{-| B9 is a library and build tool with primitive operations to rmrun a build script inside a virtual machine and to create and convert virtual machine image files as well as related ISO and VFAT disk images for e.g. cloud-init configuration sources. This module re-exports the modules needed to build a tool around the library, e.g. see @src\/cli\/Main.hs@ as an example. "B9.ArtifactGenerator" is the module containing the basic data structure used to describe a B9 build. -} module B9 ( b9Version, b9VersionString , runShowVersion , runBuildArtifacts , runFormatBuildFiles , runPush , runPull , runRun , runGcLocalRepoCache , runGcRemoteRepoCache , runListSharedImages , runAddRepo , runLookupLocalSharedImage , module X) where import Control.Applicative as X import Control.Monad as X import Control.Monad.IO.Class as X import Control.Exception(throwIO, catch) import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import System.Directory (removeFile) import Data.Monoid as X import Data.List as X import Data.Maybe as X import Text.Show.Pretty as X (ppShow) import System.Exit as X (exitWith, ExitCode(..)) import System.FilePath as X (takeDirectory, takeFileName, replaceExtension, (), (<.>)) import Text.Printf as X (printf) import Data.Version as X import B9.Builder as X import B9.Invokation as X import Paths_b9 (version) import Data.Function (on) import Control.Lens as Lens ((^.), over, (.~), (%~), set) -- | Return the cabal package version of the B9 library. b9Version :: Version b9Version = version -- | Return the cabal package version of the B9 library, -- formatted using `showVersion`. b9VersionString :: String b9VersionString = showVersion version runShowVersion :: B9Invokation Bool () runShowVersion = doAfterConfiguration $ const $ do liftIO $ putStrLn b9VersionString return True runBuildArtifacts :: [FilePath] -> B9Invokation String () runBuildArtifacts buildFiles = do generators <- mapM consult buildFiles buildArtifacts (mconcat generators) runFormatBuildFiles :: [FilePath] -> B9Invokation Bool () runFormatBuildFiles buildFiles = doAfterConfiguration $ const $ liftIO $ do generators <- mapM consult buildFiles let generatorsFormatted = map ppShow (generators :: [ArtifactGenerator]) putStrLn `mapM` (generatorsFormatted) (uncurry writeFile) `mapM` (buildFiles `zip` generatorsFormatted) return True runPush :: SharedImageName -> B9Invokation Bool () runPush name = do modifyInvokationConfig (keepTempDirs .~ False) run $ const $ do conf <- getConfig if not (isJust (conf ^. repository)) then do errorL "No repository specified! Use '-r' to specify a repo BEFORE 'push'." return False else do pushSharedImageLatestVersion name return True runPull :: Maybe SharedImageName -> B9Invokation Bool () runPull mName = do modifyInvokationConfig (keepTempDirs .~ False) run (const (pullRemoteRepos >> maybePullImage)) where maybePullImage = maybe (return True) pullLatestImage mName runRun :: SharedImageName -> [String] -> B9Invokation String () runRun (SharedImageName name) cmdAndArgs = do modifyInvokationConfig (Lens.set keepTempDirs False . Lens.set interactive True) buildArtifacts runCmdAndArgs where runCmdAndArgs = Artifact (IID ("run-" ++ name)) ( VmImages [ImageTarget Transient (From name KeepSize) (MountPoint "/")] ( VmScript X86_64 [SharedDirectory "." (MountPoint "/mnt/CWD")] (Run (head cmdAndArgs') (tail cmdAndArgs')) ) ) where cmdAndArgs' = if null cmdAndArgs then ["/usr/bin/zsh"] else cmdAndArgs runGcLocalRepoCache :: B9Invokation Bool () runGcLocalRepoCache = do modifyInvokationConfig (keepTempDirs .~ False) impl where impl = run $ const $ do toDelete <- (obsoleteSharedmages . map snd) <$> lookupSharedImages (== Cache) (const True) imgDir <- getSharedImagesCacheDir let filesToDelete = (imgDir ) <$> (infoFiles ++ imgFiles) infoFiles = sharedImageFileName <$> toDelete imgFiles = (imageFileName . sharedImageImage) <$> toDelete if null filesToDelete then liftIO $ do putStrLn "\n\nNO IMAGES TO DELETE\n" return True else liftIO $ do putStrLn "DELETING FILES:" putStrLn (unlines filesToDelete) mapM_ removeIfExists filesToDelete return True obsoleteSharedmages :: [SharedImage] -> [SharedImage] obsoleteSharedmages = concatMap (tail . reverse) . filter ((> 1) . length) . groupBy ((==) `on` siName) removeIfExists :: FilePath -> IO () removeIfExists fileName = removeFile fileName `catch` handleExists where handleExists e | isDoesNotExistError e = return () | otherwise = throwIO e runGcRemoteRepoCache :: B9Invokation Bool () runGcRemoteRepoCache = do modifyInvokationConfig (keepTempDirs .~ False) run $ const $ do repos <- getSelectedRepos cache <- getRepoCache mapM_ (cleanRemoteRepo cache) repos return True runListSharedImages :: B9Invokation [SharedImage] () runListSharedImages = do modifyInvokationConfig (keepTempDirs .~ False) run $ const $ do remoteRepo <- getSelectedRemoteRepo let repoPred = maybe (== Cache) ((==) . toRemoteRepository) remoteRepo allRepos <- getRemoteRepos if isNothing remoteRepo then liftIO $ do putStrLn "Showing local shared images only." putStrLn $ "\nTo view the contents of a remote repo add \n\ \the '-r' switch with one of the remote \n\ \repository ids." else liftIO $ putStrLn ("Showing shared images on: " ++ remoteRepoRepoId (fromJust remoteRepo)) when (not (null allRepos)) $ liftIO $ do putStrLn "\nAvailable remote repositories:" mapM_ (putStrLn . (" * " ++) . remoteRepoRepoId) allRepos imgs <- lookupSharedImages repoPred (const True) if null imgs then liftIO $ putStrLn "\n\nNO SHARED IMAGES\n" else liftIO $ do putStrLn "" putStrLn $ prettyPrintSharedImages $ map snd imgs return $ map snd imgs runAddRepo :: RemoteRepo -> B9Invokation Bool () runAddRepo repo = do repo' <- remoteRepoCheckSshPrivKey repo modifyPermanentConfig ( remoteRepos %~ ( mappend [repo'] . filter ((== remoteRepoRepoId repo') . remoteRepoRepoId) ) ) runLookupLocalSharedImage :: SharedImageName -> B9Invokation (Maybe SharedImageBuildId) () runLookupLocalSharedImage n = run $ const $ do traceL (printf "Searching for cached image: %s" (show n)) imgs <- lookupSharedImages isAvailableOnLocalHost hasTheDesiredName traceL "Candidate images: " traceL (printf "%s\n" (prettyPrintSharedImages (map snd imgs))) let res = extractNewestImageFromResults imgs traceL (printf "Returning result: %s" (show res)) return res where extractNewestImageFromResults = listToMaybe . map toBuildId . take 1 . reverse . map snd where toBuildId (SharedImage _ _ i _ _) = i isAvailableOnLocalHost = (Cache ==) hasTheDesiredName (SharedImage n' _ _ _ _) = n == n'