{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , StandaloneDeriving  #-}
{-| The CLTokens module describes non-overlapping classes of strings that are
    useful for disambiguating arguments to command line programs. Many common
    string formats -- environment variable assignments, URLs, option strings --
    are recognized by this module's utilities.
module System.Posix.ARX.CLI.CLTokens where

import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import Data.Either
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 ( char8, choice, decimal, endOfInput, inClass,
                               isDigit, parseOnly, Parser, satisfy, string,
                               takeWhile, takeWhile1, try )

{-| Non-overlapping classes of command line argument strings.
data Class = EnvBinding    -- ^ An 'EnvBinding' has the form
                           --   @<shell var name>=<string>@. For example,
                           --   @SENDIN=the_clowns@.
           | QualifiedPath -- ^ A 'QualifiedPath' is a file path starting with
                           --   @/@, @./@, or @../@.
           | DashDash      -- ^ A 'DashDash' is a string of two dashes, @--@,
                           --   commonly used to indicate the end of options
                           --   processing.
           | LongOption    -- ^ A 'LongOption' is a string beginning with two
                           --   dashes and then at least one non-dash.
           | Dash          -- ^ A 'Dash' is a single dash, @-@, commonly used
                           --   to indicate input from @stdin@ or output to
                           --   @stdout@.
           | ShortOption   -- ^ A 'ShortOption' is a beginning with a dash and
                           --   then at least one non-dash.
           | URL           -- ^ A 'URL' is a scheme, separated from the
                           --   resource, represented as an arbitrary string,
                           --   by @://@. The scheme consists of ASCII,
                           --   lower-case letters and digits, and may be
                           --   multi-part, with each part separated by a @+@
                           --   or @/@ (for example, @git+ssh@). An example
                           --   URL: @http://example.com/?q=special@.
           | HexNum        -- ^ A 'HexNum' is a sequence of hexadecimal
                           --   digits, upper or lower case, beginning with
                           --   @0x@; for example: @0x01a3@.
           | DecimalNum    -- ^ A 'DecimalNum' is a string of decimal digits:
                           --   @123123@.
           | Size          -- ^ A 'Size' is a decimal number followed by a
                           --   multiplicative suffix, in the manner of @dd@
                           --   or @head@. Note that counts in terms of bytes
                           --   require @B@ (unlike @dd@ or @head@). For a
                           --   full list of suffixes, see 'sizes' below.
deriving instance Eq Class
deriving instance Ord Class
deriving instance Show Class

{-| Determine if a particular 'ByteString' matches the given 'Class' of token.
match                       ::  Class -> ByteString -> Bool
match                        =  (e2b .) . parseOnly . recognizer
  e2b (Left _)               =  False
  e2b (Right _)              =  True

{-| Determine if a particular 'ByteString' matches any 'Class' of token.
recognize                   ::  ByteString -> Maybe Class
recognize                    =  e2m . parseOnly (choice recognizers)
  e2m (Left _)               =  Nothing
  e2m (Right x)              =  Just x
  recognizeIt x              =  x <$ recognizer x
  recognizers                =  recognizeIt <$> [ EnvBinding,
                                                  DecimalNum ]

{-| A ByteString stand-in that demoes each token class.
exemplar                    ::  Class -> ByteString
exemplar cls                 =  case cls of
  EnvBinding                ->  "VAR=value"
  QualifiedPath             ->  "./qualified/path"
  DashDash                  ->  "--"
  LongOption                ->  "--long-option"
  Dash                      ->  "-"
  ShortOption               ->  "-shortopt"
  URL                       ->  "scheme://url-to-resource"
  HexNum                    ->  "0xA12FE"
  DecimalNum                ->  "0123456789"
  Size                      ->  "4MiB"

{-| The recognizer appropriate to each token class. Parses successfully if a
    the token class is recognized, returning '()'. Most token types are
    defined in terms of a prefix of the input -- for example, 'QualifiedPath'
    -- and the parsers for these tokens naturally return as soon as the prefix
    is recognized.
recognizer                  ::  Class -> Parser ()
recognizer cls               =  case cls of
  EnvBinding                ->  () <$ do satisfy varFirst
                                         takeWhile varBody
                                         char8 '='
  QualifiedPath             ->  () <$ do string "/" <|> string "./"
                                                    <|> string "../"
  DashDash                  ->  string "--" *> endOfInput
  LongOption                ->  () <$ (string "--" >> satisfy (/= '-'))
  Dash                      ->  char8 '-' *> endOfInput
  ShortOption               ->  () <$ (char8 '-' >> satisfy (/= '-'))
  URL                       ->  () <$ do takeWhile1 isURLSchemeChar
                                         many $ do char8 '+' <|> char8 '/'
                                                   takeWhile1 isURLSchemeChar
                                         string "://"
  HexNum                    ->  string "0x" >> takeWhile1 isHexDigit
                                            *> endOfInput
  DecimalNum                ->  takeWhile1 isDigit *> endOfInput
  Size                      ->  () <$ size

schemeSeparator              =  char8 '+' <|> char8 '/'

varFirst                     =  inClass "a-zA-Z_"

varBody                      =  inClass "a-zA-Z_0-9"

isLongOptionChar             =  inClass "a-zA-Z0-9-"

isShortOptionChar            =  inClass "a-zA-Z0-9!?"

isSchemeChar                 =  inClass "a-z0-9"

isHexDigit                   =  inClass "0-9a-fA-F"

isURLSchemeChar              =  inClass "a-z0-9"

{-| A map from suffixes to sizes, following the conventions of command line
    tools (GNU @dd@ or @head@ and many others) as well as the standard for
    binary sizes established by the IEC.
  B       =    1
  K = KiB = 1024B   kB = 1000B
  M = MiB = 1024K   MB = 1000kB
  G = GiB = 1024M   GB = 1000MB
  T = TiB = 1024G   TB = 1000GB
  P = PiB = 1024T   PB = 1000TB
  E = EiB = 1024P   EB = 1000PB
  Z = ZiB = 1024E   ZB = 1000EB
  Y = YiB = 1024Z   YB = 1000ZB
sizes                       ::  Map ByteString Integer
sizes                        =  Map.fromList
                                 [ ("B", 1),
                                   ("K", 2^10), ("KiB", 2^10), ("kB", 10^03),
                                   ("M", 2^20), ("MiB", 2^20), ("MB", 10^06),
                                   ("G", 2^30), ("GiB", 2^30), ("GB", 10^09),
                                   ("T", 2^40), ("TiB", 2^40), ("TB", 10^12),
                                   ("P", 2^50), ("PiB", 2^50), ("PB", 10^15),
                                   ("E", 2^60), ("EiB", 2^60), ("EB", 10^18),
                                   ("Z", 2^70), ("ZiB", 2^70), ("ZB", 10^21),
                                   ("Y", 2^80), ("YiB", 2^80), ("YB", 10^24) ]

{-| Parse a size, consuming the entire input string.
size                        ::  Parser Integer
size                         =  (*) <$> decimal <*> suffix
  asSuffix (k, v)            =  v <$ try (string k <* endOfInput)
  suffix                     =  choice (asSuffix <$> Map.toList sizes)

{-| Parse a size, consuming the entire input string, with the final result
    bounded by the maximum of a 'Bounded' type.
sizeBounded :: forall b . (Bounded b, Integral b) => Parser b
sizeBounded = fromInteger . min (toInteger (maxBound :: b)) <$> size