// This is mostly taken from the example in the book. #include "share/atspre_staload.hats" #include "share/atspre_staload_libats_ML.hats" #include "libats/DATS/athread_posix.dats" staload "libats/SATS/athread.sats" staload "src/filetype.sats" staload "libats/SATS/funarray.sats" staload "libats/SATS/deqarray.sats" staload _ = "libats/DATS/deqarray.dats" absvtype queue_vtype(a : vt@ype+, int) = ptr vtypedef queue(a : vt0p, id : int) = queue_vtype(a, id) vtypedef queue(a : vt0p) = [ id : int ] queue(a, id) absprop ISNIL (id : int, b : bool) extern fun {a : vt0p} queue_is_nil {id : int} (!queue(a, id)) : [ b : bool ] (ISNIL(id, b) | bool(b)) absprop ISFULL (id : int, b : bool) extern fun {a : vt0p} queue_is_full {id : int} (!queue(a, id)) : [ b : bool ] (ISFULL(id, b) | bool(b)) extern fun {a : vt0p} queue_insert {id : int} (ISFULL(id,false) | xs : !queue(a, id) >> queue(a, id2), x : a) : #[ id2 : int ] void extern fun {a : vt0p} queue_remove {id : int} (ISNIL(id,false) | xs : !queue(a, id) >> queue(a, id2)) : #[ id2 : int ] a extern fun {a : vt0p} queue_make (cap : intGt(0)) : queue(a) extern fun {a : t@ype} queue_free (que : queue(a)) : void assume queue_vtype(a : vt0p, id : int) = deqarray(a) assume ISNIL(id : int, b : bool) = unit_p assume ISFULL(id : int, b : bool) = unit_p absvtype channel_vtype(a : vt@ype+) = ptr vtypedef channel(a : vt0p) = channel_vtype(a) extern fun {a : vt0p} channel_insert (!channel(a), a) : void extern fun {a : vt0p} channel_remove (chan : !channel(a)) : a extern fun {a : vt0p} channel_remove_helper ( chan : !channel(a) , !queue(a) >> _ ) : a extern fun {a : vt0p} channel_insert_helper (!channel(a), !queue(a) >> _, a) : void datavtype channel_ = | { l0, l1, l2, l3 : agz } CHANNEL of @{ cap = intGt(0) , spin = spin_vt(l0) , refcount = intGt(0) , mutex = mutex_vt(l1) , CVisNil = condvar_vt(l2) , CVisFull = condvar_vt(l3) , queue = ptr } extern fun {a : vt0p} channel_make (cap : intGt(0)) : channel(a) extern fun {a : vt0p} channel_ref (ch : !channel(a)) : channel(a) extern fun {a : vt0p} channel_unref (ch : channel(a)) : Option_vt(queue(a)) extern fun channel_refcount {a : vt0p} (ch : !channel(a)) : intGt(0) assume channel_vtype(a : vt0p) = channel_ implement {a} queue_is_nil (xs) = (unit_p() | deqarray_is_nil(xs)) implement {a} queue_is_full (xs) = (unit_p() | deqarray_is_full(xs)) implement {a} queue_remove (prf | xs) = let prval () = __assert(prf) where { extern praxi __assert {id : int} (p : ISNIL(id, false)) : [ false ] void } in deqarray_takeout_atbeg(xs) end implement {a} queue_insert (prf | xs, x) = { prval () = __assert(prf) where { extern praxi __assert {id : int} (p : ISFULL(id, false)) : [ false ] void } val () = deqarray_insert_atend(xs, x) } implement {a} queue_make (cap) = deqarray_make_cap(i2sz(cap)) implement {a} queue_free (que) = deqarray_free_nil($UN.castvwtp0{deqarray(a, 1, 0)}(que)) implement {a} channel_ref (chan) = let val @CHANNEL (ch) = chan val spin = unsafe_spin_vt2t(ch.spin) val (prf | ()) = spin_lock(spin) val () = ch.refcount := ch.refcount + 1 val () = spin_unlock(prf | spin) prval () = fold@((chan)) in $UN.castvwtp1{channel(a)}(chan) end implement {a} channel_unref (chan) = let val @CHANNEL{ l0, l1, l2, l3 }(ch) = chan val spin = unsafe_spin_vt2t(ch.spin) val (prf | ()) = spin_lock(spin) val () = spin_unlock(prf | spin) val refcount = ch.refcount in if refcount <= 1 then let val que = $UN.castvwtp0{queue(a)}(ch.queue) val () = spin_vt_destroy(ch.spin) val () = mutex_vt_destroy(ch.mutex) val () = condvar_vt_destroy(ch.CVisNil) val () = condvar_vt_destroy(ch.CVisFull) val () = free@{l0,l1,l2,l3}(chan) in Some_vt(que) end else let val () = ch.refcount := refcount - 1 prval () = fold@(chan) prval () = $UN.cast2void(chan) in None_vt() end end implement channel_refcount {a} (chan) = let val @CHANNEL{ l0, l1, l2, l3 }(ch) = chan val refcount = ch.refcount in (fold@((chan)) ; refcount) end implement {a} channel_make (cap) = let extern praxi __assert() : [ l : agz ] void prval [ l0 : addr ]() = __assert() prval [ l1 : addr ]() = __assert() prval [ l2 : addr ]() = __assert() prval [ l3 : addr ]() = __assert() val chan = CHANNEL{l0,l1,l2,l3}(_) val+ CHANNEL (ch) = chan val () = ch.cap := cap val () = ch.refcount := 1 local val x = spin_create_exn() in val () = ch.spin := unsafe_spin_t2vt(x) end local val x = mutex_create_exn() in val () = ch.mutex := unsafe_mutex_t2vt(x) end local val x = condvar_create_exn() in val () = ch.CVisNil := unsafe_condvar_t2vt(x) end local val x = condvar_create_exn() in val () = ch.CVisFull := unsafe_condvar_t2vt(x) end val () = ch.queue := $UN.castvwtp0{ptr}(queue_make(cap)) in (fold@((chan)) ; chan) end implement {a} channel_insert (chan, x) = let val+ CHANNEL{ l0, l1, l2, l3 }(ch) = chan val mutex = unsafe_mutex_vt2t(ch.mutex) val (prf | ()) = mutex_lock(mutex) val xs = $UN.castvwtp0{queue(a)}((prf | ch.queue)) val () = channel_insert_helper(chan, xs, x) prval prf = $UN.castview0{locked_v(l1)}(xs) val () = mutex_unlock(prf | mutex) in end implement {a} channel_remove (chan) = x where { val+ CHANNEL{ l0, l1, l2, l3 }(ch) = chan val mutex = unsafe_mutex_vt2t(ch.mutex) val (prf | ()) = mutex_lock(mutex) val xs = $UN.castvwtp0{queue(a)}((prf | ch.queue)) val x = channel_remove_helper(chan, xs) prval prf = $UN.castview0{locked_v(l1)}(xs) val () = mutex_unlock(prf | mutex) } implement {a} channel_remove_helper (chan, xs) = let val+ CHANNEL{ l0, l1, l2, l3 }(ch) = chan val (prf | is_nil) = queue_is_nil(xs) in if is_nil then let prval (pfmut, fpf) = __assert() where { extern praxi __assert() : vtakeout0(locked_v(l1)) } val mutex = unsafe_mutex_vt2t(ch.mutex) val CVisNil = unsafe_condvar_vt2t(ch.CVisNil) val () = condvar_wait(pfmut | CVisNil, mutex) prval () = fpf(pfmut) in channel_remove_helper(chan, xs) end else let val is_full = queue_is_full(xs) val x_out = queue_remove(prf | xs) val () = if is_full.1 then condvar_broadcast(unsafe_condvar_vt2t(ch.CVisFull)) in x_out end end implement {a} channel_insert_helper (chan, xs, x) = let val+ CHANNEL{ l0, l1, l2, l3 }(ch) = chan val (prf | is_full) = queue_is_full(xs) in if is_full then let prval (pfmut, fpf) = __assert() where { extern praxi __assert() : vtakeout0(locked_v(l1)) } val mutex = unsafe_mutex_vt2t(ch.mutex) val CVisFull = unsafe_condvar_vt2t(ch.CVisFull) val () = condvar_wait(pfmut | CVisFull, mutex) prval () = fpf(pfmut) in channel_insert_helper(chan, xs, x) end else let val is_nil = queue_is_nil(xs) val () = queue_insert(prf | xs, x) val () = if is_nil.1 then condvar_broadcast(unsafe_condvar_vt2t(ch.CVisNil)) in end end