# AWS Easy A simplified, high-level [AWS][aws] API built on top of [amazonka][amazonka] This is a collection of helper functions and some Template Haskell that I use regularly and has streamlined by use of the [amazonka][amazonka] framework. It was extracted from the code I wrote as part of my [AWS via Haskell][aws-via-haskell] series of blog posts. ## Setup ### Clone repository ``` git clone https://github.com/rcook/aws-easy.git ``` ### Install compiler ``` stack setup ``` ### Build ``` stack build --fast ``` ### Test ``` stack test ``` ## Licence Released under [MIT License][licence] [amazonka]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/amazonka [aws]: https://aws.amazon.com/ [aws-via-haskell]: http://blog.rcook.org/blog/2017/aws-via-haskell/ [licence]: LICENSE