{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main ( main ) where import Control.Composition import Control.Monad import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..)) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Version hiding (Version (..)) import Development.Shake.ATS import Development.Shake.FilePath import Language.ATS.Package import Lens.Micro import Options.Applicative import System.Directory import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory) -- TODO command to list available packages. wrapper :: ParserInfo Command wrapper = info (helper <*> versionInfo <*> command') (fullDesc <> progDesc "The atspkg build tool for ATS-Postiats." <> header "atspkg - a build tool for ATS\nsee 'man atspkg' for more detailed help") versionInfo :: Parser (a -> a) versionInfo = infoOption ("atspkg version: " ++ showVersion atspkgVersion) (short 'V' <> long "version" <> help "Show version") data Command = Install { _archTarget :: Maybe String } | Build { _targets :: [String] , _archTarget :: Maybe String , _rebuildAll :: Bool , _verbosity :: Int , _lint :: Bool , _prof :: Bool } | Clean | Pack { _target :: String } | Test { _targets :: [String] , _rebuildAll :: Bool , _lint :: Bool , _prof :: Bool } | Fetch { _url :: String } | Nuke | Upgrade | Valgrind { _targets :: [String] } | Run { _targets :: [String] , _rebuildAll :: Bool , _verbosity :: Int , _lint :: Bool , _prof :: Bool } | Check { _filePath :: String, _details :: Bool } | CheckSet { _filePath :: String, _details :: Bool } | List userCmd :: Parser Command userCmd = hsubparser (command "install" (info install (progDesc "Install all binaries to $HOME/.local/bin")) <> command "clean" (info (pure Clean) (progDesc "Clean current project directory")) <> command "remote" (info fetch (progDesc "Fetch and install a binary package")) <> command "build" (info build' (progDesc "Build current package targets")) <> command "test" (info test' (progDesc "Test current package")) <> command "nuke" (info (pure Nuke) (progDesc "Uninstall all globally installed libraries")) <> command "upgrade" (info (pure Upgrade) (progDesc "Upgrade to the latest version of atspkg")) <> command "valgrind" (info valgrind (progDesc "Run generated binaries through valgrind")) <> command "run" (info run' (progDesc "Run generated binaries")) <> command "check" (info check' (progDesc "Check that a pkg.dhall file is well-typed.")) <> command "check-set" (info checkSet (progDesc "Audit a package set to ensure it is well-typed.")) <> command "list" (info (pure List) (progDesc "List available packages")) ) command' :: Parser Command command' = userCmd <|> internalCmd internalCmd :: Parser Command internalCmd = subparser (internal <> command "pack" (info pack (progDesc "Make a tarball for distributing the compiler")) ) pack :: Parser Command pack = Pack <$> targetP mempty id "package" install :: Parser Command install = Install <$> triple checkSet :: Parser Command checkSet = CheckSet <$> targetP dhallCompletions id "check" <*> details check' :: Parser Command check' = Check <$> targetP dhallCompletions id "check-set" <*> details details :: Parser Bool details = switch (long "detailed" <> short 'd' <> help "Enable detailed error messages") ftypeCompletions :: String -> Mod ArgumentFields a ftypeCompletions ext = completer . bashCompleter $ "file -X '!*." ++ ext ++ "' -o plusdirs" dhallCompletions :: Mod ArgumentFields a dhallCompletions = ftypeCompletions "dhall" run' :: Parser Command run' = Run <$> targets "run" <*> rebuild <*> verbosity <*> noLint <*> profile test' :: Parser Command test' = Test <$> targets "test" <*> rebuild <*> noLint <*> profile valgrind :: Parser Command valgrind = Valgrind <$> targets "run with valgrind" targets :: String -> Parser [String] targets = targetP mempty many targetP :: Mod ArgumentFields String -> (Parser String -> a) -> String -> a targetP completions' f s = f (argument str (metavar "TARGET" <> help ("Targets to " <> s) <> completions')) profile :: Parser Bool profile = switch (long "profile" <> short 'p' <> help "Print profiling information for the build") rebuild :: Parser Bool rebuild = switch (long "rebuild" <> short 'r' <> help "Force rebuild of all targets") triple :: Parser (Maybe String) triple = optional (strOption (long "target" <> short 't' <> help "Set target by using its triple")) verbosity :: Parser Int verbosity = length <$> many (flag' () (short 'v' <> long "verbose" <> help "Turn up verbosity")) build' :: Parser Command build' = Build <$> targets "build" <*> triple <*> rebuild <*> verbosity <*> noLint <*> profile noLint :: Parser Bool noLint = fmap not (switch (long "no-lint" <> short 'l' <> help "Disable the shake linter")) fetch :: Parser Command fetch = Fetch <$> argument str (metavar "URL" <> help "URL pointing to a tarball containing the package to be installed.") fetchPkg :: String -> IO () fetchPkg pkg = withSystemTempDirectory "atspkg" $ \p -> do let (lib, dirName, url') = (mempty, p, pkg) & each %~ TL.pack buildHelper True (ATSDependency lib dirName url' undefined undefined mempty mempty mempty mempty) ps <- getSubdirs p pkgDir <- fromMaybe p <$> findFile (p:ps) "atspkg.dhall" let a = withCurrentDirectory (takeDirectory pkgDir) (mkPkg False False False mempty ["install"] Nothing 0) bool (buildAll Nothing (Just pkgDir) >> a) a =<< check (Just pkgDir) main :: IO () main = execParser wrapper >>= run runHelper :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> [String] -> Maybe String -> Int -> IO () runHelper rba lint tim rs tgt v = g . bool x y =<< check Nothing where g xs = mkPkg rba lint tim xs rs tgt v y = mempty x = [buildAll tgt Nothing] run :: Command -> IO () run List = displayList "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vmchale/atspkg/master/ats-pkg/pkgs/pkg-set.dhall" run (Check p b) = void $ ($ Version [0,1,0]) <$> checkPkg p b run (CheckSet p b) = void $ checkPkgSet p b run Upgrade = upgradeBin "vmchale" "atspkg" run Nuke = cleanAll run (Fetch u) = fetchPkg u run Clean = mkPkg False True False mempty ["clean"] Nothing 0 run (Build rs tgt rba v lint tim) = runHelper rba lint tim rs tgt v run (Test ts rba lint tim) = runHelper rba lint tim ("test" : ts) Nothing 0 run (Run ts rba v lint tim) = runHelper rba lint tim ("run" : ts) Nothing v run (Install tgt) = runHelper False True False ["install"] tgt 0 run (Valgrind ts) = runHelper False True False ("valgrind" : ts) Nothing 0 run (Pack dir') = packageCompiler dir'