atom-basic-0.2.3: Basic Atom feed construction

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



atom-basic lets you generate Atom Feeds and Atom Entries. It provides the Feed and Entry types for the respective Atom document. This module is intended to be imported qualified to avoid name clashes:

import qualified Web.Atom as Atom

XML generation is not built in because there are several Haskell XML libraries that you might want to use depending on your circumstances. To allow for this, you need to provide an XMLGen record to the feedXML or entryXML functions. An XMLGen record contains functions that generate XML of the type you prefer. Thanks to Ollie Charles for this suggestion.

A minimal, but complete example using the xml package, looks like this (GitHub):

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import qualified Data.Text      as T
import           Data.Time      (UTCTime (..), fromGregorian)
import           Text.XML.Light
import qualified Web.Atom       as Atom

feed :: Atom.Feed Element
feed = Atom.makeFeed
    (Atom.unsafeURI "")
    (Atom.TextHTML "The <em>Title</em>")
    (UTCTime (fromGregorian 2015 7 8) 0)

xmlgen :: Atom.XMLGen Element Content QName Attr
xmlgen = Atom.XMLGen
    { Atom.xmlElem     = \n as ns    -> Element n as ns Nothing
    , Atom.xmlName     = \nsMay name -> QName (T.unpack name)
                                          (fmap T.unpack nsMay) Nothing
    , Atom.xmlAttr     = \k v        -> Attr k (T.unpack v)
    , Atom.xmlTextNode = \t          -> Text $ CData CDataText (T.unpack t) Nothing
    , Atom.xmlElemNode = Elem

main = putStr $ ppTopElement $ Atom.feedXML xmlgen feed

Another example that uses the xml-conduit package instead is also available in the GitHub repository.



makeFeed Source


:: URI

Feed ID

-> Text e

Feed Title

-> UTCTime

Updated timestamp

-> Feed e 

Convenience constructor with defaults for all non-required fields.

makeEntry Source


:: URI

Entry ID

-> Text e

Entry Title

-> UTCTime

Updated timestamp

-> Entry e 

Convenience constructor with defaults for all non-required fields.

feedXML :: XMLGen e node name attr -> Feed e -> e Source

Generate an XML value from a Feed.

entryXML :: XMLGen e node name attr -> Entry e -> e Source

Generate an XML value from an Entry.

data XMLGen elem node name attr Source

This record defines what kind of XML we should construct. A valid definition of this record must be provided to the feedXML and entryXML functions. This lets users use the XML library of their choice for the Atom feed XML. A couple of concrete examples are provided at the top of this page. Here's an example that uses the xml-conduit package:

xmlgen :: Atom.XMLGen Element Node Name (Name, T.Text)
xmlgen = Atom.XMLGen
    { Atom.xmlElem     = \n as ns    -> Element n (fromList as) ns
    , Atom.xmlName     = \nsMay name -> Name name nsMay Nothing
    , Atom.xmlAttr     = \k v        -> (k, v)
    , Atom.xmlTextNode = NodeContent
    , Atom.xmlElemNode = NodeElement




xmlElem :: name -> [attr] -> [node] -> elem

Create element from name, attributes, and nodes/contents.

xmlName :: Maybe Text -> Text -> name

Create qualified name from optional namespace and name.

xmlAttr :: name -> Text -> attr

Create attribute from qualified name and text value.

xmlTextNode :: Text -> node

Create text node/content from text value.

xmlElemNode :: elem -> node

Create element node/content from element.

data Feed e Source

Top-level element for an Atom Feed Document as per


Eq e => Eq (Feed e) 
Show e => Show (Feed e) 

data Entry e Source

An individual Atom entry that can be used either as a child of Feed or as the top-level element of a stand-alone Atom Entry Document as per


Eq e => Eq (Entry e) 
Show e => Show (Entry e) 

data Source e Source

If an Atom entry is copied into a different feed, Source can be used to preserve the metadata of the original feed as per


Eq e => Eq (Source e) 
Show e => Show (Source e) 

data Category Source

Information about a feed or entry category as per


data Generator Source

Identifies the agent used to generate the feed, for debugging and other purposes as per

data Email Source

An email address. xsd:string { pattern = ".+.+" }@


Email Text 


data Rel Source

rel attribute for link elements as per


RelText Text 


data Text e Source


Eq e => Eq (Text e) 
Show e => Show (Text e) 
IsString (Text e) 

data MediaType Source

A media type. xsd:string { pattern = ".+/.+" }


MediaType ByteString 

data UTCTime :: *

This is the simplest representation of UTC. It consists of the day number, and a time offset from midnight. Note that if a day has a leap second added to it, it will have 86401 seconds.

unsafeURI :: String -> URI Source

Convenience function to create a URIs from hardcoded strings. /This function is partial so only use this if you're hardcoding the URI string and you're sure that it's valid./

data URI :: *

Represents a general universal resource identifier using its component parts.

For example, for the URI


the components are:




uriScheme :: String
uriAuthority :: Maybe URIAuth
uriPath :: String
uriQuery :: String
uriFragment :: String


Data URI 
Ord URI 
Show URI 
Generic URI 
Typeable * URI 
type Rep URI = D1 D1URI (C1 C1_0URI ((:*:) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0URI (Rec0 String)) (S1 S1_0_1URI (Rec0 (Maybe URIAuth)))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_2URI (Rec0 String)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_3URI (Rec0 String)) (S1 S1_0_4URI (Rec0 String))))))