-- | Atom C code generation. module Language.Atom.Code ( Config (..) , writeC , defaults , cTypes , c99Types , RuleCoverage ) where import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Function import Data.Word import System.IO import Text.Printf import Unsafe.Coerce import Language.Atom.Analysis import Language.Atom.Elaboration import Language.Atom.Expressions import Language.Atom.Scheduling -- | C code configuration parameters. data Config = Config { cFuncName :: String -- ^ Alternative primary function name. Leave empty to use compile name. , cType :: Type -> String -- ^ C type naming rules. , cCode :: [Name] -> [Name] -> [(Name, Type)] -> (String, String) -- ^ Custom C code to insert above and below, given assertion names, coverage names, and probe names and types. , cRuleCoverage :: Bool -- ^ Enable rule coverage tracking. , cAssert :: Bool -- ^ Enable assertion checking. , cAssertName :: String -- ^ Name of assertion function. Type: void assert(int, cType Bool, cType Word64); , cCover :: Bool -- ^ Enable functional coverage accumulation. , cCoverName :: String -- ^ Name of coverage function. Type: void cover(int, cType Bool, cType Word64); } -- | Default C code configuration parameters (default function name, no pre/post code, ANSI C types). defaults :: Config defaults = Config { cFuncName = "" , cType = cTypes , cCode = \ _ _ _ -> ("", "") , cRuleCoverage = True , cAssert = True , cAssertName = "assert" , cCover = True , cCoverName = "cover" } showConst :: Const -> String showConst c = case c of CBool c -> if c then "1" else "0" CInt8 c -> show c CInt16 c -> show c CInt32 c -> show c ++ "L" CInt64 c -> show c ++ "LL" CWord8 c -> show c CWord16 c -> show c CWord32 c -> show c ++ "UL" CWord64 c -> show c ++ "ULL" CFloat c -> show c CDouble c -> show c -- | ANSI C type naming rules. cTypes :: Type -> String cTypes t = case t of Bool -> "unsigned char" Int8 -> "signed char" Int16 -> "signed short" Int32 -> "signed long" Int64 -> "signed long long" Word8 -> "unsigned char" Word16 -> "unsigned short" Word32 -> "unsigned long" Word64 -> "unsigned long long" Float -> "float" Double -> "double" -- | C99 type naming rules. c99Types :: Type -> String c99Types t = case t of Bool -> "uint8_t" Int8 -> "int8_t" Int16 -> "int16_t" Int32 -> "int32_t" Int64 -> "int64_t" Word8 -> "uint8_t" Word16 -> "uint16_t" Word32 -> "uint32_t" Word64 -> "uint64_t" Float -> "float" Double -> "double" codeUE :: Config -> [(UE, String)] -> String -> (UE, String) -> String codeUE config ues d (ue, n) = d ++ cType config (typeOf ue) ++ " " ++ n ++ " = " ++ basic operands ++ ";\n" where operands = map (fromJust . flip lookup ues) $ ueUpstream ue basic :: [String] -> String basic operands = concat $ case ue of UVRef (UV i n _) -> ["__v", show i, " /* ", n, " */ "] UVRef (UVArray (UA i n _) _) -> ["__a", show i, "[", a, "] /* ", n, " */ "] UVRef (UVArray (UAExtern n _) _) -> [n, "[", a, "]"] UVRef (UVExtern n _) -> [n] UCast _ _ -> ["(", cType config (typeOf ue), ") ", a] UConst c -> [showConst c] UAdd _ _ -> [a, " + ", b] USub _ _ -> [a, " - ", b] UMul _ _ -> [a, " * ", b] UDiv _ _ -> [a, " / ", b] UMod _ _ -> [a, " % ", b] UNot _ -> ["! ", a] UAnd _ -> intersperse " && " operands UBWNot _ -> ["~ ", a] UBWAnd _ _ -> [a, " & ", b] UBWOr _ _ -> [a, " | ", b] UShift _ n -> (if n >= 0 then [a, " << ", show n] else [a, " >> ", show (negate n)]) UEq _ _ -> [a, " == ", b] ULt _ _ -> [a, " < " , b] UMux _ _ _ -> [a, " ? " , b, " : ", c] UF2B _ -> ["*((", ct Word32, " *) &(", a, "))"] UD2B _ -> ["*((", ct Word64, " *) &(", a, "))"] UB2F _ -> ["*((", ct Float , " *) &(", a, "))"] UB2D _ -> ["*((", ct Double, " *) &(", a, "))"] where ct = cType config a = head operands b = operands !! 1 c = operands !! 2 type RuleCoverage = [(Name, Int, Int)] writeC :: Name -> Config -> Schedule -> [UV] -> [UA] -> [Name] -> [Name] -> [(Name, Type)] -> IO RuleCoverage writeC name config schedule uvs uas assertionNames coverageNames probeNames = do writeFile (name ++ ".c") c return [ (ruleName r, div (ruleId r) 32, mod (ruleId r) 32) | r <- rules ] where (preCode, postCode) = cCode config assertionNames coverageNames probeNames c = unlines [ preCode , "" , "static " ++ cType config Word64 ++ " __clock = 0;" , codeIf (cRuleCoverage config) $ "static const " ++ cType config Word32 ++ " __coverage_len = " ++ show covLen ++ ";" , codeIf (cRuleCoverage config) $ "static " ++ cType config Word32 ++ " __coverage[" ++ show covLen ++ "] = {" ++ (concat $ intersperse ", " $ replicate covLen "0") ++ "};" , codeIf (cRuleCoverage config) $ "static " ++ cType config Word32 ++ " __coverage_index = 0;" , concatMap (declUV config) uvs , concatMap (declUA config) uas , concatMap (codeRule config assertionNames coverageNames topo') $ rules , "void " ++ (if null (cFuncName config) then name else cFuncName config) ++ "(void) {" , concatMap (codePeriodPhase config) schedule , " __clock = __clock + 1;" , "}" , "" , postCode ] rules :: [Rule] rules = concat [ r | (_, _, r) <- schedule ] topo' = topo 0 covLen = 1 + div (maximum $ map ruleId rules) 32 codeIf :: Bool -> String -> String codeIf a b = if a then b else "" declUA :: Config -> UA -> String declUA _ (UAExtern _ _) = error "declUA" declUA config ua@(UA i n init) = concat ["static ", cType config (typeOf ua), " __a", show i, "[", show (length init), "] = {", intercalate "," (map formatConst init), "}; /* ", n, " */\n"] declUV :: Config -> UV -> String declUV _ (UVArray _ _) = error "declUV" declUV _ (UVExtern _ _) = error "declUV" declUV config (UV i n init) = concat ["static ", cType config (typeOf init), " __v", show i, " = ", formatConst init, "; /* ", n, " */\n"] formatConst :: Const -> String formatConst c = case c of CBool True -> "1" CBool False -> "0" CInt8 a -> show a CInt16 a -> show a CInt32 a -> show a ++ "L" CInt64 a -> show a ++ "LL" CWord8 a -> show a CWord16 a -> show a CWord32 a -> show a ++ "UL" CWord64 a -> show a ++ "ULL" CFloat a -> show $ floatBits a CDouble a -> show $ doubleBits a floatBits :: Float -> Word32 floatBits = unsafeCoerce doubleBits :: Double -> Word64 doubleBits = unsafeCoerce codeRule :: Config -> [Name] -> [Name] -> ([UE] -> [(UE, String)]) -> Rule -> String codeRule config assertionNames coverageNames topo rule = "/* " ++ show rule ++ " */\n" ++ "static void __r" ++ show (ruleId rule) ++ "(void) {\n" ++ concatMap (codeUE config ues " ") ues ++ " if (" ++ id (ruleEnable rule) ++ ") {\n" ++ concatMap codeAction (ruleActions rule) ++ codeIf (cRuleCoverage config) (" __coverage[" ++ covWord ++ "] = __coverage[" ++ covWord ++ "] | (1 << " ++ covBit ++ ");\n") ++ concat [ codeIf (cAssert config) (" " ++ cAssertName config ++ "(" ++ assertionId name ++ ", " ++ id check ++ ", __clock);\n") | (name, check) <- ruleAsserts rule ] ++ concat [ codeIf (cCover config) (" " ++ cCoverName config ++ "(" ++ coverageId name ++ ", " ++ id check ++ ", __clock);\n") | (name, check) <- ruleCovers rule ] ++ " }\n" ++ concatMap codeAssign (ruleAssigns rule) ++ "}\n\n" where ues = topo $ allUEs rule id ue = fromJust $ lookup ue ues assertionId :: Name -> String assertionId name = show $ fromJust $ elemIndex name assertionNames coverageId :: Name -> String coverageId name = show $ fromJust $ elemIndex name coverageNames codeAction :: (([String] -> String), [UE]) -> String codeAction (f, args) = " " ++ f (map id args) ++ ";\n" covWord = show $ div (ruleId rule) 32 covBit = show $ mod (ruleId rule) 32 codeAssign :: (UV, UE) -> String codeAssign (uv, ue) = concat [" ", lh, " = ", id ue, ";\n"] where lh = case uv of UV i n _ -> concat ["__v", show i, " /* ", n, " */"] UVArray (UA i n _) index -> concat ["__a", show i, "[", id index, "] /* ", n, " */"] UVArray (UAExtern n _) index -> concat [n, "[", id index, "]"] UVExtern n _ -> n codePeriodPhase :: Config -> (Int, Int, [Rule]) -> String codePeriodPhase config (period, phase, rules) = unlines [ printf " {" , printf " static %s __clock = %i;" (cType config clockType) phase , printf " if (__clock == 0) {" , intercalate "\n" $ map callRule rules , printf " __clock = %i;" (period - 1) , printf " }" , printf " else {" , printf " __clock = __clock - 1;" , printf " }" , printf " }" ] where clockType | period < 2 ^ 8 = Word8 | period < 2 ^ 16 = Word16 | otherwise = Word32 callRule r = concat [" __r", show (ruleId r), "(); /* ", show r, " */"]