{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | First order logic with equality.
-- Copyright (co) 2003-2007, John Harrison. (See "LICENSE.txt" for details.)

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

module Data.Logic.ATP.Equal
    ( function_congruence
    , equalitize
    -- * Tests
    , wishnu
    , testEqual
    ) where

import Data.Logic.ATP.Apply (functions, HasApply(TermOf, PredOf, applyPredicate), pApp)
import Data.Logic.ATP.Equate ((.=.), HasEquate(foldEquate))
import Data.Logic.ATP.Formulas (IsFormula(AtomOf, atomic), atom_union)
import Data.Logic.ATP.Lib ((), Depth(Depth), Failing (Success, Failure), timeMessage)
import Data.Logic.ATP.Meson (meson)
import Data.Logic.ATP.Pretty (assertEqual')
import Data.Logic.ATP.Prop ((.&.), (.=>.), (), ())
import Data.Logic.ATP.Quantified ((), (), IsQuantified(..))
import Data.Logic.ATP.Parser (fof)
import Data.Logic.ATP.Skolem (runSkolem, Formula)
import Data.Logic.ATP.Term (IsTerm(..))
import Data.List as List (foldr, map)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.String (IsString(fromString))
import Prelude hiding ((*))
import Test.HUnit

-- is_eq :: (IsQuantified fof atom v, IsAtomWithEquate atom p term) => fof -> Bool
-- is_eq = foldFirstOrder (\ _ _ _ -> False) (\ _ -> False) (\ _ -> False) (foldAtomEq (\ _ _ -> False) (\ _ -> False) (\ _ _ -> True))
-- mk_eq :: (IsQuantified fof atom v, IsAtomWithEquate atom p term) => term -> term -> fof
-- mk_eq = (.=.)
-- dest_eq :: (IsQuantified fof atom v, IsAtomWithEquate atom p term) => fof -> Failing (term, term)
-- dest_eq fm =
--     foldFirstOrder (\ _ _ _ -> err) (\ _ -> err) (\ _ -> err) at fm
--     where
--       at = foldAtomEq (\ _ _ -> err) (\ _ -> err) (\ s t -> Success (s, t))
--       err = Failure ["dest_eq: not an equation"]
-- lhs :: (IsQuantified fof atom v, IsAtomWithEquate atom p term) => fof -> Failing term
-- lhs eq = dest_eq eq >>= return . fst
-- rhs :: (IsQuantified fof atom v, IsAtomWithEquate atom p term) => fof -> Failing term
-- rhs eq = dest_eq eq >>= return . snd

-- | The set of predicates in a formula.
-- predicates :: (IsQuantified formula atom v, IsAtomWithEquate atom p term, Ord atom, Ord p) => formula -> Set atom
predicates :: IsFormula formula => formula -> Set (AtomOf formula)
predicates fm = atom_union Set.singleton fm

-- | Code to generate equate axioms for functions.
function_congruence :: forall fof atom term v p function.
                       (atom ~ AtomOf fof, term ~ TermOf atom, p ~ PredOf atom, v ~ VarOf fof, v ~ TVarOf term, function ~ FunOf term,
                        IsQuantified fof, HasEquate atom, IsTerm term, Ord fof) =>
                       (function, Int) -> Set fof
function_congruence (_,0) = ()
function_congruence (f,n) =
    Set.singleton (List.foldr () (ant  con) (argnames_x ++ argnames_y))
      argnames_x :: [VarOf fof]
      argnames_x = List.map (\ m -> fromString ("x" ++ show m)) [1..n]
      argnames_y :: [VarOf fof]
      argnames_y = List.map (\ m -> fromString ("y" ++ show m)) [1..n]
      args_x = List.map vt argnames_x
      args_y = List.map vt argnames_y
      ant = foldr1 () (List.map (uncurry (.=.)) (zip args_x args_y))
      con = fApp f args_x .=. fApp f args_y

-- | And for predicates.
predicate_congruence :: (atom ~ AtomOf fof, predicate ~ PredOf atom, term ~ TermOf atom, v ~ VarOf fof, v ~ TVarOf term,
                         IsQuantified fof, HasEquate atom, IsTerm term, Ord predicate) =>
                        AtomOf fof -> Set fof
predicate_congruence =
    foldEquate (\_ _ -> Set.empty) (\p ts -> ap p (length ts))
      ap _ 0 = Set.empty
      ap p n = Set.singleton (List.foldr () (ant  con) (argnames_x ++ argnames_y))
            argnames_x = List.map (\ m -> fromString ("x" ++ show m)) [1..n]
            argnames_y = List.map (\ m -> fromString ("y" ++ show m)) [1..n]
            args_x = List.map vt argnames_x
            args_y = List.map vt argnames_y
            ant = foldr1 () (List.map (uncurry (.=.)) (zip args_x args_y))
            con = atomic (applyPredicate p args_x)  atomic (applyPredicate p args_y)

-- | Hence implement logic with equate just by adding equate "axioms".
equivalence_axioms :: forall fof atom term v.
                      (atom ~ AtomOf fof, term ~ TermOf atom, v ~ VarOf fof,
                       IsQuantified fof, HasEquate atom, IsTerm term, Ord fof) => Set fof
equivalence_axioms =
    [() "x" (x .=. x),
     () "x" (() "y" (() "z" (x .=. y  x .=. z  y .=. z)))]
      x :: term
      x = vt (fromString "x")
      y :: term
      y = vt (fromString "y")
      z :: term
      z = vt (fromString "z")

equalitize :: forall formula atom term v function.
              (atom ~ AtomOf formula, term ~ TermOf atom, v ~ VarOf formula, v ~ TVarOf term, function ~ FunOf term,
               IsQuantified formula, HasEquate atom,
               IsTerm term, Ord formula, Ord atom) =>
              formula -> formula
equalitize fm =
    if Set.null eqPreds then fm else foldr1 () axioms  fm
      axioms = Set.fold (Set.union . function_congruence)
                        (Set.fold (Set.union . predicate_congruence) equivalence_axioms otherPreds)
                        (functions fm)
      (eqPreds, otherPreds) = Set.partition (foldEquate (\_ _ -> True) (\_ _ -> False)) (predicates fm)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Example.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

testEqual01 :: Test
testEqual01 = TestLabel "function_congruence" $ TestCase $ assertEqual "function_congruence" expected input
    where input = List.map function_congruence [(fromString "f", 3 :: Int), (fromString "+",2)]
          expected :: [Set.Set Formula]
          expected = [Set.fromList
                      [() "x1"
                       (() "x2"
                        (() "x3"
                         (() "y1"
                          (() "y2"
                           (() "y3" ((("x1" .=. "y1")  (("x2" .=. "y2")  ("x3" .=. "y3"))) 
                                          ((fApp (fromString "f") ["x1","x2","x3"]) .=. (fApp (fromString "f") ["y1","y2","y3"]))))))))],
                      [() "x1"
                       (() "x2"
                        (() "y1"
                         (() "y2" ((("x1" .=. "y1")  ("x2" .=. "y2")) 
                                        ((fApp (fromString "+") ["x1","x2"]) .=. (fApp (fromString "+") ["y1","y2"]))))))]]

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- A simple example (see EWD1266a and the application to Morley's theorem).
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

ewd :: Formula
ewd = equalitize fm
      fm = (() "x" (fx  gx)) 
           (() "x" fx) 
           (() "x" (() "y" (gx  gy  x .=. y))) 
           (() "y" (gy  fy))
      fx = pApp "f" [x]
      gx = pApp "g" [x]
      fy = pApp "f" [y]
      gy = pApp "g" [y]
      x = vt "x"
      y = vt "y"

testEqual02 :: Test
testEqual02 = TestLabel "equalitize 1 (p. 241)" $ TestCase $ assertEqual "equalitize 1 (p. 241)" (expected, expectedProof) input
    where input = (ewd, runSkolem (meson (Just (Depth 17)) ewd))
          fx = pApp "f" [x]
          gx = pApp "g" [x]
          fy = pApp "f" [y]
          gy = pApp "g" [y]
          x = vt "x"
          y = vt "y"
          z = vt "z"
          x1 = vt "x1"
          y1 = vt "y1"
          fx1 = pApp "f" [x1]
          gx1 = pApp "g" [x1]
          fy1 = pApp "f" [y1]
          gy1 = pApp "g" [y1]
          -- y1 = fromString "y1"
          -- z = fromString "z"
          expected =
              (() "x" (x .=. x) .&.
               ((() "x" (() "y" (() "z" (x .=. y .&. x .=. z .=>. y .=. z)))) .&.
                ((() "x1" (() "y1" (x1 .=. y1 .=>. fx1 .=>. fy1))) .&.
                 (() "x1" (() "y1" (x1 .=. y1 .=>. gx1 .=>. gy1)))))) .=>.
              (() "x" (fx .=>. gx)) .&.
              (() "x" (fx)) .&.
              (() "x" (() "y" (gx .&. gy .=>. x .=. y))) .=>.
              (() "y" (gy .=>. fy))
          expectedProof =
              Set.fromList [Success (Depth 6)]

-- | Wishnu Prasetya's example (even nicer with an "exists unique" primitive).

--instance IsString ([MyTerm] -> MyTerm) where
--    fromString = fApp . fromString

wishnu :: Formula
wishnu = [fof| (x. x=f (g (x))(x'. x'=f (g (x'))x=x'))(y. y=g (f (y))(y'. y'=g (f (y'))y=y')) |]

-- This takes 0.7 seconds on my machine.
testEqual03 :: Test
testEqual03 =
    (TestLabel "equalitize 2" . TestCase . timeMessage (\_ t -> "\nEqualitize 2 compute time: " ++ show t))
       (assertEqual' "equalitize 2 (p. 241)" (expected, expectedProof) input)
    where input = (equalitize wishnu, runSkolem (meson Nothing (equalitize wishnu)))
          expected :: Formula
          expected = [fof| (x. x=x)
                           (x y z. x=yx=zy=z)
                           (x1 y1. x1=y1f(x1)=f(y1))
                           (x1 y1. x1=y1g(x1)=g(y1))
                           ((x. x=f(g(x))(x'. x'=f(g(x'))x=x'))
                            (y. y=g(f(y))(y'. y'=g(f(y'))y=y'))) |]
          expectedProof = Set.fromList [Success (Depth 16)]

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- More challenging equational problems. (Size 18, 61814 seconds.)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

(meson ** equalitize)
 <<(forall x y z. x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z) /\
   (forall x. 1 * x = x) /\
   (forall x. i(x) * x = 1)
   ==> forall x. x * i(x) = 1>>;;

testEqual04 :: Test
testEqual04 = TestLabel "equalitize 3 (p. 248)" $ TestCase $
  timeMessage (\_ t -> "\nCompute time: " ++ show t) $
  assertEqual' "equalitize 3 (p. 248)" (expected, expectedProof) input
      input = (equalitize fm, runSkolem (meson (Just (Depth 20)) . equalitize $ fm))
      fm :: Formula
      fm = [fof| (forall x y z. x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z) .&.
                 (forall x. 1 * x = x) .&.
                 (forall x. i(x) * x = 1)
                 ==> (forall x. x * i(x) = 1) |]
      fm = [fof| (∀x y z. ((*) ["x'", (*) ["y'", "z'"]] .=. (*) [((*) ["x'", "y'"]), "z'"]) ∧
           (∀) "x" ((*) [one, "x'"] .=. "x'") ∧
           (∀) "x" ((*) [i ["x'"], "x'"] .=. one) ⇒
           (∀) "x" ((*) ["x'", i ["x'"]] .=. one)
      fm = ((∀) "x" . (∀) "y" . (∀) "z") ((*) ["x'", (*) ["y'", "z'"]] .=. (*) [((*) ["x'", "y'"]), "z'"]) ∧
           (∀) "x" ((*) [one, "x'"] .=. "x'") ∧
           (∀) "x" ((*) [i ["x'"], "x'"] .=. one) ⇒
           (∀) "x" ((*) ["x'", i ["x'"]] .=. one)
      (*) = fApp (fromString "*")
      i = fApp (fromString "i")
      one = fApp (fromString "1") []
      expected :: Formula
      expected =
          [fof| (x. x=x)
                (x y z. x=yx=zy=z)
                (x' x'' y' y''. x'=y'x''=y''(x' * x'')=(y' * y''))
                (x y z. (x' * (y' * z'))=((x'* y') * z'))
                (x. (1 * x')=x')
                (x. (i(x') * x')=1)
                (x. (x' * i(x'))=1) |]
          ((∀) "x" ("x" .=. "x") .&.
           ((∀) "x" ((∀) "y" ((∀) "z" ((("x" .=. "y") .&. ("x" .=. "z")) .=>. ("y" .=. "z")))) .&.
            ((∀) "x1" ((∀) "x2" ((∀) "y1" ((∀) "y2" ((("x1" .=. "y1") .&. ("x2" .=. "y2")) .=>.
                                                                     ((fApp "*" ["x1","x2"]) .=. (fApp "*" ["y1","y2"])))))) .&.
             (∀) "x1" ((∀) "y1" (("x1" .=. "y1") .=>. ((fApp "i" ["x1"]) .=. (fApp "i" ["y1"]))))))) .=>.
          ((((∀) "x" ((∀) "y" ((∀) "z" ((fApp "*" ["x",fApp "*" ["y","z"]]) .=. (fApp "*" [fApp "*" ["x","y"],"z"])))) .&.
             (∀) "x" ((fApp "*" [fApp "1" [],"x"]) .=. "x")) .&.
            (∀) "x" ((fApp "*" [fApp "i" ["x"],"x"]) .=. (fApp "1" []))) .=>.
           (∀) "x" ((fApp "*" ["x",fApp "i" ["x"]]) .=. (fApp "1" []))) -}
      expectedProof :: Set.Set (Failing Depth)
      expectedProof = Set.fromList [Failure ["Exceeded maximum depth limit"]]

testEqual :: Test
testEqual = TestLabel "Equal" (TestList [testEqual01, testEqual02, testEqual03 {-, testEqual04-}])

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Other variants not mentioned in book.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- ************

(meson ** equalitize)
 <<(forall x y z. x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z) /\
   (forall x. 1 * x = x) /\
   (forall x. x * 1 = x) /\
   (forall x. x * x = 1)
   ==> forall x y. x * y  = y * x>>;;

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- With symmetry at leaves and one-sided congruences (Size = 16, 54659 s).
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

let fm =
 <<(forall x. x = x) /\
   (forall x y z. x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z) /\
   (forall x y z. =((x * y) * z,x * (y * z))) /\
   (forall x. 1 * x = x) /\
   (forall x. x = 1 * x) /\
   (forall x. i(x) * x = 1) /\
   (forall x. 1 = i(x) * x) /\
   (forall x y. x = y ==> i(x) = i(y)) /\
   (forall x y z. x = y ==> x * z = y * z) /\
   (forall x y z. x = y ==> z * x = z * y) /\
   (forall x y z. x = y /\ y = z ==> x = z)
   ==> forall x. x * i(x) = 1>>;;

time meson fm;;

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Newer version of stratified equalities.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

let fm =
 <<(forall x y z. axiom(x * (y * z),(x * y) * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. axiom((x * y) * z,x * (y * z)) /\
   (forall x. axiom(1 * x,x)) /\
   (forall x. axiom(x,1 * x)) /\
   (forall x. axiom(i(x) * x,1)) /\
   (forall x. axiom(1,i(x) * x)) /\
   (forall x x'. x = x' ==> cchain(i(x),i(x'))) /\
   (forall x x' y y'. x = x' /\ y = y' ==> cchain(x * y,x' * y'))) /\
   (forall s t. axiom(s,t) ==> achain(s,t)) /\
   (forall s t u. axiom(s,t) /\ (t = u) ==> achain(s,u)) /\
   (forall x x' u. x = x' /\ achain(i(x'),u) ==> cchain(i(x),u)) /\
   (forall x x' y y' u.
        x = x' /\ y = y' /\ achain(x' * y',u) ==> cchain(x * y,u)) /\
   (forall s t. cchain(s,t) ==> s = t) /\
   (forall s t. achain(s,t) ==> s = t) /\
   (forall t. t = t)
   ==> forall x. x * i(x) = 1>>;;

time meson fm;;

let fm =
 <<(forall x y z. axiom(x * (y * z),(x * y) * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. axiom((x * y) * z,x * (y * z)) /\
   (forall x. axiom(1 * x,x)) /\
   (forall x. axiom(x,1 * x)) /\
   (forall x. axiom(i(x) * x,1)) /\
   (forall x. axiom(1,i(x) * x)) /\
   (forall x x'. x = x' ==> cong(i(x),i(x'))) /\
   (forall x x' y y'. x = x' /\ y = y' ==> cong(x * y,x' * y'))) /\
   (forall s t. axiom(s,t) ==> achain(s,t)) /\
   (forall s t. cong(s,t) ==> cchain(s,t)) /\
   (forall s t u. axiom(s,t) /\ (t = u) ==> achain(s,u)) /\
   (forall s t u. cong(s,t) /\ achain(t,u) ==> cchain(s,u)) /\
   (forall s t. cchain(s,t) ==> s = t) /\
   (forall s t. achain(s,t) ==> s = t) /\
   (forall t. t = t)
   ==> forall x. x * i(x) = 1>>;;

time meson fm;;

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Showing congruence closure.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

let fm = equalitize
 <<forall c. f(f(f(f(f(c))))) = c /\ f(f(f(c))) = c ==> f(c) = c>>;;

time meson fm;;

let fm =
 <<axiom(f(f(f(f(f(c))))),c) /\
   axiom(c,f(f(f(f(f(c)))))) /\
   axiom(f(f(f(c))),c) /\
   axiom(c,f(f(f(c)))) /\
   (forall s t. axiom(s,t) ==> achain(s,t)) /\
   (forall s t. cong(s,t) ==> cchain(s,t)) /\
   (forall s t u. axiom(s,t) /\ (t = u) ==> achain(s,u)) /\
   (forall s t u. cong(s,t) /\ achain(t,u) ==> cchain(s,u)) /\
   (forall s t. cchain(s,t) ==> s = t) /\
   (forall s t. achain(s,t) ==> s = t) /\
   (forall t. t = t) /\
   (forall x y. x = y ==> cong(f(x),f(y)))
   ==> f(c) = c>>;;

time meson fm;;

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- With stratified equalities.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

let fm =
 <<(forall x y z. eqA (x * (y * z),(x * y) * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA ((x * y) * z)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (1 * x,x)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (x,1 * x)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (i(x) * x,1)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (1,i(x) * x)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (x,x)) /\
   (forall x y. eqA (x,y) ==> eqC (i(x),i(y))) /\
   (forall x y. eqC (x,y) ==> eqC (i(x),i(y))) /\
   (forall x y. eqT (x,y) ==> eqC (i(x),i(y))) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqA (w,x) /\ eqA (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqA (w,x) /\ eqC (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqA (w,x) /\ eqT (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqC (w,x) /\ eqA (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqC (w,x) /\ eqC (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqC (w,x) /\ eqT (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqT (w,x) /\ eqA (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqT (w,x) /\ eqC (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall w x y z. eqT (w,x) /\ eqT (y,z) ==> eqC (w * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA (x,y) /\ eqA (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqC (x,y) /\ eqA (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA (x,y) /\ eqC (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA (x,y) /\ eqT (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqC (x,y) /\ eqT (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z))
   ==> forall x. eqT (x * i(x),1)>>;;

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- With transitivity chains...
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

let fm =
 <<(forall x y z. eqA (x * (y * z),(x * y) * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA ((x * y) * z)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (1 * x,x)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (x,1 * x)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (i(x) * x,1)) /\
   (forall x. eqA (1,i(x) * x)) /\
   (forall x y. eqA (x,y) ==> eqC (i(x),i(y))) /\
   (forall x y. eqC (x,y) ==> eqC (i(x),i(y))) /\
   (forall w x y. eqA (w,x) ==> eqC (w * y,x * y)) /\
   (forall w x y. eqC (w,x) ==> eqC (w * y,x * y)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA (y,z) ==> eqC (x * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqC (y,z) ==> eqC (x * y,x * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA (x,y) /\ eqA (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqC (x,y) /\ eqA (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA (x,y) /\ eqC (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqC (x,y) /\ eqC (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqA (x,y) /\ eqT (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eqC (x,y) /\ eqT (y,z) ==> eqT (x,z))
   ==> forall x. eqT (x * i(x),1) \/ eqC (x * i(x),1)>>;;

time meson fm;;

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Enforce canonicity (proof size = 20).
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

let fm =
 <<(forall x y z. eq1(x * (y * z),(x * y) * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eq1((x * y) * z,x * (y * z))) /\
   (forall x. eq1(1 * x,x)) /\
   (forall x. eq1(x,1 * x)) /\
   (forall x. eq1(i(x) * x,1)) /\
   (forall x. eq1(1,i(x) * x)) /\
   (forall x y z. eq1(x,y) ==> eq1(x * z,y * z)) /\
   (forall x y z. eq1(x,y) ==> eq1(z * x,z * y)) /\
   (forall x y z. eq1(x,y) /\ eq2(y,z) ==> eq2(x,z)) /\
   (forall x y. eq1(x,y) ==> eq2(x,y))
   ==> forall x. eq2(x,i(x))>>;;

time meson fm;;

***************** -}