{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-} module QC.Text (tests) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>)) #endif import Data.Int (Int64) import Prelude hiding (take, takeWhile) import QC.Common (liftOp, parseT) import qualified QC.Text.FastSet as FastSet import qualified QC.Text.Regressions as Regressions import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty) import Test.QuickCheck import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy as PL import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text.FastSet as S import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L -- Basic byte-level combinators. satisfy :: Char -> L.Text -> Property satisfy w s = parseT (P.satisfy (<=w)) (L.cons w s) === Just w satisfyWith :: Char -> L.Text -> Property satisfyWith c s = parseT (P.satisfyWith id (<=c)) (L.cons c s) === Just c char :: Char -> L.Text -> Property char w s = parseT (P.char w) (L.cons w s) === Just w skip :: Char -> L.Text -> Property skip w s = case (parseT (P.skip ( maybe (property True) (expectFailure . it) mcs (Just _, mcs) -> maybe (property False) it mcs where it cs = liftOp "<" (<) (fst cs) w anyChar :: L.Text -> Property anyChar s | L.null s = p === Nothing | otherwise = p === Just (L.head s) where p = parseT P.anyChar s notChar :: Char -> NonEmptyList Char -> Property notChar w (NonEmpty s) = parseT (P.notChar w) bs === if v == w then Nothing else Just v where v = L.head bs bs = L.pack s peekChar :: L.Text -> Property peekChar s | L.null s = p === Just (Nothing, s) | otherwise = p === Just (Just (L.head s), s) where p = parseT ((,) <$> P.peekChar <*> P.takeLazyText) s peekChar' :: L.Text -> Property peekChar' s = parseT P.peekChar' s === (fst <$> L.uncons s) string :: L.Text -> L.Text -> Property string s t = parseT (P.string s') (s `L.append` t) === Just s' where s' = toStrict s strings :: L.Text -> L.Text -> L.Text -> Property strings s t u = parseT (P.string (toStrict s) >> P.string t') (L.concat [s,t,u]) === Just t' where t' = toStrict t stringCI :: T.Text -> Property stringCI s = P.parseOnly (P.stringCI fs) s === Right s where fs = T.toCaseFold s asciiCI :: T.Text -> Gen Bool asciiCI x = (\s i -> P.parseOnly (P.asciiCI s) i == Right i) <$> maybeModifyCase x <*> maybeModifyCase x where maybeModifyCase s = elements [s, toLower s, toUpper s] toLower = T.map (\c -> if c < Char.chr 127 then Char.toLower c else c) toUpper = T.map (\c -> if c < Char.chr 127 then Char.toUpper c else c) toStrict :: L.Text -> T.Text toStrict = T.concat . L.toChunks skipWhile :: Char -> L.Text -> Property skipWhile w s = let t = L.dropWhile (<=w) s in case PL.parse (P.skipWhile (<=w)) s of PL.Done t' () -> t === t' _ -> property False take :: Int -> L.Text -> Property take n s = maybe (liftOp "<" (<) (L.length s) (fromIntegral n)) (=== T.take n (toStrict s)) $ parseT (P.take n) s takeText :: L.Text -> Property takeText s = maybe (property False) (=== toStrict s) . parseT P.takeText $ s takeLazyText :: L.Text -> Property takeLazyText s = maybe (property False) (=== s) . parseT P.takeLazyText $ s takeCount :: Positive Int -> L.Text -> Property takeCount (Positive k) s = case parseT (P.take k) s of Nothing -> liftOp ">" (>) (fromIntegral k) (L.length s) Just _s -> liftOp "<=" (<=) (fromIntegral k) (L.length s) takeWhile :: Char -> L.Text -> Property takeWhile w s = let (h,t) = L.span (==w) s in case PL.parse (P.takeWhile (==w)) s of PL.Done t' h' -> t === t' .&&. toStrict h === h' _ -> property False takeWhile1 :: Char -> L.Text -> Property takeWhile1 w s = let s' = L.cons w s (h,t) = L.span (<=w) s' in case PL.parse (P.takeWhile1 (<=w)) s' of PL.Done t' h' -> t === t' .&&. toStrict h === h' _ -> property False takeTill :: Char -> L.Text -> Property takeTill w s = let (h,t) = L.break (==w) s in case PL.parse (P.takeTill (==w)) s of PL.Done t' h' -> t === t' .&&. toStrict h === h' _ -> property False takeWhile1_empty :: Property takeWhile1_empty = parseT (P.takeWhile1 undefined) L.empty === Nothing endOfInput :: L.Text -> Property endOfInput s = parseT P.endOfInput s === if L.null s then Just () else Nothing endOfLine :: L.Text -> Property endOfLine s = case (parseT P.endOfLine s, L.uncons s) of (Nothing, mcs) -> maybe (property True) (expectFailure . eol) mcs (Just _, mcs) -> maybe (property False) eol mcs where eol (c,s') = c === '\n' .||. (c, fst <$> L.uncons s') === ('\r', Just '\n') scan :: L.Text -> Positive Int64 -> Property scan s (Positive k) = parseT p s === Just (toStrict $ L.take k s) where p = P.scan k $ \ n _ -> if n > 0 then let !n' = n - 1 in Just n' else Nothing members :: String -> Property members s = property $ all (`S.member` set) s where set = S.fromList s nonmembers :: String -> String -> Property nonmembers s s' = property . not . any (`S.member` set) $ filter (not . (`elem` s)) s' where set = S.fromList s tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testProperty "anyChar" anyChar , testProperty "asciiCI" asciiCI , testProperty "char" char , testProperty "endOfInput" endOfInput , testProperty "endOfLine" endOfLine , testProperty "notChar" notChar , testProperty "peekChar" peekChar , testProperty "peekChar'" peekChar' , testProperty "satisfy" satisfy , testProperty "satisfyWith" satisfyWith , testProperty "scan" scan , testProperty "skip" skip , testProperty "skipWhile" skipWhile , testProperty "string" string , testProperty "strings" strings , testProperty "stringCI" stringCI , testProperty "take" take , testProperty "takeText" takeText , testProperty "takeCount" takeCount , testProperty "takeLazyText" takeLazyText , testProperty "takeTill" takeTill , testProperty "takeWhile" takeWhile , testProperty "takeWhile1" takeWhile1 , testProperty "takeWhile1_empty" takeWhile1_empty , testProperty "members" members , testProperty "nonmembers" nonmembers , testGroup "FastSet" FastSet.tests , testGroup "Regressions" Regressions.tests ]