{-| Reasonably efficient (constant-time) calculation of standard bank holidays
in England and Wales, including special cases 1995-2014. May become out-of-date
as future special cases are announced. -}

module Data.Time.Calendar.BankHoliday.EnglandAndWales 
  ( bankHolidays
  , isBankHoliday
  , countBankHolidays
  ) where

import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Calendar.Easter
import qualified Data.Set as S

{-| List the bank holidays for the given year, in ascending order. Bank
holidays never fall on a weekend. -}
bankHolidays :: Integer -> [Day]
bankHolidays yy = standardHolidays ++ if yy == 1999 then [dec 31] else []

  [jan, apr, may, jun, sep, dec] = map (fromGregorian yy)
    [1,   4,   5,   6,   9,  12]

  wd mm dd = toModifiedJulianDay (mm dd) `mod` 7

  standardHolidays = newYearsDay ++ easter ++ mayDay ++ spring ++ [weekBefore $ firstMondayIn sep] ++ christmas

  mayDay = case yy of
    2011 -> [apr 29, may 2]
    1995 -> [may 8]
    _    -> [firstMondayIn may]

  spring = case yy of
    2002 -> [jun 3, jun 4]
    2012 -> [jun 4, jun 5]
    _    -> [weekBefore $ firstMondayIn jun]

  newYearsDay = case wd jan 1 of
    3 {- Sat -} -> [jan 3]
    4 {- Sun -} -> [jan 2]
    _           -> [jan 1]

  easter = let easterSunday = gregorianEaster yy in [addDays (-2) easterSunday, addDays 1 easterSunday]

  christmas = case wd dec 25 of
    2 {- Fri -} -> [dec 25, dec 28]
    3 {- Sat -} -> [dec 27, dec 28]
    4 {- Sun -} -> [dec 26, dec 27]
    _           -> [dec 25, dec 26]

  firstMondayIn mm = addDays (negate $ wd mm 02) (mm 07)
  weekBefore = addDays (-7)

{-| Returns whether a day is a bank holiday. -}
isBankHoliday :: Day -> Bool
isBankHoliday d = (not $ S.member d skipped) && (S.member d extras || isStandardHoliday)
  skipped = S.fromList  [ fromGregorian 1995 05 1
                        , fromGregorian 2002 05 27
                        , fromGregorian 2012 05 28
  extras  = S.fromList  [ fromGregorian 1995 05 08
                        , fromGregorian 1999 12 31
                        , fromGregorian 2002 06 03
                        , fromGregorian 2002 06 04
                        , fromGregorian 2011 04 29
                        , fromGregorian 2012 06 04
                        , fromGregorian 2012 06 05
  (yy,mm,dd)   = toGregorian d
  dayOfWeek    = mod (toModifiedJulianDay d) 7
  isMonday     = dayOfWeek == 5
  isWeekend    = dayOfWeek `elem` [3,4]
  easterSunday = gregorianEaster yy

    | isWeekend = False
    | isMonday  =  (mm == 1  &&  dd <= 3)
                || (mm == 5  && (dd <= 7 || 31-7 < dd))
                || (mm == 8  &&             31-7 < dd)
                || (mm == 12 && 25 <= dd && dd < 29)
                || d == addDays 1 easterSunday
    | otherwise =  (mm,dd) == (1,1)
                || (mm == 12 && 25 <= dd && (dd < 27 || (dayOfWeek == 6 && dd < 29)))
                || d == addDays (-2) easterSunday

countDaysWrapper :: (Day -> Day -> Integer) -> Day -> Day -> Integer
countDaysWrapper f d0 d1 = case compare d0 d1 of
  LT -> f d0 d1
  EQ -> 0
  GT -> negate $ f d1 d0

{-| Count the number of bank holidays between two 'Day's.

If @d0 <= d1@ then @countBankHolidays d0 d1@ is the number of 'Day's @d@ for
which @isBankHoliday d && d0 <= d && d < d1@. Note the count includes @d0@ but
excludes @d1@.

Additionally, @countBankHolidays d0 d1 == negate (countBankHolidays d1 d0)@ and
@countBankHolidays d0 d2 == countBankHolidays d0 d1 + countBankHolidays d1 d2@.

countBankHolidays :: Day -> Day -> Integer
countBankHolidays = countDaysWrapper go
  go d0 d1 =
    if y0 == y1
      then fromIntegral $ length $ takeWhile (<d1) $ dropWhile (<d0) $ bankHolidays y0
      else fromIntegral (length (takeWhile (<d1) $ bankHolidays y1)
                       - length (takeWhile (<d0) $ bankHolidays y0)
                       + length (dropWhile (<y0) $ takeWhile (<y1) [1999,2002,2011,2012]))
         + 8 * (y1 - y0)
    (y0,_,_) = toGregorian d0
    (y1,_,_) = toGregorian d1