-- This Cabal file generated using the Cartel library. -- Cartel is available at: -- http://www.github.com/massysett/cartel -- -- Script name used to generate: genCabal.hs -- Generated on: 2015-03-19 23:04:45.376649 EDT -- Cartel library version: name: barecheck version: cabal-version: >= 1.14 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple copyright: Copyright 2014 Omari Norman author: Omari Norman, omari@smileystation.com maintainer: Omari Norman, omari@smileystation.com stability: Experimental homepage: http://github.com/massysett/barecheck bug-reports: http://github.com/massysett/barecheck/issues synopsis: QuickCheck implementations for common types description: Provides QuickCheck implementations for common types distributed with GHC and in the Haskell Platform. The implementations are NOT provided through the QuickCheck Arbitrary and CoArbitrary typeclasses; instead, they are provided through ordinary, non-overloaded functions. This avoids problems with orphan instances. . Implementations are provided through child modules of the module that provides the original type. For example, for "Data.Map", look under "Data.Map.Generators", "Data.Map.Shrinkers", and "Data.Map.Coarbitrary". For instance, a function that generates a Map is at 'Data.Map.Generators.map', while a function providing a coarbitrary implementation is at 'Data.Map.Coarbitrary.map'. Obviously this can lead to name conflicts, both between modules provided in this package and with other standard modules, so keep this in mind when you do your imports. category: Testing tested-with: GHC == 7.6.3 GHC == 7.8.3 extra-source-files: genCabal.hs Library exposed-modules: Barecheck.Promote Barecheck.Util Data.Map.Coarbitrary Data.Map.Generators Data.Map.Shrinkers Data.Monoid.Coarbitrary Data.Monoid.Generators Data.Monoid.Shrinkers Data.Sequence.Coarbitrary Data.Sequence.Generators Data.Sequence.Shrinkers Data.Text.Coarbitrary Data.Text.Generators Data.Text.Shrinkers Data.Time.Coarbitrary Data.Time.Generators Data.Time.Shrinkers Data.Tree.Coarbitrary Data.Tree.Generators Data.Tree.Shrinkers Prelude.Coarbitrary Prelude.Generators Prelude.Shrinkers build-depends: QuickCheck >= 2.7 && < 2.9 , base >= && < , text >= && < 1.3 , containers >= && < 0.6 , time >= 1.4 && < 1.6 ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: lib source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/massysett/barecheck.git