module Language.Astview.GUI where -- base import Prelude hiding (writeFile) import Data.Maybe(fromJust,isJust) import Data.List (find,findIndex) import Control.Monad ((=<<),when,liftM,filterM) import Data.Char (toLower) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) -- io import System.IO (IOMode,withFile,hGetContents,IOMode(..),hPutStr,hClose) import System.IO.Error -- state import Data.IORef -- filepath import System.FilePath (takeExtension,splitFileName,pathSeparator,joinPath) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist) -- bytestring import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (hGetContents,unpack) -- containers import Data.Tree ( Tree(Node,rootLabel) ) -- gtk import Graphics.UI.Gtk -- (import all) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM -- glib import System.Glib.Signals (ConnectId) -- glade import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade -- (import all) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView -- (import all) -- gtksourceview import Graphics.UI.Gtk.SourceView -- (import all) -- commands import System.Cmd (rawSystem) -- astview-utils import Language.Astview.Parser -- generated on-the-fly by cabal import Paths_astview (getDataFileName,getDataDir) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Main GUI types and functions -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | a simple container type to ease access to GUI components data GUI = GUI { window :: Window -- ^ main window , tv :: TreeView -- ^ treeview , tb :: SourceBuffer -- ^ sourceview , rFile :: IORef String -- ^ current file , rChanged :: IORef Bool -- ^ true if file changed , rParsers:: IORef [Parser] -- ^ parsers , rCurParser :: IORef Parser -- ^ current parser , dlgOpen :: FileChooserDialog -- ^ filechooser (fc) , dlgSave :: FileChooserDialog -- ^ filechooser (save as) , dlgAbout :: AboutDialog -- ^ about dialog , btnOpenOpen :: Button -- ^ open button of the fc , btnOpenCancel :: Button -- ^ cancel button of the fc , btnSaveSave :: Button -- ^ save as button of dlg_SaveAs , btnSaveCancel :: Button -- ^ cancel button of dlg_SaveAs , entryName :: Entry -- ^ text entry of dlg_SaveAs , cbox :: ComboBox } -- | takes a reference to the compound GUI type and performs -- some action on the GUI. see section GUI-Actions below type GUIAction = GUI -> IO () -- | pairs a gtk-id with a GUIAction to easily map over all MenuItems type MenuAction = (String,GUIAction) -- | a list of pairs of gtk-ids and GUIActions menuActions :: [MenuAction] menuActions = [("mNew",actionEmptyGUI) ,("mOpen",actionDlgOpenRun) ,("mParse",actionReparse) ,("mSave",actionSave) ,("mSaveAs",actionDlgSaveRun) ,("mCut",actionCutSource) ,("mCopy",actionCopySource) ,("mPaste",actionPasteSource) ,("mDelete",actionDeleteSource) ,("mAbout",actionAbout) ,("mShowHelp",actionHelp) ,("mQuit",actionQuit) ] -- | builds the GUI buildGUI :: [Parser] -> IO GUI buildGUI parsers = do -- GTK init initGUI -- load GladeXML Just xml <- xmlNew =<< getDataFileName "data/" -- get or create widgets window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "mainWindow" treeview <- xmlGetWidget xml castToTreeView "treeview" tb <- buildSourceView =<< xmlGetWidget xml castToScrolledWindow "swSource" dlgOpen <-xmlGetWidget xml castToFileChooserDialog "dlgOpen" dlgSave <-xmlGetWidget xml castToFileChooserDialog "dlgSave" dlgAbout <-xmlGetWidget xml castToAboutDialog "dlgAbout" btnOpenOpen <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnOpenOpen" btnOpenCancel <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnOpenCancel" btnSaveSave <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnSaveSave" btnSaveCancel <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "btnSaveCancel" entryName <- xmlGetWidget xml castToEntry "entryName" -- storage for current file rFile <- newIORef unsavedDoc -- rChanged <- newIORef False -- storage for all parsers rParsers <- newIORef parsers -- storage for current parser rCurParser <- newIORef $ head parsers -- setup combobox vbox <- xmlGetWidget xml castToVBox "vboxMain" cbox <- comboBoxNewText containerAdd vbox cbox mapM_ (comboBoxAppendText cbox . buildLabel) parsers -- build compound datatype let gui = GUI { window=window , tv=treeview , tb=tb , rFile=rFile , rChanged=rChanged , rParsers=rParsers , rCurParser=rCurParser , dlgOpen=dlgOpen , dlgSave=dlgSave , dlgAbout=dlgAbout , btnOpenOpen=btnOpenOpen , btnOpenCancel=btnOpenCancel , btnSaveSave=btnSaveSave , btnSaveCancel=btnSaveCancel , entryName=entryName , cbox=cbox } -- get all menuitems from xml and register guiactions to them mapM_ (registerMenuAction xml gui) menuActions -- add hooks to buttons hooks gui -- finally return gui return gui -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** some helper functions -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |builds combobox label for a parser buildLabel :: Parser -> String buildLabel parser = name parser ++ " [" ++ concatMap (" "++) (exts parser) ++ "]" -- |suffix of window title suffix :: String suffix = " - astview" -- |unsaved document unsavedDoc :: String unsavedDoc = "Unsaved document" -- | setup the GtkSourceView and add it to the ScrollPane. return the -- underlying textbuffer buildSourceView :: ScrolledWindow -> IO SourceBuffer buildSourceView sw = do sourceBuffer <- sourceBufferNew Nothing sourceBufferSetHighlightSyntax sourceBuffer True sourceView <- sourceViewNewWithBuffer sourceBuffer sourceViewSetShowLineNumbers sourceView True sourceViewSetHighlightCurrentLine sourceView True srcfont <- fontDescriptionFromString "Monospace 10" widgetModifyFont sourceView (Just srcfont) containerAdd sw sourceView return sourceBuffer -- | registers one GUIAction with a MenuItem registerMenuAction :: GladeXML -> GUI -> MenuAction -> IO (ConnectId MenuItem) registerMenuAction xml gui (gtkId,guiaction) = do item <- xmlGetWidget xml castToMenuItem gtkId onActivateLeaf item (guiaction gui) -- | adds actions to some widgets hooks :: GUI -> IO (ConnectId Window) hooks gui = do -- filechooser open onClicked (btnOpenOpen gui) (actionLoadChooser gui) onClicked (btnOpenCancel gui) (widgetHide (dlgOpen gui) ) afterFileActivated (dlgOpen gui) (actionLoadChooser gui) -- filechooser save onClicked (btnSaveSave gui) (actionSaveAs gui) onClicked (btnSaveCancel gui) (widgetHide (dlgSave gui)) onUpdatePreview (dlgSave gui) (actionUpdateName gui) -- textbuffer onBufferChanged (tb gui) (actionBufferChanged gui) -- ctrl+p to reparse (window gui) `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do [Control] <- eventModifier "p" <- eventKeyName liftIO $ actionReparse gui (cbox gui) `on` changed $ do i <- comboBoxGetActive (cbox gui) parsers <- readIORef (rParsers gui) let parser = parsers!!i writeIORef (rCurParser gui) parser comboBoxSetActive (cbox gui) i actionParse (parser) gui (dlgAbout gui) `onResponse` (\ _ -> widgetHide (dlgAbout gui) ) (window gui) `on` deleteEvent $ tryEvent $ do liftIO $ actionQuit gui -- window onDestroy (window gui) mainQuit -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * GUI Actions -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** filemenu -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | resets the GUI, actionEmptyGUI :: GUIAction actionEmptyGUI gui = do maybeCol <- treeViewGetColumn (tv gui) 0 case maybeCol of Just col-> treeViewRemoveColumn (tv gui) col Nothing -> return undefined textBufferSetText (tb gui) "" writeIORef (rFile gui) unsavedDoc writeIORef (rChanged gui) False windowSetTitle (window gui) (unsavedDoc++suffix) -- | updates the sourceview with a given file, chooses a parser by -- extension and parses the file actionLoadHeadless :: FilePath -> GUIAction actionLoadHeadless file gui = catch (do parsers <- readIORef (rParsers gui) writeIORef (rFile gui) file contents <- withFile file ReadMode (fmap BS.unpack . BS.hGetContents) textBufferSetText (tb gui) contents let filename = snd $ splitFileName file windowSetTitle (window gui) (filename ++ suffix) let e = takeExtension file whenJust (find (elem e . exts) parsers) $ \parser -> do activateParser parser gui actionParse parser gui writeIORef (rChanged gui) False ) print -- | helper for loadHeadless activateParser :: Parser -> GUIAction activateParser parser gui = do writeIORef (rCurParser gui) parser parsers <- readIORef (rParsers gui) case findIndex (parser==) parsers of Just i -> comboBoxSetActive (cbox gui) i Nothing-> return () -- | helper for loadHeadless setupSyntaxHighlighting :: Parser -> GUIAction setupSyntaxHighlighting parser gui = do langManager <- sourceLanguageManagerGetDefault maybeLang <- sourceLanguageManagerGetLanguage langManager (map toLower (name parser)) case maybeLang of Just l -> do sourceBufferSetHighlightSyntax (tb gui) True sourceBufferSetLanguage (tb gui) l Nothing-> sourceBufferSetHighlightSyntax (tb gui) False -- | gets filename from filechooser and delegates to -- actionLoadHeadless actionLoadChooser :: GUIAction actionLoadChooser gui = do whenJustM (fileChooserGetFilename (dlgOpen gui)) $ \file -> do actionLoadHeadless file gui widgetHide (dlgOpen gui) -- | parses the contents of the sourceview with the selected parser actionParse :: Parser -> GUIAction actionParse parser gui = do writeIORef (rCurParser gui) parser sourceBufferSetHighlightSyntax (tb gui) True setupSyntaxHighlighting parser gui plain <- getText gui maybeCol <- treeViewGetColumn (tv gui) 0 case maybeCol of Just col-> treeViewRemoveColumn (tv gui) col Nothing -> return (-1) let tree' = (tree parser) plain model <- treeStoreNew [Node "" [tree']] treeViewSetModel (tv gui) model col <- treeViewColumnNew renderer <- cellRendererTextNew cellLayoutPackStart col renderer True cellLayoutSetAttributes col renderer model (\row -> [ cellText := row ] ) treeViewAppendColumn (tv gui) col return () -- |saves file to url saved in clipboard actionSave :: GUIAction actionSave gui = do file <- readIORef (rFile gui) text <- getText gui actionSaveWorker gui text file -- |saves curren file if a file is active or calls "save as"-dialog actionSaveWorker :: GUI -> String -> String -> IO () actionSaveWorker gui plain file = case file of "Unsaved document" -> actionDlgSaveRun gui otherwise -> do deleteStar gui writeIORef (rChanged gui) False writeFile file plain -- |saves file with filename given by textentry actionSaveAs :: GUIAction actionSaveAs gui = whenJustM (fileChooserGetCurrentFolder (dlgSave gui)) $ \path -> do name <- entryGetText (entryName gui) let filepath = (path++[pathSeparator]++name) writeIORef (rFile gui) filepath writeIORef (rChanged gui) False writeFile filepath =<< getText gui windowSetTitle (window gui) (name++suffix) widgetHide (dlgSave gui) -- |updates the textview after selecting a file in save as filechooser actionUpdateName :: GUIAction actionUpdateName gui = do whenJustM (fileChooserGetFilename (dlgSave gui)) $ \ path -> do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist path when (not isDir) $ let (_,file) = splitFileName path in entrySetText (entryName gui) file -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** edit menu -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |moves selected source to clipboard (cut) actionCutSource :: GUIAction actionCutSource gui = do actionCopySource gui actionDeleteSource gui -- |copies selected source to clipboard actionCopySource :: GUIAction actionCopySource gui = do (start,end) <- textBufferGetSelectionBounds (tb gui) clipBoard <- clipboardGet selectionClipboard clipboardSetText clipBoard =<< textBufferGetText (tb gui) start end True -- |pastes text from clipboard at current cursor position actionPasteSource :: GUIAction actionPasteSource gui = do clipBoard <- clipboardGet selectionClipboard clipboardRequestText clipBoard (insertAt (tb gui)) where insertAt :: SourceBuffer -> Maybe String -> IO () insertAt tb m = whenJust m (textBufferInsertAtCursor tb) -- |deletes selected source actionDeleteSource :: GUIAction actionDeleteSource gui = textBufferDeleteSelection (tb gui) False False >> return () -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** help menu -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | shows the help dialog actionHelp :: GUIAction actionHelp gui = do helpfile <- getDataFileName "data/astview.html" dir <- getDataDir rawSystem "firefox" [joinPath [dir,helpfile]] return () -- | launches info dialog actionAbout :: GUIAction actionAbout gui = do aboutDialogSetUrlHook (\_ -> return ()) licensefile <- getDataFileName "data/LICENSE.unwrapped" contents <- catch (withFile licensefile ReadMode ((fmap BS.unpack) . BS.hGetContents)) (\ioe -> return $ "Err" ++ (show ioe)) aboutDialogSetWrapLicense (dlgAbout gui) True aboutDialogSetLicense (dlgAbout gui) (Just contents) widgetShow (dlgAbout gui) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** other actions and helpers -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |similar to *when*. whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m () whenJust m action = when (isJust m) ((action.fromJust) m) -- |similar to *whenJust*, but value is inside a monad whenJustM :: Monad m => m(Maybe a) -> (a -> m ()) -> m () whenJustM val action = do m <- val when (isJust m) ((action.fromJust) m) -- | adds '*' to window title if file changed and sets state actionBufferChanged :: GUIAction actionBufferChanged gui = do writeIORef (rChanged gui) True t <- windowGetTitle (window gui) when (head t /= '*') (windowSetTitle (window gui) ('*':t)) -- | destroys window widget actionQuit :: GUIAction actionQuit gui = do changed <- readIORef (rChanged gui) if changed then do dia <- dialogNew dialogAddButton dia stockYes ResponseYes dialogAddButton dia stockNo ResponseNo dialogAddButton dia stockCancel ResponseCancel contain <- dialogGetUpper dia windowSetTitle dia "astview" containerSetBorderWidth dia 2 file <- readIORef (rFile gui) lbl <- labelNew (Just $ "Save changes to document \""++ (snd $ splitFileName file) ++ "\" before closing?") boxPackStartDefaults contain lbl widgetShowAll dia response <- dialogRun dia case response of ResponseYes -> actionSave gui ResponseCancel -> return () ResponseNo -> widgetDestroy (window gui) widgetHide dia else widgetDestroy (window gui) -- | launches open dialog actionDlgOpenRun :: GUIAction actionDlgOpenRun gui = dialogRun (dlgOpen gui) >> return () -- | launches save dialog actionDlgSaveRun :: GUIAction actionDlgSaveRun gui = do setupDlgSave gui =<< readIORef (rFile gui) dialogRun (dlgSave gui) >> return () -- |set current directory and filename in dlgSave (setup) setupDlgSave :: GUI -> String -> IO () setupDlgSave gui s = do let (dir,file) = splitFileName s fileChooserSetFilename (dlgSave gui) dir entrySetText (entryName gui) file -- |applies current parser to current sourcebuffer actionReparse :: GUIAction actionReparse gui = do parser <- readIORef (rCurParser gui) activateParser parser gui actionParse parser gui -- |removes @*@ from window title if existing deleteStar :: GUIAction deleteStar gui = do t <- windowGetTitle (window gui) when (head t == '*') (windowSetTitle (window gui) (tail t)) -- | helper for various text-processing actions getText :: GUI -> IO String getText gui = do start <- textBufferGetStartIter (tb gui) end <- textBufferGetEndIter (tb gui) textBufferGetText (tb gui) start end True -- |safe function to write files writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO () writeFile f str = catch (withFile f WriteMode (\h -> hPutStr h str >> hClose h)) (putStrLn . show)