-- |
-- Module      : Data.ASN1.DER
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- A module containing ASN1 DER specification serialization/derialization tools
module Data.ASN1.DER
	( ASN1Class(..)
	, ASN1(..)
	, ASN1ConstructionType(..)

	-- * enumeratee to transform between ASN1 and raw
	, enumReadRaw
	, enumWriteRaw

	-- * enumeratee to transform between ASN1 and bytes
	, enumReadBytes
	, enumWriteBytes

	-- * iterate over common representation to an ASN1 stream
	, iterateFile
	, iterateByteString

	-- * DER serialize functions
	, decodeASN1Stream
	, encodeASN1Stream

	-- * DER serialize functions, deprecated
	, decodeASN1
	, decodeASN1s
	, encodeASN1
	, encodeASN1s
	) where

import Data.ASN1.Raw (ASN1Class(..), ASN1Length(..), ASN1Header(..), ASN1Event(..), ASN1Err(..))
import qualified Data.ASN1.Raw as Raw

import Data.ASN1.Prim
import Data.ASN1.Types (ofStream, toStream, ASN1t)

import qualified Data.ASN1.BER as BER

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Exception

import Data.Enumerator (Iteratee, Enumeratee, ($$), (>>==))
import Data.Enumerator.IO
import qualified Data.Enumerator as E

{- | Check if the length is the minimum possible and it's not indefinite -}
checkLength :: ASN1Length -> Maybe ASN1Err
checkLength LenIndefinite = Just $ ASN1PolicyFailed "DER" "indefinite length not allowed"
checkLength (LenShort _)  = Nothing
checkLength (LenLong n i)
	| n == 1 && i < 0x80  = Just $ ASN1PolicyFailed "DER" "long length should be a short length"
	| n == 1 && i >= 0x80 = Nothing
	| otherwise           = if i >= 2^((n-1)*8) && i < 2^(n*8)
		then Nothing
		else Just $ ASN1PolicyFailed "DER" "long length is not shortest"

checkRawDER :: Monad m => Enumeratee Raw.ASN1Event Raw.ASN1Event m a
checkRawDER = E.checkDone $ \k -> k (E.Chunks []) >>== loop
		loop = E.checkDone go
		go k = E.head >>= \x -> case x of
			Nothing -> k (E.Chunks []) >>== return
			Just l  -> case tyCheck l of
				Nothing  -> k (E.Chunks [l]) >>== loop
				Just err -> E.throwError err
		tyCheck (Header (ASN1Header _ _ _ len)) = checkLength len
		tyCheck _                               = Nothing

{- | enumReadRaw is an enumeratee from raw events to asn1 -}
enumReadRaw :: Monad m => Enumeratee Raw.ASN1Event ASN1 m a
enumReadRaw = \f -> E.joinI (checkRawDER $$ BER.enumReadRaw f)

{- | enumWriteRaw is an enumeratee from asn1 to raw events -}
enumWriteRaw :: Monad m => Enumeratee ASN1 Raw.ASN1Event m a
enumWriteRaw = BER.enumWriteRaw

{-| enumReadBytes is an enumeratee converting from bytestring to ASN1
  it transforms chunks of bytestring into chunks of ASN1 objects -}
enumReadBytes :: Monad m => Enumeratee ByteString ASN1 m a
enumReadBytes = \f -> E.joinI (Raw.enumReadBytes $$ (BER.enumReadRaw f))

{-| enumWriteBytes is an enumeratee converting from ASN1 to bytestring.
  it transforms chunks of ASN1 objects into chunks of bytestring  -}
enumWriteBytes :: Monad m => Enumeratee ASN1 ByteString m a
enumWriteBytes = \f -> E.joinI (enumWriteRaw $$ (Raw.enumWriteBytes f))

{-| iterate over a file using a file enumerator. -}
iterateFile :: FilePath -> Iteratee ASN1 IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
iterateFile path p = E.run (enumFile path $$ E.joinI $ enumReadBytes $$ p)

{-| iterate over a bytestring using a list enumerator over each chunks -}
iterateByteString :: Monad m => L.ByteString -> Iteratee ASN1 m a -> m (Either SomeException a)
iterateByteString bs p = E.run (E.enumList 1 (L.toChunks bs) $$ E.joinI $ enumReadBytes $$ p)

{-| decode a lazy bytestring as an ASN1 stream -}
decodeASN1Stream :: L.ByteString -> Either ASN1Err [ASN1]
decodeASN1Stream l =
	case runIdentity (iterateByteString l E.consume) of
		Left err -> Left (maybe (ASN1ParsingFail "unknown") id $ fromException err)
		Right x  -> Right x

{-| encode an ASN1 Stream as lazy bytestring -}
encodeASN1Stream :: [ASN1] -> Either ASN1Err L.ByteString
encodeASN1Stream l =
	case runIdentity $ E.run (E.enumList 1 l $$ E.joinI $ enumWriteBytes $$ E.consume) of
		Left err -> Left (maybe (ASN1ParsingFail "unknown") id $ fromException err)
		Right x  -> Right $ L.fromChunks x

{-# DEPRECATED decodeASN1s "use stream types with decodeASN1Stream" #-}
decodeASN1s :: L.ByteString -> Either ASN1Err [ASN1t]
decodeASN1s = either (Left) (Right . ofStream) . decodeASN1Stream

{-# DEPRECATED decodeASN1 "use stream types with decodeASN1Stream" #-}
decodeASN1 :: L.ByteString -> Either ASN1Err ASN1t
decodeASN1 = either (Left) (Right . head . ofStream) . decodeASN1Stream

{-# DEPRECATED encodeASN1s "use stream types with encodeASN1Stream" #-}
encodeASN1s :: [ASN1t] -> L.ByteString
encodeASN1s s = case encodeASN1Stream $ toStream s of
	Left err -> error $ show err
	Right x  -> x

{-# DEPRECATED encodeASN1 "use stream types with encodeASN1Stream" #-}
encodeASN1 :: ASN1t -> L.ByteString
encodeASN1 s = case encodeASN1Stream $ toStream [s] of
	Left err -> error $ show err
	Right x  -> x