for-macro Restart = Object clone { define: *handlers* as: [] define: *restarts* as: [] super do: { Default-Debugger = Object clone do: { run: e := { Restart show-options-for: e "!> " display Restart (get: read) jump: [] } call } define: *debugger* as: Default-Debugger define: *error-output* as: Port standard-error Condition = Object clone Error = Condition clone Simple-Error = Error clone Warning = Condition clone Simple-Warning = Warning clone } (e: Simple-Error) describe-error := e value describe-error (w: Simple-Warning) describe-error := w value describe-error Simple-Error new: v := Simple-Error clone do: { delegates-to: v; value = v } Simple-Warning new: v := Simple-Warning clone do: { delegates-to: v; value = v } (e: Simple-Error) show := "" (e: Simple-Warning) show := "" Restart show-options-for: e := { $- (repeat: 78) print e describe-error (word-wrap: 74) lines (map: { l | "*** " .. l }) unlines print halt when: *restarts* _? empty? "restarts:" print *restarts* _? (zip: (0 .. *restarts* _? length)) map: { choice | [index, name] = [choice to, choice from from] (" :" .. index show .. " -> " .. name name) print } } call Restart get: (n: Integer) := *restarts* _? (at: n) to Restart new: (a: Block) in: (c: Continuation) := { res = *restarts* _? Restart clone do: { jump: as := with: *restarts* as: res do: { c yield: (a call: as) } action = a context = c } } call (r: Restart) show := "" macro (action with-restarts: (restarts: Block)) { rs = restarts contents map: { `(~n -> ~e) | e type match: { @block -> `('~n -> ~e) _ -> `('~n -> { ~e }) } } `( { cc action pairs | restarts = pairs map: { a | a from -> (~Restart new: a to in: cc) } action with-restarts: restarts } call/cc: [~action, ~(`List new: rs)] ) } call (action: Block) with-restarts: (restarts: List) := modify: *restarts* as: { rs | restarts .. rs } do: action (super) signal: v := { *handlers* _? map: { h | h (call: [v]) (call: [v]) } @ok } call (super) error: v := error: (Simple-Error new: v) (super) error: (e: Error) := { signal: e with-output-to: *error-output* _? do: { *debugger* _? run: e } } call (super) warning: v := warning: (Simple-Warning new: v) (super) warning: (w: Warning) := { signal: w with-output-to: *error-output* _? do: { ("WARNING: " .. w describe-error) print } @ok } with-restarts: { muffle-warning -> @ok } (super) restart: name := restart: name with: [] (super) restart: name with: (params: List) := *restarts* _? (lookup: name) match: { @(ok: r) -> r jump: params @none -> error: @(unknown-restart: name) } (super) find-restart: name := *restarts* _? lookup: name (super) with-handler: (h: Block) do: (action: Block) := modify: *handlers* as: { hs | h . hs } do: action macro (a bind: (bs: Block)) { branches = bs contents map: { `(~p -> ~e) | if: (e type == @block) then: { `(~p -> ~e) } else: { `(~p -> { ~e }) } } handler = `Block new: (branches .. ['(_ -> { @ok })]) `({ h a | with-handler: h do: a } call: [{ #c | #c match: ~handler }, ~a]) } call } call