Examples: currently only a worked-through example of how to bundle up your Cabal project in an MSI. To build and invoke it, do: foo$ cd /to/my/bamse/directory # Skip building the Bamse package if you already have.. foo$ runghc Setup configure --user; runghc Setup build; runghc Setup install foo$ cd examples foo$ ghc -o genCabal Cabal.hs -package bamse # Edit the Cabal.hs sources to have it fit your application/package (name, author, files, etc.) foo$ cd /to/my/cabal/package foo$ cp /to/my/bamse/directory/examples/genCabal.exe . foo$ ./genCabal --generate-guids -o myMSI.msi --tool-dir=c:/to/my/bamse/directory . ... foo$ cp myMSI.msi c:/public/publish/directory/ # Uh, you may want to test it some first ;-)