
Module      : Azubi.Syntax
Description : Basic Azubi syntax to combine 'State's
Copyright   : (c) Ingolf Wagner, 2017
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : azubi@ingolf-wagner.de
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Functions to create a readable and typesafe
language, to describe system states.

module Azubi.Syntax where

import Azubi.Core.Model
import System.FilePath.Posix


Create a state that ensures that a file in @Path@ will
have the content of the String List.

Every String in the List will be a Line in the File.

content :: Path -> [String] -> State
content path fileContent = States
  [ HasFileContent path fileContent ]
    folderExists (takeDirectory path)
  , State
    [ Not $ FolderExists path ]
    [ Remove path ]
  , State
    [ Not AlwaysYes ]
    [ FileContent path fileContent ]
  (Just $ unwords [ "Content for File" , path ])


Creates a state out of two states.
When the first State fails the second
State will not be checked nor enforced.

This can also be achieved using 'submodule':

stateA `requires` stateB == 'submodule' [stateB, stateA]

requires :: State -> State -> State
stateA  `requires` stateB = States [Not AlwaysYes] [stateB, stateA] Nothing


Create a state containing of sub-states,
which have to be fulfilled in order.

If one state is not fulfilled, the following
will be ignored.

submodule :: [State] -> State
submodule states = States [Not AlwaysYes] states Nothing


make sure a folder exists

folderExists :: Path -> State
folderExists path =
  let folders = reverse $ allFolders $ splitDirectories path
  States [FolderExists path]
    (\folder ->
        States [FolderExists folder]
        [ State [ Not $ DoesExist folder ]
          [ Remove folder ]
          (Just $ "fuckup " ++ folder)
        , State [Not AlwaysYes ]
          [CreateFolder folder]
          (Just $ "create " ++ folder)
    ) folders )
    allFolders [] = []
    allFolders (x:xs) = (joinPath $ x:xs) : (allFolders xs)


ensure there is a link file -> target


link "~\/file" "~\/target"

will create a link at @~\/file\/@ pointing to @~\/target\/@

link :: Path -> Path -> State
link path target =
  [ SymlinkExists path target ]
  [ State [Not $ DoesExist path] [Remove path] Nothing
  , State [Not AlwaysYes] [CreateSymlink path target] Nothing
  (Just $ "link " ++ path ++ " -> " ++ target)


'State' combinator.

& folderExists "\/tmp\/foo"
& folderExists "\/tmp\/bar"

(&) :: [State] -> State -> [State]
states & state = states ++ [state]

-- (!) :: [State] -> State -> [State]
-- states ! state = states ++ [(revertState state)]