{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Language.ATS.Package.Exec ( exec
                                 ) where

import           Control.Composition
import           Control.Lens                    hiding (argument)
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Bool                       (bool)
import           Data.Maybe                      (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Semigroup                  (Semigroup (..))
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                  as TL
import           Data.Version                    hiding (Version (..))
import           Development.Shake.FilePath
import           Language.ATS.Package.Build
import           Language.ATS.Package.Compiler
import           Language.ATS.Package.Dependency
import           Language.ATS.Package.Type       hiding (test, version)
import           Options.Applicative             hiding (auto)
import           Paths_ats_pkg
import           System.Directory
import           System.Environment              (getEnv)
import           System.IO.Temp                  (withSystemTempDirectory)

wrapper :: ParserInfo Command
wrapper = info (helper <*> versionInfo <*> command')
    <> progDesc "The atspkg build tool for ATS-Postiats."
    <> header "atspkg - a build tool for ATS")

versionInfo :: Parser (a -> a)
versionInfo = infoOption ("atspkg version: " ++ showVersion version) (short 'v' <> long "version" <> help "Show version")

data Command = Install
             | Build { _targets :: [String], _recache :: Bool }
             | Clean
             | Test
             | Fetch { _url :: String }
             | Nuke

command' :: Parser Command
command' = hsubparser
    (command "install" (info (pure Install) (progDesc "Install all binaries to $HOME/.local/bin"))
    <> command "clean" (info (pure Clean) (progDesc "Clean current project directory"))
    <> command "remote" (info fetch (progDesc "Fetch and install a binary package"))
    <> command "build" (info build (progDesc "Build current package targets"))
    <> command "test" (info (pure Test) (progDesc "Test current package"))
    <> command "nuke" (info (pure Nuke) (progDesc "Uninstall all globally installed libraries"))

build :: Parser Command
build = Build
    <$> many
        (argument str
        (metavar "TARGET"
        <> help "Targets to build"))
    <*> switch
        (long "no-cache"
        <> help "Turn off configuration caching")

fetch :: Parser Command
fetch = Fetch <$>
    argument str
    (metavar "URL"
    <> help "URL pointing to a tarball containing the package to be installed.")

check :: Maybe FilePath -> IO Bool
check p = do
    home <- getEnv "HOME"
    v <- want p
    doesFileExist (home ++ "/.atspkg/" ++ show v ++ "/bin/patscc")

getSubdirs :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getSubdirs p = do
    ds <- listDirectory p
    case ds of
        [] -> pure []
        xs -> filterM doesDirectoryExist (((p <> "/") <>) <$> xs)

fetchPkg :: String -> IO ()
fetchPkg pkg = withSystemTempDirectory "atspkg" $ \p -> do
    let (lib, dirName, url') = ("atspkg", p, pkg) & each %~ TL.pack
    fetchDeps True mempty [Dependency lib dirName url' undefined] []
    ps <- getSubdirs p
    pkgDir <- fromMaybe p <$> findFile (p:ps) "atspkg.dhall"
    let a = withCurrentDirectory (takeDirectory pkgDir) (mkPkg mempty ["install"])
    bool (buildAll (Just pkgDir) >> a) a =<< check (Just pkgDir)

exec :: IO ()
exec = execParser wrapper >>= run

run :: Command -> IO ()
run Nuke = cleanAll
run (Fetch u) = fetchPkg u
run Clean = mkPkg mempty ["clean"]
run c = bool (mkPkg [buildAll Nothing] rs) (mkPkg mempty rs) =<< check Nothing
    where rs = g c
          g Install      = ["install"]
          g (Build ts _) = ts
          g Test         = ["test"]
          g _            = undefined

want :: Maybe FilePath -> IO Version
want p = compiler <$> getConfig p

buildAll :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
buildAll p = on (>>) (=<< want p) fetchCompiler setupCompiler