*history-file* = Parameter new: (Directory home ".atomo_history") *output-port* = Parameter new: Port standard-output *input-port* = Parameter new: Port standard-input (x: Object) print := *output-port* _? print: x (x: Object) display := *output-port* _? display: x read := *input-port* _? read read-line := *input-port* _? read-line read-char := *input-port* _? read-char contents := *input-port* _? contents ready? := *input-port* _? ready? eof? := *input-port* _? eof? String-Port = Port clone String-Port show := "" String-Port new := String-Port new: "" String-Port new: (c: String) := String-Port clone do: { contents = c } (b: String-Port) print: x := { b display: ((x as: String) .. "\n") x } call (b: String-Port) display: x := { b contents = b contents .. (x as: String) x } call (b: String-Port) read-line := { b contents take-while: @(/= $\n) } after: { b contents = b contents (drop-while: @(/= $\n)) tail } (b: String-Port) read-char := { b contents head } after: { b contents = b contents tail } (b: String-Port) eof? := b contents empty? (b: String-Port) ready? := b contents empty? not with-output-to: (fn: String) do: b := { Port (new: fn mode: @write) } wrap: @close do: { file | with-output-to: file do: b } with-output-to: (p: Port) do: b := with: *output-port* as: p do: b with-input-from: (fn: String) do: (b: Block) := { Port (new: fn mode: @read) } wrap: @close do: { file | with-input-from: file do: b } with-input-from: (p: Port) do: (b: Block) := with: *input-port* as: p do: b with-all-output-to: (fn: String) do: b := { Port (new: fn mode: @write) } wrap: @close do: { file | with-all-output-to: file do: b } with-all-output-to: (p: Port) do: b := with-default: *output-port* as: p do: b with-all-input-from: (fn: String) do: (b: Block) := { Port (new: fn mode: @read) } wrap: @close do: { file | with-all-input-from: file do: b } with-all-input-from: (p: Port) do: (b: Block) := with-default: *input-port* as: p do: b Directory copy: (from: String) to: (to: String) := { Directory create-tree-if-missing: to Directory (contents: from) map: { c | f = from c t = to c if: Directory (exists?: f) then: { Directory copy: f to: t } else: { File copy: f to: t } } @ok } call