{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Language.ArrayForth.Interpreter where

import           Data.Bits                         (bit, bitSize, complement,
                                                    shift, testBit, xor, (.&.),

import           Language.ArrayForth.NativeProgram
import           Language.ArrayForth.Opcode
import           Language.ArrayForth.State

-- | Runs a single word's worth of instructions starting from the given state.
word :: Instrs -> State -> State
word (Instrs a b c d) state   = let s₁ = execute a state
                                    s₂ = if endWord a then s₁ else execute b s₁
                                    s₃ = if endWord a || endWord b
                                         then s₂ else execute c s₂ in
                                if endWord a || endWord b || endWord c then s₃ else execute d s₃
word (Jump3 a b c addr) state = let s₁ = execute a state
                                    s₂ = if endWord a then s₁ else execute b s₁ in
                                if endWord a || endWord b then s₂ else jump c addr s₂
word (Jump2 a b addr) state   = let s' = execute a state in
                                if endWord a then s' else jump b addr s'
word (Jump1 a addr) state     = jump a addr state
word (Constant _) _           = error "Cannot execute a constant!"

-- | Executes a single instruction in the given state, incrementing
-- the program counter.
step :: State -> State
step state@State {p} = word (next state) $ state {p = p + 1, i = toBits $ next state}

-- | Returns a trace of the program's execution. The trace is a list
-- of the state of the chip after each step.
traceProgram :: State -> [State]
traceProgram = iterate step

-- | Trace a program until it either hits four nops or all 0s.
stepProgram :: State -> [State]
stepProgram = takeWhile (not . done) . traceProgram
  where done state = i state == 0x39ce7 || i state == 0

-- | Runs the program unil it hits a terminal state, returning only
-- the resulting state.
eval :: State -> State
eval state = last $ state : stepProgram state

-- | Executes the specified program on the given state until it hits a
-- "terminal" word--a word made up of four nops or all 0s.
runNativeProgram :: State -> NativeProgram -> State
runNativeProgram start program = eval $ setProgram 0 program start

-- | Estimates the execution time of a program trace.
countTime :: [State] -> Double
countTime = runningTime . map (fromBits . i)

-- | Checks that the program trace terminated in at most n steps,
-- returning Nothing otherwise.
throttle :: Int -> [State] -> Either [State] [State]
throttle n state | null res       = Right [startState]
                 | length res == n = Left res
                 | otherwise      = Right res
  where res = take n state

-- | Does the given opcode cause the current word to stop executing?
endWord :: Opcode -> Bool
endWord = (`elem` [Ret, Exec, Jmp, Call, Unext, Next, If, MinusIf])

-- | Executes an opcode on the given state.
execute :: Opcode -> State -> State
execute op state@State {a, b, p, r, s, t, memory} = case op of
  Ret          -> fst . rpop $ state {p = r}
  Exec         -> state {r = p, p = r}
  Unext        -> if r == 0 then fst $ rpop state else state {r = r - 1, p = p - 1}
  FetchP       -> dpush (state {p = p + 1}) $ memory ! p
  FetchPlus    -> dpush (state {a = a + 1}) $ memory ! a
  FetchB       -> dpush state $ memory ! b
  Fetch        -> dpush state $ memory ! a
  StoreP       -> state' {p = p + 1, memory = set memory p top}
  StorePlus    -> state' {a = a + 1, memory = set memory a top}
  StoreB       -> state' {memory = set memory b top}
  Store        -> state' {memory = set memory a top}
  MultiplyStep -> multiplyStep
  Times2       -> state {t = t `shift` 1}
  Div2         -> state {t = t `shift` (-1)}
  Not          -> state {t = complement t}
  Plus         -> state' {t = s + t}
  And          -> state' {t = s .&. t}
  Or           -> state' {t = s `xor` t}
  Drop         -> fst $ dpop state
  Dup          -> dpush state t
  Pop          -> let (s', res) = rpop state in dpush s' res
  Over         -> dpush state s
  ReadA        -> dpush state a
  Nop          -> state
  Push         -> rpush state' top
  SetB         -> state' {b = top}
  SetA         -> state' {a = top}
  _            -> error "Cannot jump without an address!"
  where (state', top) = dpop state
          | even a    = let t0  = (t .&. 1) `shift` (bitSize t - 1) in
                        state { a = t0 .|. a `shift` (-1)
                              , t = t .&. bit 17 .|. t `shift` (-1)}
          | otherwise = let sum0 = (s + t) `shift` (bitSize t - 1)
                            sum17 = (s + t) .&. bit 17 in
                        state { a = sum0 .|. a `shift` (-1)
                              , t = sum17 .|. (s + t) `shift` (-1) }

-- | Execute a jump instruction to the given address.
jump :: Opcode -> F18Word -> State -> State
jump op addr state@State{p, r, t} = case op of
  Jmp     -> state {p = addr}
  Call    -> (rpush state p) {p = addr}
  Next    -> if r == 0 then fst $ rpop state else state {r = r - 1, p = addr}
  If      -> if t /= 0 then state {p = addr} else state
  MinusIf -> if t `testBit` pred (bitSize (0 :: F18Word)) then state else state {p = addr}
  _       -> error "Non-jump instruction given a jump address!"