{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

{- |

'Text' versions of Smtp operations.

This module does not validate that your text
satisfies the requirements of the relevant RFCs -- see the note in
about "permissible characters". In general, unless you are using
an SMTP extension, your text must consist of 7-bit clean ASCII.

== Example code

Short example (which will work if you have an SMTP server
running on local port 2025):
(see the
<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/assumpta/src/examples/ examples>
directory for a copy of the code):

> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> -- Program that runs a short SMTP session
> -- with a server running on local port 2025.
> module Main where
> import           Data.Monoid
> import qualified Data.Text as T
> import Network.BSD (getHostName) -- requires 'network' package
> import Network.Mail.Assumpta.Text
> sampleMesg :: T.Text
> sampleMesg = T.intercalate crlf [
>     "Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 02:28:37 +0800"
>   , "To: neddie.seagoon@gmail.com"
>   , "From: jim.moriarty@gmail.com"
>   , "Subject: test Tue, 21 Jan 2020 02:28:37 +0800"
>   , ""
>   , "Sapristi nyuckoes!"
>   ]
> -- The sender and recipient supplied to the
> -- SMTP server are what is used to route the
> -- message; any 'To:' and 'From:' fields
> -- in the message are completely ignored for this
> -- purpose.
> sender, recipient :: T.Text
> sender = "somesender@mycorp.com"
> recipient = "somerecipient@mozilla.org"
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   let  
>       port = 2025
>   hostname <- getHostName
>   print =<< runSmtp "localhost" port (do
>           expectGreeting
>           ehlo $ T.pack hostname
>           -- Properly, we should escape periods at the start of a
>           -- line. But we know there aren't any
>           sendRawMail sender [recipient] sampleMesg
>           quit)

== Alternatives to "connection"

If you want to use other network libraries besides
<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/connection connection>,
it should be pretty straightforward to adapt the code here.

If you want to use stream-like IO, one possibility is
the <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/conduit-connection  conduit-connection> package,
which provides Conduit-based sources and sinks on top of "Network.Connection".


module Network.Mail.Assumpta.Text
    -- * Run Smtp actions
    -- | Run actions in the 'MonadSmtp' monad.
  , ABS.runSecureSmtp
  , ABS.runSmtpWithParams
  , ABS.runSmtpHandle
    -- * MonadError variants
    -- | Instead of returning an Either, these run in MonadError --
    -- thus the caller can specialize them to a 'Maybe', 'Either',
    -- or some other 'MonadError' instance as desired.
  , ABS.runSmtp'
  , ABS.runSecureSmtp'
  , ABS.runSmtpWithParams'
  , ABS.runSmtpHandle'
    -- * SMTP commands
    -- | Functions for sending commands
    -- to an SMTP server. In general, these are wrappers around
    -- 'command' and 'expect' -- they send some command,
    -- and try to parse a response (throwing an 'SmtpError'
    -- on failure).
    -- See the "Network.Mail.Assumpta.ByteString" module for
    -- documentation of each function.
  , helo
  , ehlo
  , mailFrom
  , rcptTo
  , data_
  , ABS.noop
  , ABS.quit
  , ABS.rset
  , ABS.startTLS
  , expn
  , vrfy
  , help
  , sendRawMail
  , simpleMail
    -- * Server responses
  , ABS.expect
  , ABS.expectGreeting
    -- * Low-level operations and types
  , ABS.command
  , ABS.Reply
  , ABS.ReplyLine(..)
  , ABS.ReplyCode
  , ABS.SmtpError(..)
    -- * Monad transformer
    -- | A monad transformer, 'SmtpT', which provides the ability to
    -- send SMTP commands and parse replies, together with operations
    -- on the transformer.
  , ABS.SmtpT
  , ABS.Smtp
  , ABS.liftSmtpT
  , ABS.mapSmtpT
    -- * Network operations
  , ABS.open
  , ABS.openTls
  , ABS.openParams
  , ABS.close
  , ABS.withHandle
  , ABS.withSecureHandle
  , ABS.withHandleParams
  , ABS.HostName
  , ABS.Port
  , ABS.Handle(..)
  , ABS.defaultTLSSettings
  , send
  , sendLine
    -- * Utility functions
  , toCrLf
  , ABS.rethrow
  , ABS.mkParams
  , ABS.toIOError
  , ABS.crlf
  , escapePeriods

import           Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import           Data.Foldable (toList)
import           Data.Monoid -- needed for early versions of Base
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Text ( Text )
import           Data.Text.Encoding ( encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8 )
import           Data.Text.Lazy (fromStrict)
import qualified Network.Mail.Mime as MM ( Address(..), simpleMail
                                         , renderMail' )

import qualified Network.Mail.Assumpta.ByteString as ABS

import           Network.Mail.Assumpta.MonadSmtp ( MonadSmtp )
import qualified Network.Mail.Assumpta.MonadSmtp as M

-- | See 'M.helo'
helo :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m ()
helo =  M.helo . encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.ehlo'
ehlo :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m ()
ehlo =  M.ehlo . encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.mailFrom'
mailFrom :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m ()
mailFrom =  M.mailFrom . encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.rcptTo'
rcptTo :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m ()
rcptTo =  M.rcptTo . encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.data_'
data_ :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m ()
data_ =  M.data_ . encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.expn'
expn :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m M.Reply
expn =  M.expn . encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.vrfy'
vrfy :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m M.Reply
vrfy =  M.vrfy . encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.help'
help :: MonadSmtp m => Maybe Text -> m M.Reply
help = M.help . fmap encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.send'
send :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m ()
send =  M.send . encodeUtf8

-- | See 'M.sendLine'
sendLine :: MonadSmtp m => Text -> m ()
sendLine =  M.sendLine . encodeUtf8

-- | replace newlines (@\'\\n'@) with crlf sequence (@\'\\r\\n'@).
toCrLf :: Text -> Text
toCrLf txt = T.intercalate M.crlf $ T.lines txt

-- | Where a period ('.') character starts a (crlf-delimited)
-- line, replace it with two periods.
escapePeriods :: Text -> Text
escapePeriods txt =
    T.concat $ map escapeLine $ T.splitOn M.crlf txt
    escapeLine t =
      if "." `T.isPrefixOf` t
      then "." <> t
      else t

-- | see 'ABS.sendRawMail'. 
sendRawMail ::
  (MonadSmtp m, Foldable t) => Text -> t Text -> Text -> m ()
sendRawMail sender recipients message =
  let sender' = encodeUtf8 sender
      recipients' = map encodeUtf8 (toList recipients)
      message'    = encodeUtf8 message
  in  ABS.sendRawMail sender' recipients' message'

-- | A simple interface for generating an email with HTML and plain-text
-- alternatives and some file attachments and sending it via an
-- SMTP server.
-- Uses lazy IO for reading in the attachment contents. Simple wrapper
-- around 'MM.renderMail''. /Caution/: Not tested, use with care.
-- Likely to change.
-- sample use:
-- @ 
-- > import qualified Network.Mail.Mime as MM
-- > :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- > :{
--   let addr =  MM.Address (Just "joe") "joe@nowhere"
--       subj = "a test subject"
--       body = "a test body"
-- > :}
-- > simpleMail addr addr subj body "" [] "myserver.mydomain.com" "mail.yourserver.org" 2025
-- @
{-# WARNING simpleMail "experimental, likely to change" #-}
simpleMail :: MM.Address -- ^ to
           -> MM.Address -- ^ from
           -> T.Text -- ^ subject
           -> T.Text -- ^ plain body
           -> T.Text -- ^ HTML body
           -> [(T.Text, FilePath)] -- ^ content type and path of attachments
           -> String  -- ^ qualified name of local host
           -> String  -- ^ SMTP server to connect to
           -> Int -- ^ Port of SMTP server
           -> IO (T.Text, Either M.SmtpError ())
simpleMail to from subject plainBody htmlBody attachments localHost server port =
    let plainBody' = fromStrict plainBody
        htmlBody'  = fromStrict htmlBody
    mail <- escape . toStrict <$> (MM.renderMail' =<<
              MM.simpleMail to from subject plainBody' htmlBody' attachments)
    let mail' = if crlf `T.isSuffixOf` mail
                then mail <> "." <> crlf
                else mail <> crlf <> "." <> crlf
        to'   = MM.addressEmail to
        from' = MM.addressEmail from
    res <- ABS.runSmtp server port $ do
      ehlo $ T.pack localHost
      sendRawMail from' [to'] mail'
    return (mail, res)
    escape = escapePeriods . toCrLf . decodeUtf8
    crlf   = ABS.crlf

----testX :: IO (Either SmtpError ())
--testX =
--  let addr =  MM.Address (Just "joe") "joe@place"
--      subj = "a test subj"
--      body = "a test body"
--  in  simpleMail addr addr subj body "" [] "myserver.lan" "localhost" 2025