module Language.Atom.MSP430.DigitalIO where import Language.Atom port1In = word8' "P1IN" -- ^ Read the value of PORT1 pins when used in input mode. port1Out = word8' "P1OUT" -- ^ Set the values of PORT1 pins when used in output mode. port1Dir = word8' "P1DIR" -- ^ Choose the input/output modes of PORT1 pins (1 = output). port1Resistors = word8' "P1REN" -- ^ Enable pullup/pulldown resistors of PORT1 pins. port1Function = word8' "P1SEL" -- ^ port1InterruptEnable = word8' "P1IE" -- ^ Enable interrupts for PORT1 pins in input mode. port1InterruptFlags = word8' "P1IFG" -- ^ Interrupt flags for PORT1 pins. A flag is set when an interrupt occurs; you should clear it manually. port1InterruptEdgeSelect = word8' "P1IES" -- ^ Interrupt edge select: if set to 1, the pin responds to a falling edge. port2In = word8' "P2IN" -- ^ Read the value of PORT2 pins when used in input mode. port2Out = word8' "P2OUT" -- ^ Set the values of PORT2 pins when used in output mode. port2Dir = word8' "P2DIR" -- ^ Choose the input/output modes of PORT2 pins (2 = output). port2Resistors = word8' "P2REN" -- ^ Enable pullup/pulldown resistors of PORT2 pins. port2Function = word8' "P2SEL" -- ^ port2InterruptEnable = word8' "P2IE" -- ^ Enable interrupts for PORT2 pins in input mode. port2InterruptFlags = word8' "P2IFG" -- ^ Interrupt flags for PORT2 pins. A flag is set when an interrupt occurs; you should clear it manually. port2InterruptEdgeSelect = word8' "P2IES" -- ^ Interrupt edge select: if set to 2, the pin responds to a falling edge.