attoparsec-data-1.0.2: Parsers for the standard Haskell data types

Safe HaskellNone





char :: Parser Char Source #

Any character.

text :: Parser Text Source #

Consumes all the remaining input.

utf8Bytes :: Parser ByteString Source #

Consumes all the remaining input, encoding it using UTF8.

bool :: Parser Bool Source #

Accepts any string interpretable as a boolean: "1" or "0", "true" or "false", "yes" or "no", "y" or "n", "t" or "f". Case-insensitive.

signedIntegral :: Integral a => Parser a Source #

Signed decimal.

unsignedIntegral :: Integral a => Parser a Source #

Unsigned decimal.

double :: Parser Double #

Parse a rational number.

This parser accepts an optional leading sign character, followed by at least one decimal digit. The syntax similar to that accepted by the read function, with the exception that a trailing '.' or 'e' not followed by a number is not consumed.

Examples with behaviour identical to read, if you feed an empty continuation to the first result:

rational "3"     == Done 3.0 ""
rational "3.1"   == Done 3.1 ""
rational "3e4"   == Done 30000.0 ""
rational "3.1e4" == Done 31000.0, ""

Examples with behaviour identical to read:

rational ".3"    == Fail "input does not start with a digit"
rational "e3"    == Fail "input does not start with a digit"

Examples of differences from read:

rational "" == Done 3.0 ".foo"
rational "3e"    == Done 3.0 "e"

This function does not accept string representations of "NaN" or "Infinity".

scientific :: Parser Scientific #

Parse a scientific number.

The syntax accepted by this parser is the same as for double.

string :: Parser String Source #

Plain String.


timeOfDayInISO8601 :: Parser TimeOfDay #

>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "05:03:58"
Right 05:03:58
>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "05:03:58.02"
Right 05:03:58.02
>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "05:03:58.020"
Right 05:03:58.02

Checks the elements to be within a proper range:

>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "24:00:00"
Left "timeOfDayInISO8601 > hour: Failed reading: Validator \"hour\" failed on the following input: 24"
>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "00:00:60"
Left "timeOfDayInISO8601 > second: Failed reading: Validator \"second\" failed on the following input: 60.000000000000"

Checks the elements to be of proper length:

>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "1:00:00"
Left "timeOfDayInISO8601 > hour: Failed reading: Invalid decimal length"
>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "01:1:00"
Left "timeOfDayInISO8601 > minute: Failed reading: Invalid decimal length"

dayInISO8601 :: Parser Day #

>>> parseOnly dayInISO8601 "2017-02-01"
Right 2017-02-01

Checks the elements to be in proper range:

>>> parseOnly dayInISO8601 "2017-13-01"
Left "dayInISO8601: Failed reading: Invalid combination of year month and day: (2017,13,1)"

That is accounting for leap year:

>>> parseOnly dayInISO8601 "2017-02-29"
Left "dayInISO8601: Failed reading: Invalid combination of year month and day: (2017,2,29)"
>>> parseOnly dayInISO8601 "2016-02-29"
Right 2016-02-29

timeZoneInISO8601 :: Parser TimeZone #

>>> parseOnly timeZoneInISO8601 "+01:00"
Right +0100
>>> parseOnly timeZoneInISO8601 "+0100"
Right +0100
>>> parseOnly timeZoneInISO8601 "-0100"
Right -0100
>>> parseOnly timeZoneInISO8601 "Z"
Right UTC

utcTimeInISO8601 :: Parser UTCTime #

>>> parseOnly utcTimeInISO8601 "2017-02-01T05:03:58+01:00"
Right 2017-02-01 04:03:58 UTC

diffTime :: Parser DiffTime #

No suffix implies the "seconds" unit:

>>> parseOnly diffTime "10"
Right 10s

Various units (seconds, minutes, hours, days):

>>> parseOnly diffTime "10s"
Right 10s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10m"
Right 600s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10h"
Right 36000s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10d"
Right 864000s

Metric prefixes to seconds (down to Pico):

>>> parseOnly diffTime "10ms"
Right 0.01s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10μs"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10us"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10ns"
Right 0.00000001s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10ps"
Right 0.00000000001s

Negative values:

>>> parseOnly diffTime "-1s"
Right -1s

Unsupported units:

>>> parseOnly diffTime "1k"
Left "diffTime: Failed reading: Unsupported unit: \"k\""

nominalDiffTime :: Parser NominalDiffTime #

No suffix implies the "seconds" unit:

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10"
Right 10s

Various units (seconds, minutes, hours, days):

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10s"
Right 10s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10m"
Right 600s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10h"
Right 36000s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10d"
Right 864000s

Metric prefixes to seconds (down to Pico):

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ms"
Right 0.01s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10μs"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10us"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ns"
Right 0.00000001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ps"
Right 0.00000000001s

Negative values:

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "-1s"
Right -1s

Unsupported units:

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "1k"
Left "nominalDiffTime: Failed reading: Unsupported unit: \"k\""


class LenientParser a where Source #

Provides the default lenient parser for a type.

By convention, the parser should not check for the end of input.

Minimal complete definition



LenientParser Bool Source # 
LenientParser Char Source # 
LenientParser Double Source # 
LenientParser Int Source # 
LenientParser Int8 Source # 
LenientParser Int16 Source # 
LenientParser Int32 Source # 
LenientParser Int64 Source # 
LenientParser Integer Source # 
LenientParser Word Source # 
LenientParser Word8 Source # 
LenientParser Word16 Source # 
LenientParser Word32 Source # 
LenientParser Word64 Source # 
LenientParser ByteString Source #

Consumes all the remaining input, encoding it using UTF8.

LenientParser Text Source #

Consumes all the remaining input.

LenientParser String Source # 
LenientParser DiffTime Source # 
LenientParser Day Source # 
LenientParser NominalDiffTime Source # 
LenientParser UTCTime Source # 
LenientParser TimeZone Source # 
LenientParser TimeOfDay Source # 
LenientParser Scientific Source #