Module: Data.Astro.Moon
Description: Calculation characteristics of the Moon
Copyright: Alexander Ignatyev, 2016

Calculation characteristics of the Moon.

= Example

import Data.Astro.Time.JulianDate
import Data.Astro.Coordinate
import Data.Astro.Types
import Data.Astro.Effects
import Data.Astro.CelestialObject.RiseSet
import Data.Astro.Moon

ro :: GeographicCoordinates
ro = GeoC (fromDMS 51 28 40) (-(fromDMS 0 0 5))

dt :: LocalCivilTime
dt = lctFromYMDHMS (DH 1) 2017 6 25 10 29 0

today :: LocalCivilDate
today = lcdFromYMD (DH 1) 2017 6 25

jd :: JulianDate
jd = lctUniversalTime dt

-- distance from the Earth to the Moon in kilometres
mdu :: MoonDistanceUnits
mdu = moonDistance1 j2010MoonDetails jd
-- MDU 0.9550170577020396

distance :: Double
distance = mduToKm mdu
-- 367109.51199772174

-- Angular Size
angularSize :: DecimalDegrees
angularSize = moonAngularSize mdu
-- DD 0.5425033990980761

-- The Moon's coordinates
position :: JulianDate -> EquatorialCoordinates1
position = moonPosition1 j2010MoonDetails

ec1 :: EquatorialCoordinates1
ec1 = position jd
-- EC1 {e1Declination = DD 18.706180658927323, e1RightAscension = DH 7.56710547682055}

hc :: HorizonCoordinates
hc = ec1ToHC ro jd ec1
-- HC {hAltitude = DD 34.57694951316064, hAzimuth = DD 103.91119101451832}

-- Rise and Set
riseSet :: RiseSetMB
riseSet = riseAndSet2 0.000001 position ro verticalShift today
-- RiseSet
--    (Just (2017-06-25 06:22:51.4858 +1.0,DD 57.81458864497365))
--    (Just (2017-06-25 22:28:20.3023 +1.0,DD 300.4168238905249))

-- Phase
phase :: Double
phase = moonPhase j2010MoonDetails jd
-- 2.4716141948212922e-2

sunEC1 :: EquatorialCoordinates1
sunEC1 = sunPosition2 jd
-- EC1 {e1Declination = DD 23.37339098989099, e1RightAscension = DH 6.29262026252748}

limbAngle :: DecimalDegrees
limbAngle = moonBrightLimbPositionAngle ec1 sunEC1
-- DD 287.9869373767473

module Data.Astro.Moon
  , moonDistance1
  , moonAngularSize
  , moonHorizontalParallax
  , moonPhase
  , moonBrightLimbPositionAngle


import qualified Data.Astro.Utils as U
import Data.Astro.Types (DecimalDegrees(..), toRadians, fromRadians)
import Data.Astro.Time.JulianDate (JulianDate(..), numberOfDays)
import Data.Astro.Coordinate (EquatorialCoordinates1(..), EclipticCoordinates(..), eclipticToEquatorial)
import Data.Astro.Planet (planetBrightLimbPositionAngle)
import Data.Astro.Sun (sunDetails, sunMeanAnomaly2, sunEclipticLongitude2)
import Data.Astro.Moon.MoonDetails (MoonDetails(..), MoonDistanceUnits(..), j2010MoonDetails)

-- | Reduce the value to the range [0, 360)
reduceDegrees :: DecimalDegrees -> DecimalDegrees
reduceDegrees = U.reduceToZeroRange 360

-- | Calculate Equatorial Coordinates of the Moon with the given MoonDetails and at the given JulianDate.
-- It is recommended to use 'j2010MoonDetails' as a first parameter.
moonPosition1 :: MoonDetails -> JulianDate -> EquatorialCoordinates1
moonPosition1 md ut =
  let sd = sunDetails ut
      lambdaS = sunEclipticLongitude2 sd
      ms = sunMeanAnomaly2 sd
      mmq = meanMoonQuantities md ut
      MQ lm'' _ nm' = correctedMoonQuantities lambdaS ms mmq
      a = toRadians $ lm''-nm'
      i = toRadians $ mdI md
      y = (sin a) * (cos i)
      x = cos a
      at = reduceDegrees $ fromRadians $ atan2 y x
      lambdaM = at + nm'
      betaM = fromRadians $ asin $ (sin a) * (sin i)
  in eclipticToEquatorial (EcC betaM lambdaM) ut

-- | Calculates the Moon's Distance at the given julian date.
-- Returns distance to the Moon
-- moonDistance1 :: JulianDate -> MoonDistanceUnits
-- you can use 'mduToKm' (defined in "Data.Astro.Moon.MoonDetails") to convert result to kilometers
moonDistance1 :: MoonDetails -> JulianDate -> MoonDistanceUnits
moonDistance1 md ut =
  let sd = sunDetails ut
      lambdaS = sunEclipticLongitude2 sd
      ms = sunMeanAnomaly2 sd
      mmq = meanMoonQuantities md ut
      cmq = correctedMoonQuantities lambdaS ms mmq
      mm' = toRadians $ mqAnomaly cmq
      ec = toRadians $ centreEquation mm'
      e = mdE md
  in MDU $ (1 - e*e)/(1+e*(cos(mm'+ec)))

-- | Calculate the Moon's angular size at the given distance.
moonAngularSize :: MoonDistanceUnits -> DecimalDegrees
moonAngularSize (MDU p) = (mdBigTheta j2010MoonDetails) / (DD p)

-- | Calculates the Moon's horizontal parallax at the given distance.
moonHorizontalParallax :: MoonDistanceUnits -> DecimalDegrees
moonHorizontalParallax (MDU p) = (mdPi j2010MoonDetails) / (DD p)

-- | Calculates the Moon's phase (the area of the visible segment expressed as a fraction of the whole disk)
-- at the given universal time.
moonPhase :: MoonDetails -> JulianDate -> Double
moonPhase md ut =
  let sd = sunDetails ut
      lambdaS = sunEclipticLongitude2 sd
      ms = sunMeanAnomaly2 sd
      mmq = meanMoonQuantities md ut
      MQ ml _ _ = correctedMoonQuantities lambdaS ms mmq
      d = toRadians $ ml - lambdaS
      f = 0.5 * (1 - cos d)
  in f

-- | Calculate the Moon's position-angle of the bright limb.
-- It takes the Moon's coordinates and the Sun's coordinates.
-- Position-angle is the angle of the midpoint of the illuminated limb
-- measured eastwards from the north point of the disk.
moonBrightLimbPositionAngle :: EquatorialCoordinates1 -> EquatorialCoordinates1 -> DecimalDegrees
moonBrightLimbPositionAngle = planetBrightLimbPositionAngle

-- | The Moon's quantities
-- Used to store intermidiate results
data MoonQuantities = MQ {
  mqLongitude :: DecimalDegrees        -- ^ the Moon's longitude
  , mqAnomaly :: DecimalDegrees        -- ^ the Moon's anomaly
  , mqAscendingNode :: DecimalDegrees  -- ^ the Moon's ascending node's longitude

-- | Calculates the Moon's mean quantities on the given date.
-- It takes the Moon's orbita details and julian date
meanMoonQuantities :: MoonDetails -> JulianDate -> MoonQuantities
meanMoonQuantities md ut =
  let d = DD $ numberOfDays (mdEpoch md) ut
      lm = reduceDegrees $ (mdL md) + 13.1763966*d  -- Moon's mean longitude
      mm = reduceDegrees $ lm - 0.1114041*d - (mdP md)  -- Moon's mean anomaly
      nm = reduceDegrees $ (mdN md) - 0.0529539*d  -- ascending node's mean longitude
  in MQ lm mm nm

-- | Calculates correction for the equation of the centre
-- It takes the Moon's corrected anomaly in radians
centreEquation :: Double -> DecimalDegrees
centreEquation mm = DD $ 6.2886 * (sin mm)

-- | Calculates the Moon's corrected longitude, anomaly and asceding node's longitude
-- It takes the Sun's longitude, the Sun's mean anomaly and the Moon's mean quantities
correctedMoonQuantities :: DecimalDegrees -> DecimalDegrees -> MoonQuantities -> MoonQuantities
correctedMoonQuantities lambdaS ms (MQ lm mm nm) =
  let ms' = toRadians ms
      c = lm - lambdaS
      ev = DD $ 1.2739 * (sin $ toRadians $ 2*c - mm)  -- correction for evection
      ae = DD $ 0.1858 * (sin ms')  -- correction for annual equation
      a3 = DD $ 0.37 * (sin ms')  -- third correction
      mm' = mm + (ev - ae - a3) -- Moon's corrected anomaly
      mm'' = toRadians mm'
      ec = centreEquation mm''  -- correction for the equation of the centre
      a4 = DD $ 0.214 * (sin $ 2*mm'') -- fourth correction term
      lm' = lm + (ev + ec -ae + a4) -- Moon's corrected longitude
      v = DD $ 0.6583 * (sin $ toRadians $ 2*(lm' - lambdaS))-- correction for variation
      lm'' = lm' + v -- Moon's true orbital longitude
      nm' = nm - (DD $ 0.16 * (sin ms')) -- ascending node's corrected longitude
  in MQ lm'' mm' nm'