
Module      : Azubi.Core.Boot
Description : Functions to create an Azubi Programm
Copyright   : (c) Ingolf Wagner, 2017
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : azubi@ingolf-wagner.de
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

delivers functions you need for starting the
whole azubi process and parsing options from
the command line.

module Azubi.Core.Boot where

import Options
import Azubi.Core.Model
import Azubi.Core.StateExecutor
import Azubi.Core.StateExecutors.LocalUnixStateExecutor hiding (runCommand)

  The function you should use to get you commands running.
azubiMain :: [State] -> IO ()
azubiMain states = do
  context <- runCommand extractConfiguration
  execute (config context) states
    config context = check (optSystem context)
        check Gentoo = (LocalContext $ UnixSystem verbosity)
        check Debian = (LocalContext $ UnixSystem verbosity)
        check Ubuntu = (LocalContext $ UnixSystem verbosity)
        verbosity = if (optVerbose context)
                    then Verbose
                    else Silent

extractConfiguration ::  AzubiOptions -> [String] -> IO AzubiOptions
extractConfiguration opts _ = return opts

data AzubiOptions = AzubiOptions { optVerbose :: Bool
                                 , optSystem :: System

instance Options AzubiOptions where
  defineOptions = pure AzubiOptions
    <*> simpleOption "verbose" False "shows the commands output"
    <*> defineOption (optionType_enum "Target System") systemConfig

descriptionHelper :: (Show a ) => [String] -> [ a ] -> String
descriptionHelper text (x:xs)= unwords $ text ++ ["[" ++ foldl (\a b -> a ++ ", " ++ (show b)) (show x) xs ++ "]" ]
descriptionHelper text [] = unwords text

data System = Gentoo
            | Debian
            | Ubuntu
               deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum)

systemConfig :: Option System -> Option System
systemConfig opt =
        opt{ optionLongFlags = ["system"]
           , optionDefault = Gentoo
           , optionDescription =
             [ "The System type the States should"
             , "be enforced on. Different Systems have"
             , "different commands"]
             [Gentoo ..]