module Step_2_1 where import Slides page = slideDeck "Chapter 2" [ titleSlide "Chapter 2" [ "HTML Output" , "Four ways to write a to do list." ] , codeSlide "Text.Html" "From now own, we'll be generating HTML output. \ \We do this with the Text.Html library, which introduces some new functions:" [ "h1 h2 h3 p pre -- most tags are defined as their own names" , "italics thediv -- some have quirky names" , "ulist olist -- more quirky ones" ] , codeSlide "Text.Html" "You put content inside a tag with the << operator:" [ "h1 << \"Heading\" -- content can be a String" , "blockquote << paragraph << \"blah blah ...\" -- or another tag" , "ulist << [ li << \"Apple\", li << \"Banana\", li << \"Kiki\" ]" , " -- or a list of content" ] , codeSlide "Text.Html" "Some other useful functions:" [ "toHtml -- converts strings or lists to Html content" , "+++ -- concatenate Html content" , "noHtml -- an empty Html content" ] , pointSlide "Onward" "Now let's build a To Do list..." [ "Be brave" , "Read the comments" , "Go on to the next tutorial step." ] ]