module Main where import Options.Applicative hiding (action) import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty import Paths_b9 import Data.Version import B9 main :: IO () main = do b9Opts <- parseCommandLine result <- runB9 b9Opts exit result where exit success = when (not success) (exitWith (ExitFailure 128)) parseCommandLine :: IO B9Options parseCommandLine = execParser (info (helper <*> (B9Options <$> globals <*> cmds <*> buildVars)) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Build and run VM-Images inside LXC containers.\ \ Custom arguments follow after '--' and are\ \ accessable in many strings in build files \ \ trough shell like variable references, i.e. \ \'${arg_N}' referes to positional argument $N.\n\ \\n\ \Repository names passed to the command line are\ \ looked up in the B9 configuration file, which is\ \ on Un*x like system per default located in: \ \ '~/.b9/b9.config'" <> headerDoc (Just helpHeader))) where helpHeader = linebreak <> text ("B9 - a benign VM-Image build tool v. " ++ b9Version) data B9Options = B9Options GlobalOpts BuildAction BuildVariables data GlobalOpts = GlobalOpts { configFile :: Maybe SystemPath , cliB9Config :: B9Config } type BuildAction = Maybe SystemPath -> ConfigParser -> B9Config -> IO Bool runB9 :: B9Options -> IO Bool runB9 (B9Options globalOpts action vars) = do let cfgWithArgs = cfgCli { envVars = envVars cfgCli ++ vars } cfgCli = cliB9Config globalOpts cfgFile = configFile globalOpts cp <- configure cfgFile cfgCli action cfgFile cp cfgWithArgs runShowVersion :: BuildAction runShowVersion _cfgFile _cp _conf = do putStrLn b9Version return True runBuildArtifacts :: [FilePath] -> BuildAction runBuildArtifacts buildFiles _cfgFile cp conf = do generators <- mapM consult buildFiles buildArtifacts (mconcat generators) cp conf runFormatBuildFiles :: [FilePath] -> BuildAction runFormatBuildFiles buildFiles _cfgFile _cp _conf = do generators <- mapM consult buildFiles let generatorsFormatted = map ppShow (generators :: [ArtifactGenerator]) putStrLn `mapM` (generatorsFormatted) (uncurry writeFile) `mapM` (buildFiles `zip` generatorsFormatted) return True runPush :: SharedImageName -> BuildAction runPush name _cfgFile cp conf = impl where conf' = conf { keepTempDirs = False } impl = run cp conf' (if not (isJust (repository conf')) then do errorL "No repository specified! \ \ Use '-r' to specify a repo BEFORE 'push'." return False else do pushSharedImageLatestVersion name return True) runPull :: Maybe SharedImageName -> BuildAction runPull mName _cfgFile cp conf = run cp conf' (pullRemoteRepos >> maybePullImage) where conf' = conf { keepTempDirs = False } maybePullImage = maybe (return True) pullLatestImage mName runListSharedImages :: BuildAction runListSharedImages _cfgFile cp conf = impl where conf' = conf { keepTempDirs = False } impl = do imgs <- run cp conf' getSharedImages if null imgs then putStrLn "\n\nNO SHAREABLE IMAGES\n" else putStrLn "SHAREABLE IMAGES:" mapM_ (putStrLn . ppShow) imgs return True runAddRepo :: RemoteRepo -> BuildAction runAddRepo repo cfgFile cp _conf = do repo' <- remoteRepoCheckSshPrivKey repo case writeRemoteRepoConfig repo' cp of Left er -> error (printf "Failed to add remote repo '%s'\ \ to b9 configuration. The \ \error was: \"%s\"." (show repo) (show er)) Right cpWithRepo -> writeB9Config cfgFile cpWithRepo return True globals :: Parser GlobalOpts globals = toGlobalOpts <$> optional (strOption (help "Path to users b9-configuration" <> short 'c' <> long "configuration-file" <> metavar "FILENAME")) <*> switch (help "Log everything that happens to stdout" <> short 'v' <> long "verbose") <*> switch (help "Suppress non-error output" <> short 'q' <> long "quiet") <*> optional (strOption (help "Path to a logfile" <> short 'l' <> long "log-file" <> metavar "FILENAME")) <*> optional (strOption (help "Output file for a command/timing profile" <> long "profile-file" <> metavar "FILENAME")) <*> optional (strOption (help "Root directory for build directories" <> short 'b' <> long "build-root-dir" <> metavar "DIRECTORY")) <*> switch (help "Keep build directories after exit" <> short 'k' <> long "keep-build-dir") <*> switch (help "Predictable build directory names" <> short 'u' <> long "predictable-build-dir") <*> optional (strOption (help "Cache directory for shared images, default: '~/.b9/repo-cache'" <> long "repo-cache" <> metavar "DIRECTORY")) <*> optional (strOption (help "Remote repository to share image to" <> short 'r' <> long "repo" <> metavar "REPOSITORY_ID")) where toGlobalOpts :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe String -> GlobalOpts toGlobalOpts cfg verbose quiet logF profF buildRoot keep notUnique mRepoCache repo = let minLogLevel = if verbose then Just LogTrace else if quiet then Just LogError else Nothing b9cfg' = let b9cfg = mempty { verbosity = minLogLevel , logFile = logF , profileFile = profF , buildDirRoot = buildRoot , keepTempDirs = keep , uniqueBuildDirs = not notUnique , repository = repo } in case mRepoCache of Nothing -> b9cfg Just repoCache -> let rc = Path repoCache in b9cfg { repositoryCache = rc } in GlobalOpts { configFile = (Path <$> cfg) <|> pure defaultB9ConfigFile , cliB9Config = b9cfg' } cmds :: Parser BuildAction cmds = subparser ( command "version" (info (pure runShowVersion) (progDesc "Show program version and exit.")) <> command "build" (info (runBuildArtifacts <$> buildFileParser) (progDesc "Merge all build file and\ \ generate all artifacts.")) <> command "push" (info (runPush <$> sharedImageNameParser) (progDesc "Push the lastest shared image\ \ from cache to the selected \ \ remote repository.")) <> command "pull" (info (runPull <$> optional sharedImageNameParser) (progDesc "Either pull shared image meta\ \ data from all repositories,\ \ or only from just a selected one.\ \ If additionally the name of a\ \ shared images was specified,\ \ pull the newest version\ \ from either the selected repo,\ \ or from the repo with the most\ \ recent version.")) <> command "list" (info (pure runListSharedImages) (progDesc "List shared images.")) <> command "add-repo" (info (runAddRepo <$> remoteRepoParser) (progDesc "Add a remote repo.")) <> command "reformat" (info (runFormatBuildFiles <$> buildFileParser) (progDesc "Re-Format all build files."))) buildFileParser :: Parser [FilePath] buildFileParser = helper <*> some (strOption (help "Build file to load, specify multiple build\ \ files (each witch '-f') to build them all in a single run." <> short 'f' <> long "project-file" <> metavar "FILENAME" <> noArgError (ErrorMsg "No build file specified!"))) buildVars :: Parser BuildVariables buildVars = zip (("arg_"++) . show <$> ([1..] :: [Int])) <$> many (strArgument idm) remoteRepoParser :: Parser RemoteRepo remoteRepoParser = helper <*> (RemoteRepo <$> strArgument (help "The name of the remmote repository." <> metavar "NAME") <*> strArgument (help "The (remote) repository root path." <> metavar "REMOTE_DIRECTORY") <*> (SshPrivKey <$> strArgument (help "Path to the SSH private\ \ key file used for \ \ authorization." <> metavar "SSH_PRIV_KEY_FILE")) <*> (SshRemoteHost <$> ((,) <$> strArgument (help "Repo hostname or IP" <> metavar "HOST") <*> argument auto (help "SSH-Port number" <> value 22 <> showDefault <> metavar "PORT"))) <*> (SshRemoteUser <$> strArgument (help "SSH-User to login" <> metavar "USER"))) sharedImageNameParser :: Parser SharedImageName sharedImageNameParser = helper <*> (SharedImageName <$> strArgument (help "Shared image name" <> metavar "NAME")) b9Version :: String b9Version = showVersion version