{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

Module      : Snap.AtlassianConnect.HostRequest
Description : Allows you to easily make requests from your Atlassian Connect addon to the Host Application (like Jira or Confluence).
Copyright   : (c) Robert Massioli, 2014-2017
License     : APACHE-2
Maintainer  : rmassaioli@atlassian.com
Stability   : experimental

While writing Atlassian Connect applications you will often be in a situation where you want to query the Host Application
directly in a trusted way. This may be because:

* You are not making this request on behalf of a user. You are making it on behalf of your Addon. (Data ingestion etc.)
* You cannot trust the information that the Customer has given you. For example: don't trust the customer to tell you if they are an admin or not. Go directly to the Host application for that.

This module allows you to make HTTP requests to the host application and expect JSON responses. There are convinience
methods for GET, POST and PUT requests which make up the majority of the requests that you are going to make.

It is important to note that these requests are still restricted by the
<https://developer.atlassian.com/static/connect/docs/scopes/scopes.html scopes> that you have asked for in your
Atlassian Connect Descriptor.

For an example of usage: look at the httpGetRequest function.
module Snap.AtlassianConnect.HostRequest (
    -- * Host (Product) Request Helpers
    , hostGetRequest
    , hostPostRequest
    , hostPostRequestExtended
    , hostPutRequest
    , hostPutRequestExtended
    , StdMethod(..)
    , AC.ProductErrorResponse(..)
    -- * Request Modifiers
    , addHeader
    , setPostParams
    , setQueryParams
    , setBody
    , setBodyLazy
    , setJson
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class                as MI
import           Control.Monad.State                   (get)
import           Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString                       as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8                 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                  as BL
import           Data.Connect.Descriptor               as CD
import           Data.List                             (isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map                              as M
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text                             as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                    as T
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX                 as P
import           Data.Time.Units                       (Minute)
import           Data.TimeUnitUTC
import           GHC.Generics
import           Network.Api.Support
import           Network.HTTP.Client
import           Network.HTTP.Client.TLS               (tlsManagerSettings)
import           Network.HTTP.Types
import           Network.URI
import qualified Snap.AtlassianConnect.Data            as AC
import qualified Snap.AtlassianConnect.Instances       as AC
import qualified Snap.AtlassianConnect.QueryStringHash as QSH
import qualified Snap.AtlassianConnect.NetworkCommon   as AC
import qualified Snap.AtlassianConnect.Tenant          as AC
import qualified Snap.Snaplet                          as SS
import qualified Web.JWT                               as JWT

-- | This is a convinience method that calls 'hostRequest' as a GET method.
-- Here is an example of it being used to make a call for user details:
-- > jiraUserDetailsResponse <- hostGetRequest myConnectTenant Nothing "/rest/api/2/user" [("username", Just "admin")] mempty
-- This example assumes that you are using the OverloadedStrings LANGUAGE pragma and that you don't need to modify the request.
-- You might want to might want to modify the request for multiple reasons. Too add proxy details for example.
hostGetRequest :: FromJSON a => AC.Tenant -> Maybe AC.AccessToken -> B.ByteString -> [(B.ByteString, Maybe B.ByteString)] -> Endo Request -> SS.Handler b AC.Connect (Either AC.ProductErrorResponse a)
hostGetRequest = hostRequestWithContent GET

-- | This is a convinience method that calls 'hostRequest' as a POST method and requires that the
-- resource returns content.
hostPostRequest :: FromJSON a => AC.Tenant -> Maybe AC.AccessToken -> B.ByteString -> [(B.ByteString, Maybe B.ByteString)] -> Endo Request -> SS.Handler b AC.Connect (Either AC.ProductErrorResponse a)
hostPostRequest = hostRequestWithContent POST

-- | This is the same method as hostPostRequest except that if HTTP 204 No Content is returned then
-- you will get nothing instead of an error.
hostPostRequestExtended :: FromJSON a => AC.Tenant -> Maybe AC.AccessToken -> B.ByteString -> [(B.ByteString, Maybe B.ByteString)] -> Endo Request -> SS.Handler b AC.Connect (Either AC.ProductErrorResponse (Maybe a))
hostPostRequestExtended = hostRequest POST

-- | This is a convinience method that calls 'hostRequest' as a PUT method.
hostPutRequest :: FromJSON a => AC.Tenant -> Maybe AC.AccessToken -> B.ByteString -> [(B.ByteString, Maybe B.ByteString)] -> Endo Request -> SS.Handler b AC.Connect (Either AC.ProductErrorResponse a)
hostPutRequest = hostRequestWithContent PUT

-- | This is the same method as hostPutRequest except that if HTTP 204 No Content is returned then
-- you will get nothing instead of an error.
hostPutRequestExtended :: FromJSON a => AC.Tenant -> Maybe AC.AccessToken -> B.ByteString -> [(B.ByteString, Maybe B.ByteString)] -> Endo Request -> SS.Handler b AC.Connect (Either AC.ProductErrorResponse (Maybe a))
hostPutRequestExtended = hostRequest PUT

hostRequestWithContent :: FromJSON a => StdMethod -> AC.Tenant -> Maybe AC.AccessToken -> B.ByteString -> [(B.ByteString, Maybe B.ByteString)] -> Endo Request -> SS.Handler b AC.Connect (Either AC.ProductErrorResponse a)
hostRequestWithContent httpMethod tenant accessToken productRelativeUrl queryParams modifications = errorNoContent <$> hostRequest httpMethod tenant accessToken productRelativeUrl queryParams modifications

errorNoContent :: Either AC.ProductErrorResponse (Maybe a) -> Either AC.ProductErrorResponse a
errorNoContent (Left x) = Left x
errorNoContent (Right Nothing) = Left (AC.ProductErrorResponse 204 "We expected to get content back from this resource but instead we recieved no content.")
errorNoContent (Right (Just x)) = Right x

-- | As an Atlassian Connect application you will want to make requests of the Host Applicaiton (JIRA / Confluence)
-- so that you can get important information. This function lets you do so by doing most of the heavy lifting of
-- having to create a JWT token and a Query String Hash. It also asserts that you intended to get a JSON response.
-- You should use this method or the helper methods whenever you want to make requests of the host application.
hostRequest :: FromJSON a => StdMethod -> AC.Tenant -> Maybe AC.AccessToken -> B.ByteString -> [(B.ByteString, Maybe B.ByteString)] -> Endo Request -> SS.Handler b AC.Connect (Either AC.ProductErrorResponse (Maybe a))
hostRequest standardHttpMethod tenant Nothing productRelativeUrl queryParams requestModifications = do
    currentTime <- MI.liftIO P.getPOSIXTime
    pluginKey' <- fmap (CD.pluginKey . AC.connectPlugin) get
    case generateJWTToken pluginKey' currentTime (AC.sharedSecret tenant) standardHttpMethod productBaseUrl url of
        Nothing -> return . Left $ AC.ProductErrorResponse 500 "Failed to generate a JWT token to make the request. The request was never made: server error."
        (Just signature) -> MI.liftIO $ runRequest tlsManagerSettings standardHttpMethod url
            (  addHeader ("Accept", "application/json")
            <> addHeader ("Authorization", jwtPrefix `B.append` T.encodeUtf8 signature)
            <> requestModifications
            (basicResponder AC.responder)
        jwtPrefix :: B.ByteString
        jwtPrefix = BC.pack "JWT "

        url = T.decodeUtf8 $ BC.pack productBaseUrlString `B.append` productRelativeUrl `B.append` renderQuery True queryParams
        productBaseUrlString = show productBaseUrl
        productBaseUrl = AC.getURI . AC.baseUrl $ tenant
hostRequest standardHttpMethod tenant (Just (AC.AccessToken accessToken)) productRelativeUrl queryParams requestModifications = do
    MI.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Using bearer token: " ++ show accessToken
    MI.liftIO $ runRequest tlsManagerSettings standardHttpMethod url
        (  addHeader ("Accept", "application/json")
        <> addHeader ("Authorization", bearerPrefix `B.append` T.encodeUtf8 accessToken)
        <> requestModifications
        (basicResponder AC.responder)
        bearerPrefix :: B.ByteString
        bearerPrefix = BC.pack "Bearer "

        url = T.decodeUtf8 $ BC.pack productBaseUrlString `B.append` productRelativeUrl `B.append` renderQuery True queryParams
        productBaseUrlString = show . AC.getURI . AC.baseUrl $ tenant

generateJWTToken :: CD.PluginKey -> P.POSIXTime -> T.Text -> StdMethod -> URI -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
generateJWTToken pluginKey' fromTime sharedSecret' method' ourURL requestURL = do
  queryStringHash <- QSH.createQueryStringHash method' ourURL requestURL
  return $ JWT.encodeSigned JWT.HS256 (JWT.secret sharedSecret') (createClaims pluginKey' fromTime queryStringHash)

createClaims :: CD.PluginKey -> P.POSIXTime -> T.Text -> JWT.JWTClaimsSet
createClaims (CD.PluginKey pluginKey) fromTime queryStringHash = JWT.JWTClaimsSet
    { JWT.iss = JWT.stringOrURI pluginKey
    , JWT.iat = JWT.numericDate fromTime
    , JWT.exp = JWT.numericDate expiryTime
    , JWT.sub = Nothing
    , JWT.aud = Nothing
    , JWT.nbf = Nothing
    , JWT.jti = Nothing
    , JWT.unregisteredClaims = M.fromList [("qsh", String queryStringHash)] 
        expiryTime :: P.POSIXTime
        expiryTime = fromTime + timeUnitToDiffTime expiryPeriod

        -- Our default expiry period when talking to the host product directly
        expiryPeriod :: Minute
        expiryPeriod = 1

-- Wrapper around another function
setPostParams :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Endo Request
setPostParams = setUrlEncodedBody