{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Web.Authenticate.OpenId ( getForwardUrl , authenticate , AuthenticateException (..) , Identifier (..) ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class import OpenId2.Normalization (normalize) import OpenId2.Discovery (discover, Discovery (..)) import Control.Failure (Failure (failure)) import OpenId2.Types import Web.Authenticate.Internal (qsUrl) import Control.Monad (unless) import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BSLU import Network.HTTP.Enumerator ( parseUrl, urlEncodedBody, responseBody, httpLbsRedirect , HttpException, withManager ) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Data.List (unfoldr) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) getForwardUrl :: ( MonadIO m , Failure AuthenticateException m , Failure HttpException m ) => Text -- ^ The openid the user provided. -> Text -- ^ The URL for this application\'s complete page. -> Maybe Text -- ^ Optional realm -> [(Text, Text)] -- ^ Additional parameters to send to the OpenID provider. These can be useful for using extensions. -> m Text -- ^ URL to send the user to. getForwardUrl openid' complete mrealm params = do let realm = fromMaybe complete mrealm disc <- normalize openid' >>= discover case disc of Discovery1 server mdelegate -> return $ pack $ qsUrl server $ map (unpack *** unpack) -- FIXME $ ("openid.mode", "checkid_setup") : ("openid.identity", maybe openid' pack mdelegate) : ("openid.return_to", complete) : ("openid.realm", realm) : ("openid.trust_root", complete) : params Discovery2 (Provider p) (Identifier i) itype -> do let i' = case itype of ClaimedIdent -> i OPIdent -> "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/identifier_select" return $ pack $ qsUrl p $ ("openid.ns", "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0") : ("openid.mode", "checkid_setup") : ("openid.claimed_id", unpack i') : ("openid.identity", unpack i') : ("openid.return_to", unpack complete) : ("openid.realm", unpack realm) : map (unpack *** unpack) params authenticate :: ( MonadIO m , Failure AuthenticateException m , Failure HttpException m ) => [(Text, Text)] -> m (Identifier, [(Text, Text)]) authenticate params = do unless (lookup "openid.mode" params == Just "id_res") $ failure $ case lookup "openid.mode" params of Nothing -> AuthenticationException "openid.mode was not found in the params." (Just m) | m == "error" -> case lookup "openid.error" params of Nothing -> AuthenticationException "An error occurred, but no error message was provided." (Just e) -> AuthenticationException $ unpack e | otherwise -> AuthenticationException $ "mode is " ++ unpack m ++ " but we were expecting id_res." ident <- case lookup "openid.identity" params of Just i -> return i Nothing -> failure $ AuthenticationException "Missing identity" disc <- normalize ident >>= discover let endpoint = case disc of Discovery1 p _ -> p Discovery2 (Provider p) _ _ -> p let params' = map (encodeUtf8 *** encodeUtf8) $ ("openid.mode", "check_authentication") : filter (\(k, _) -> k /= "openid.mode") params req' <- parseUrl endpoint let req = urlEncodedBody params' req' rsp <- liftIO $ withManager $ httpLbsRedirect req let rps = parseDirectResponse $ pack $ BSLU.toString $ responseBody rsp -- FIXME case lookup "is_valid" rps of Just "true" -> return (Identifier ident, rps) _ -> failure $ AuthenticationException "OpenID provider did not validate" -- | Turn a response body into a list of parameters. parseDirectResponse :: Text -> [(Text, Text)] parseDirectResponse = map (pack *** pack) . unfoldr step . unpack where step [] = Nothing step str = case split (== '\n') str of (ps,rest) -> Just (split (== ':') ps,rest) split :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) split p as = case break p as of (xs,_:ys) -> (xs,ys) pair -> pair