returning an B immutable array for later perusal. This function avoids copying ) the array before returning it - it uses  internally, but 4 this wrapper is a safe interface to that function. ,CA safe way to create and work with an unboxed mutable array before @ returning an immutable array for later perusal. This function 8 avoids copying the array before returning it - it uses  5 internally, but this wrapper is a safe interface to  that function. 1=>?@G+,+,%non-portable (uses Data.Array.MArray) experimentallibraries@haskell.org-The array type .1The pointer to the array contents is obtained by ..  The idea is similar to H  (used internally here). 9 The pointer should be used only during execution of the B  action / retured by the function passed as argument to .. /2If you want to use it afterwards, ensure that you  /$ after the last use of the pointer, & so the array is not freed too early. 0 Construct a - from an arbitrary H  . It is  the caller'$s responsibility to ensure that the H  points to 8 an area of memory sufficient for the specified bounds. 1=>?@-./0-./0%non-portable (uses Data.Array.IArray) experimentallibraries@haskell.org1=>?@A I !"#$%&'()*+,-.//0123456789:;<=>? @ "          A B C D E FG FH FH IJ FK L MNO array- Data.Array.STData.Array.MArrayData.Array.UnboxedData.Array.IArrayData.Array.IO.Internals Data.Array.IOData.Array.DiffData.Array.Storable Data.Arraybase System.IOGHC.Arr Data.WordForeign.ForeignPtrData.Array.BaseSTUArrayMArray getBoundsnewArray newArray_UArrayIArrayboundsarray listArray!indiceselemsassocs accumArray//accumamapixmap newListArray readArray writeArraygetElems getAssocsmapArray mapIndicesfreeze unsafeFreezethaw unsafeThaw castSTUArrayIOUArray castIOUArrayunsafeThawIOUArray hGetArray hPutArray DiffUArray DiffArray IOToDiffArray newDiffArray readDiffArrayreplaceDiffArray runSTArray runSTUArray StorableArraywithStorableArraytouchStorableArrayunsafeForeignPtrToStorableArrayIx rangeSizeinRangeindexrangeArray GHC.IOBaseIOIOArrayGHC.WordWord8HandleSTArrayGHC.ForeignPtr ForeignPtr