Getting started ================ Here are the steps you need to follow to author your own installer builder: * Install GHC and Bamse. Assuming here that you've already done that. * Build Bamse; by default, it uses the 'Base' template, resulting in an installer builder, mkInstaller.exe, which simply creates empty MSI installers. * Building Bamse is done by typing 'make' in the toplevel directory, provided you've first changed the setting of HC in the Makefile to point to your local installation of GHC. * Create your own template module. Have a look at doc/using.txt for information about what module signature you need to supply. Consulting/copying examples in templates/ is also a good way to get started. * Hook in your template by adding an import to it in Main.hs. To keep things simple (by avoiding editing of the Makefile), just add the template module to the templates/ directory. * re-make Bamse to produce a 'mkInstaller' builder for your project. Use --help to discover the set of options supported, but typical invocations are: foo$ mkInstaller --generate-guids -o myInstaller.msi c:/path/to/the/top/of/my/dist/tree foo$ mkInstaller -u -o myInstaller.msi c:/path/to/the/top/of/my/dist/tree The latter one re-uses the GUIDs of the existing 'myInstaller.msi' to create a new one. You want to do that to when creating updates/bugfixes of existing products without upgrading its version numbers; please notice that it overwrites the .msi in the end, so please make a copy if the MSI is precious.. * Ship the resulting installer and/or give us feedback on what did or didn't work for you.