{ {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} -- | Module exporting the lexer itself as well as several data types for -- working with tokens. module Language.ATS.Lexer ( AlexPosn (..) , Token (..) , Keyword (..) , Addendum (..) , lexATS , token_posn ) where import Data.Char (toUpper) import Control.Lens (over, _head) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import GHC.Generics (Generic) } %wrapper "posn" -- Digits $digit = 0-9 -- Characters $special = [\+\-\&\|\[\]\{\}\(\)\_\=\!\%\^\$\@\;\~\,\.\\\#] $alpha = [a-zA-Z] $terminal = $printable # $white $esc_char = \27 @escape_ch = \\ (n | t | \') @escape_str = \\ (n | t | \") @char = ($terminal # $special) | @escape_ch | $esc_char @bool = (true | false) @char_lit = \' @char \' @time_lit = $digit+ u -- Integer @integer = $digit+ -- Floats @decimals = $digit+ @float = @decimals \. @decimals -- Strings @string = \" ($printable # [\"] | @escape_str | $esc_char | \n)* \" -- Identifiers @identifier = $alpha ($alpha | $digit | _ | !)* -- Multi-line comments @not_close_paren = (\*+ [^\)] | [^\*] \)) @paren_comment = \(\* ([^\)\*] | @not_close_paren | \n)* \*\) @not_close_slash = (\*+ [^\/] | [^\*] \/) @slash_comment = \/\* ([^\/\*] | @not_close_slash | \n)* \*\/ @block_comment = @paren_comment | @slash_comment @ref = "ref<" @if_block = "#if" ([^\#] | "#then" | "#print" | \n)+ "#endif" .* -- FIXME this is a disaster lol @ref_call = @identifier "<" ($alpha | $digit | "(" | ")" | _)+ ">" @not_close_c = \% [^\}] @c_block = \%\{ ([^\%] | @not_close_c | \n)* \%\} @lambda = "=>" | "=" | "=" | "=>>" -- FIXME whatever the fuck this is: - @func_type = "-" | "-" | "-" | "-" | "-" | "-<>" | "-" -- FIXME allow spaces after comma? @operator = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=" | "=" | "~" | "&&" | "||" | ">" | "<" | "->" | ":=" | ".<" | ">." | ">>" | "?" | "?!" | "#[" -- TODO context so tilde doesn't follow | @double_parens = "(" (@block_comment | "") ")" @double_braces = "{" (@block_comment | "") "}" @double_brackets = "<" (@block_comment | "") ">" @view = v | view @signature = ":<>" | ":" | ":" | ":" | ":" | ":" tokens :- $white+ ; ^ "//".* { tok (\p s -> CommentLex p s) } "//".* ; @block_comment ; "#define".* { tok (\p s -> MacroBlock p s) } @if_block { tok (\p s -> MacroBlock p s) } @c_block { tok (\p s -> CBlockLex p s) } fun { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwFun) } fnx { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwFnx) } and { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwAnd) } prval { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwPrval) } prfn { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwPrfn) } prfun { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwPrfun) } datatype { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwDatatype) } data @view type { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwDatavtype) } dataview { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwDataview) } dataprop { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwDataprop) } assume { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwAssume) } typedef { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwTypedef) } @view typedef { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwVtypedef) } absprop { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwAbsprop) } llam { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwLinearLambda) } lam { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwLambda) } staload { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwStaload) } let { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwLet) } in { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwIn) } end { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwEnd) } case"+" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwCase Plus)) } case"-" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwCase Minus)) } case { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwCase None)) } castfn { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwCastfn) } val"+" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwVal Plus)) } val"-" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwVal Minus)) } val { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwVal None)) } var { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwVar) } int { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwInt) } if { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwIf) } sif { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwSif) } then { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwThen) } else { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwElse) } string { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwString) } bool { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwBool) } void { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwVoid) } nat { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwNat) } implement { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwImplement) } primplmnt { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwProofImplement) } primplement { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwProofImplement) } -- TODO does this squash too much? abst"@"ype { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwAbst0p None)) } t"@"ype"+" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwT0p Plus)) } t"@"ype"-" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwT0p Minus)) } t"@"ype { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwT0p None)) } @view"t@ype+" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwVt0p Plus)) } @view"t@ype-" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwVt0p Minus)) } @view"t@ype" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p (KwVt0p None)) } abstype { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwAbstype) } abs @view type { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwAbsvtype) } view { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwView) } "#"include { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwInclude) } when { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwWhen) } of { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwOf) } stadef { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwStadef) } local { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwLocal) } praxi { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwPraxi) } while { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwWhile) } where { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwWhere) } begin { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwBegin) } overload { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwOverload) } with { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwWith) } char { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwChar) } extern { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwExtern) } sortdef { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwSortdef) } propdef { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwPropdef) } tkindef { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwTKind) } "$raise" { tok (\p s -> Keyword p KwRaise) } @double_parens { tok (\p s -> DoubleParenTok p) } @double_braces { tok (\p s -> DoubleBracesTok p) } @double_brackets { tok (\p s -> DoubleBracketTok p) } @char_lit { tok (\p s -> CharTok p (s !! 1)) } @lambda { tok (\p s -> Arrow p s) } @func_type { tok (\p s -> FuncType p s) } @bool { tok (\p s -> BoolTok p (read (over _head toUpper s)))} @time_lit { tok (\p s -> TimeTok p s) } @integer { tok (\p s -> IntTok p (read s)) } @float { tok (\p s -> FloatTok p (read s)) } @ref { tok (\p s -> RefTok p) } @ref_call { tok (\p s -> Identifier p s) } @operator { tok (\p s -> Operator p s) } @signature { tok (\p s -> SignatureTok p (tail s)) } $special { tok (\p s -> Special p s) } @identifier { tok (\p s -> Identifier p s) } @string { tok (\p s -> StringTok p s) } { deriving instance Generic AlexPosn deriving instance NFData AlexPosn tok f p s = f p s data Addendum = None | Plus | Minus deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData) data Keyword = KwFun | KwFnx | KwAnd | KwDatatype | KwDatavtype | KwDataviewtype | KwAssume | KwTypedef | KwVtypedef | KwStaload | KwLet | KwIn | KwLocal | KwEnd | KwImplement | KwCase Addendum | KwIf | KwSif | KwThen | KwElse | KwString | KwBool | KwInt | KwVoid | KwNat | KwVal Addendum | KwVar | KwLambda | KwLinearLambda | KwInclude | KwWhen | KwOf | KwAbsprop | KwPrval | KwStadef | KwPraxi | KwWhile | KwWhere | KwBegin | KwOverload | KwWith | KwChar | KwDataview | KwDataprop | KwView | KwAbstype | KwType | KwAbst0p Addendum | KwT0p Addendum | KwVt0p Addendum | KwPrfun | KwPrfn | KwCastfn | KwExtern | KwAbsvtype | KwProofImplement | KwSortdef | KwPropdef | KwRaise | KwTKind deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData) data Token = Identifier AlexPosn String | Keyword AlexPosn Keyword | BoolTok AlexPosn Bool | IntTok AlexPosn Int | FloatTok AlexPosn Float | CharTok AlexPosn Char | StringTok AlexPosn String | Special AlexPosn String | CBlockLex AlexPosn String | Operator AlexPosn String | Arrow AlexPosn String | FuncType AlexPosn String | CommentLex AlexPosn String | RefTok AlexPosn | MacroBlock AlexPosn String | TimeTok AlexPosn String | SignatureTok AlexPosn String | DoubleParenTok AlexPosn | DoubleBracesTok AlexPosn | DoubleBracketTok AlexPosn deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData) token_posn (Identifier p _) = p token_posn (Keyword p _) = p token_posn (BoolTok p _) = p token_posn (IntTok p _) = p token_posn (FloatTok p _) = p token_posn (StringTok p _) = p token_posn (Special p _) = p token_posn (CBlockLex p _) = p token_posn (Operator p _) = p token_posn (Arrow p _) = p token_posn (FuncType p _) = p token_posn (CharTok p _) = p token_posn (CommentLex p _) = p token_posn (RefTok p) = p token_posn (MacroBlock p _) = p token_posn (TimeTok p _) = p token_posn (SignatureTok p _) = p token_posn (DoubleParenTok p) = p token_posn (DoubleBracesTok p) = p token_posn (DoubleBracketTok p) = p -- | This function turns a string into a stream of tokens for the parser. lexATS :: String -> [Token] lexATS = alexScanTokens }