-- | Provide information about the current build.
-- This module provides build meta information like
-- build directory, build-id and build-time.
-- @since 0.5.65
module B9.BuildInfo
  ( getBuildId
  , getBuildDate
  , getBuildDir
  , getExecEnvType
  , withBuildInfo
  , BuildInfoReader
  ) where

import B9.B9Config
import B9.B9Error
import B9.B9Logging
import B9.Environment
import Control.Eff
import Control.Eff.Reader.Lazy
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Lens ((?~))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl, control)
import Data.Functor ()
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Text.Printf

-- | Build meta information.
-- @since 0.5.65
data BuildInfo = BuildInfo
  { bsBuildId :: String
  , bsBuildDate :: String
  , bsBuildDir :: FilePath
  , bsStartTime :: UTCTime
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Type alias for a 'BuildInfo' 'Reader'
-- @since 0.5.65
type BuildInfoReader = Reader BuildInfo

-- | Create the build directories, generate (hash) the build-id and execute the given action.
-- Export the @projectRoot@ 'Environment' variable.
-- Unless '_keepTempDirs' is @True@ clean up the build directories after the actions
-- returns - even if the action throws a runtime exception.
-- @since 0.5.65
withBuildInfo ::
     ( Lifted IO e
     , MonadBaseControl IO (Eff e)
     , Member B9ConfigReader e
     , Member ExcB9 e
     , Member EnvironmentReader e
     , Member LoggerReader e
  => Eff (BuildInfoReader ': e) a
  -> Eff e a
withBuildInfo action =
  withRootDir $ do
    now <- lift getCurrentTime
    let buildDate = formatTime undefined "%F-%T" now
    buildId <- generateBuildId buildDate
    withBuildDir buildId (runImpl buildId buildDate now)
    withRootDir f = do
      mRoot <- _projectRoot <$> getB9Config
      root <-
        lift $
        case mRoot of
          Nothing -> getCurrentDirectory >>= canonicalizePath
          Just rootIn -> do
            createDirectoryIfMissing True rootIn
            canonicalizePath rootIn
      localB9Config (projectRoot ?~ root) (addLocalStringBinding ("projectRoot", root) f)
    generateBuildId buildDate = do
      unqiueBuildDir <- _uniqueBuildDirs <$> getB9Config
      cfgHash <- hash . show <$> getB9Config
      if unqiueBuildDir
        then return (printf "%08X-%08X" cfgHash (hash buildDate))
        else return (printf "%08X" cfgHash)
    withBuildDir buildId f = do
      root <- _projectRoot <$> getB9Config
      cfg <- getB9Config
      control $ \runInIO -> bracket (createBuildDir root) (removeBuildDir cfg) (runInIO . f)
        createBuildDir root = do
          let buildDir =
                case root of
                  Just r -> r </> "BUILD-" ++ buildId
                  Nothing -> "BUILD-" ++ buildId
          createDirectoryIfMissing True buildDir
          canonicalizePath buildDir
        removeBuildDir cfg buildDir =
          when (_uniqueBuildDirs cfg && not (_keepTempDirs cfg)) $ removeDirectoryRecursive buildDir
    runImpl buildId buildDate startTime buildDir =
      let ctx = BuildInfo buildId buildDate buildDir startTime
       in runReader ctx wrappedAction
        wrappedAction = do
          rootD <- getProjectRoot
          traceL (printf "Project Root Directory: %s" rootD)
          buildD <- getBuildDir
          traceL (printf "Build Directory:        %s" buildD)
          r <- action
          tsAfter <- liftIO getCurrentTime
          let duration = show (tsAfter `diffUTCTime` startTime)
          infoL (printf "DURATION: %s" duration)
          return r

-- Run the action build action
getBuildId :: Member BuildInfoReader e => Eff e String
getBuildId = bsBuildId <$> ask

getBuildDate :: Member BuildInfoReader e => Eff e String
getBuildDate = bsBuildDate <$> ask

getBuildDir :: Member BuildInfoReader e => Eff e FilePath
getBuildDir = bsBuildDir <$> ask