------- * Bug fix version *reverting* breaking changes from ``. `0.4.x` should be able to run all `0.2.x` programs with full backwards compatibility. * **Control.Auto.Effects**: Reverted back to lazy `StateT` and `WriterT`, because of situations where *auto* cannot resolve fixed points for recursive bindings. * **Control.Auto.Blip**: `forkB` renamed to `splitB` to prevent confusion with "fork", usually used in Haskell to refer to concurrency. Also anticipating adding concurrency-based `Auto`s, so this is a move to clear the way for any possible conflicts. ------- **DEPRECATED:** Please use ``! * **Control.Auto.Effects**: Breaking change: switched to strict `StateT` and `WriterT`. * **Control.Auto.Effects**: Added `readerA` and `writerA`, for convenience in "creating" `Auto`s under `ReaderT` and `WriterT`; also added `stateA` and `accumA` for completeness. ------- * **Control.Auto.Run**: As a part of an effort to provide integration with *disciplined* effectful streaming, introduced `streamAutoEffects` and `toEffectStream`, which convert `Auto m a b`'s to *streams of effects* in `m` that can be processed and manipulated and integrated with any [`ListT`-compatible library][1], like *pipes*. See documentation for more details. These were also added to the exports of `Control.Auto`. * **Control.Auto.Interval**: New `Auto` `holdJusts`, which stretches the last seen "on"/`Just` value over the duration of a "off"/`Nothing` interval. * Documentation fixes to emphasize *auto*'s focus on *value* streams, not *effect* streams, in contrast to *pipes*, *conduit*, etc. * Version restrictions on some packages relaxed on *profunctors*, *semigroups*, and *base*. [1]: http://www.haskellforall.com/2014/11/how-to-build-library-agnostic-streaming.html ------- * **Control.Auto.Process.Random**: Added combinators and sealers dealing for working with an underlying `Rand` or `RandT` monad. * Because of this, committed to adding *MonadRandom* as a dependency. ------- * **Control.Auto**: Added `unserialize`, `delay`, and `delay_` to `Control.Auto`'s exports. * **Control.Auto.Blip**: New blip stream manipulator: `forkB`, which forks a blip stream into to separate ones based on whether or not the emitted values match a predicate. * **Control.Auto.Time**: Added a generalized version of `stretch`, `stretchAccumBy` which allows access to the "skipped" inputs during the stretched periods, as well as the ability to control the outputs during the stretched periods. ------- * **Control.Auto.Collection**: Bug for `dynZipF` fixed, where newly added `Auto`s would overwrite ones alreay stored. * **Control.Auto**: `fromInterval` added to `Control.Auto`'s exports. ------- **DEPRECATED:** Please use ``! * **Control.Auto.Collection**: `dynZipF` and `dynMapF`, implicit-serialization dynamic collections. ------- * **Control.Auto.Effects**: `catchA` added to `Control.Auto.Effects`, allowing explicit catching of runtime exceptions thrown in underlying `IO`. ------- * First official release. No backwards-incompatible changes until ``.