attoparsec-time-1.0.1: Attoparsec parsers of time

Safe HaskellNone




timeOfDayInISO8601 :: Parser TimeOfDay Source #

>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "05:03:58"
Right 05:03:58
>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "05:03:58.02"
Right 05:03:58.02
>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "05:03:58.020"
Right 05:03:58.02

Checks the elements to be within a proper range:

>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "24:00:00"
Left "timeOfDayInISO8601 > hour: Failed reading: Validator \"hour\" failed on the following input: 24"
>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "00:00:60"
Left "timeOfDayInISO8601 > second: Failed reading: Validator \"second\" failed on the following input: 60.000000000000"

Checks the elements to be of proper length:

>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "1:00:00"
Left "timeOfDayInISO8601 > hour: Failed reading: Invalid decimal length"
>>> parseOnly timeOfDayInISO8601 "01:1:00"
Left "timeOfDayInISO8601 > minute: Failed reading: Invalid decimal length"

dayInISO8601 :: Parser Day Source #

>>> parseOnly dayInISO8601 "2017-02-01"
Right 2017-02-01

Checks the elements to be in proper range:

>>> parseOnly dayInISO8601 "2017-13-01"
Left "dayInISO8601: Failed reading: Invalid combination of year month and day: (2017,13,1)"

That is accounting for leap year:

>>> parseOnly dayInISO8601 "2017-02-29"
Left "dayInISO8601: Failed reading: Invalid combination of year month and day: (2017,2,29)"
>>> parseOnly dayInISO8601 "2016-02-29"
Right 2016-02-29

yearAndMonthInISO8601 :: Parser (Word, Word) Source #

>>> parseOnly yearAndMonthInISO8601 "2016-02"
Right (2016,2)

timeZoneInISO8601 :: Parser TimeZone Source #

>>> parseOnly timeZoneInISO8601 "+01:00"
Right +0100
>>> parseOnly timeZoneInISO8601 "+0100"
Right +0100
>>> parseOnly timeZoneInISO8601 "-0100"
Right -0100
>>> parseOnly timeZoneInISO8601 "Z"
Right UTC

utcTimeInISO8601 :: Parser UTCTime Source #

>>> parseOnly utcTimeInISO8601 "2017-02-01T05:03:58+01:00"
Right 2017-02-01 04:03:58 UTC

diffTime :: Parser DiffTime Source #

No suffix implies the "seconds" unit:

>>> parseOnly diffTime "10"
Right 10s

Various units (seconds, minutes, hours, days):

>>> parseOnly diffTime "10s"
Right 10s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10m"
Right 600s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10h"
Right 36000s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10d"
Right 864000s

Metric prefixes to seconds (down to Pico):

>>> parseOnly diffTime "10ms"
Right 0.01s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10μs"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10us"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10ns"
Right 0.00000001s
>>> parseOnly diffTime "10ps"
Right 0.00000000001s

Negative values:

>>> parseOnly diffTime "-1s"
Right -1s

Unsupported units:

>>> parseOnly diffTime "1k"
Left "diffTime: Failed reading: Unsupported unit: \"k\""

nominalDiffTime :: Parser NominalDiffTime Source #

No suffix implies the "seconds" unit:

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10"
Right 10s

Various units (seconds, minutes, hours, days):

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10s"
Right 10s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10m"
Right 600s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10h"
Right 36000s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10d"
Right 864000s

Metric prefixes to seconds (down to Pico):

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ms"
Right 0.01s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10μs"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10us"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ns"
Right 0.00000001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ps"
Right 0.00000000001s

Negative values:

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "-1s"
Right -1s

Unsupported units:

>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "1k"
Left "nominalDiffTime: Failed reading: Unsupported unit: \"k\""