{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy, BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GHC.IO.Buffer -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2008 -- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE -- -- Maintainer : cvs-ghc@haskell.org -- Stability : internal -- Portability : non-portable (GHC Extensions) -- -- Buffers used in the IO system -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GHC.IO.Buffer ( -- * Buffers of any element Buffer(..), BufferState(..), CharBuffer, CharBufElem, -- ** Creation newByteBuffer, newCharBuffer, newBuffer, emptyBuffer, -- ** Insertion/removal bufferRemove, bufferAdd, slideContents, bufferAdjustL, -- ** Inspecting isEmptyBuffer, isFullBuffer, isFullCharBuffer, isWriteBuffer, bufferElems, bufferAvailable, summaryBuffer, -- ** Operating on the raw buffer as a Ptr withBuffer, withRawBuffer, -- ** Assertions checkBuffer, -- * Raw buffers RawBuffer, readWord8Buf, writeWord8Buf, RawCharBuffer, peekCharBuf, readCharBuf, writeCharBuf, readCharBufPtr, writeCharBufPtr, charSize, ) where import GHC.Base -- import GHC.IO import GHC.Num import GHC.Ptr import GHC.Word import GHC.Show import GHC.Real import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Storable -- Char buffers use either UTF-16 or UTF-32, with the endianness matching -- the endianness of the host. -- -- Invariants: -- * a Char buffer consists of *valid* UTF-16 or UTF-32 -- * only whole characters: no partial surrogate pairs #define CHARBUF_UTF32 -- #define CHARBUF_UTF16 -- -- NB. it won't work to just change this to CHARBUF_UTF16. Some of -- the code to make this work is there, and it has been tested with -- the Iconv codec, but there are some pieces that are known to be -- broken. In particular, the built-in codecs -- e.g. GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF{8,16,32} need to use isFullCharBuffer or -- similar in place of the ow >= os comparisons. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Raw blocks of data type RawBuffer e = ForeignPtr e readWord8Buf :: RawBuffer Word8 -> Int -> IO Word8 readWord8Buf arr ix = withForeignPtr arr $ \p -> peekByteOff p ix writeWord8Buf :: RawBuffer Word8 -> Int -> Word8 -> IO () writeWord8Buf arr ix w = withForeignPtr arr $ \p -> pokeByteOff p ix w #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) type CharBufElem = Word16 #else type CharBufElem = Char #endif type RawCharBuffer = RawBuffer CharBufElem peekCharBuf :: RawCharBuffer -> Int -> IO Char peekCharBuf arr ix = withForeignPtr arr $ \p -> do (c,_) <- readCharBufPtr p ix return c {-# INLINE readCharBuf #-} readCharBuf :: RawCharBuffer -> Int -> IO (Char, Int) readCharBuf arr ix = withForeignPtr arr $ \p -> readCharBufPtr p ix {-# INLINE writeCharBuf #-} writeCharBuf :: RawCharBuffer -> Int -> Char -> IO Int writeCharBuf arr ix c = withForeignPtr arr $ \p -> writeCharBufPtr p ix c {-# INLINE readCharBufPtr #-} readCharBufPtr :: Ptr CharBufElem -> Int -> IO (Char, Int) #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) readCharBufPtr p ix = do c1 <- peekElemOff p ix if (c1 < 0xd800 || c1 > 0xdbff) then return (chr (fromIntegral c1), ix+1) else do c2 <- peekElemOff p (ix+1) return (unsafeChr ((fromIntegral c1 - 0xd800)*0x400 + (fromIntegral c2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000), ix+2) #else readCharBufPtr p ix = do c <- peekElemOff (castPtr p) ix; return (c, ix+1) #endif {-# INLINE writeCharBufPtr #-} writeCharBufPtr :: Ptr CharBufElem -> Int -> Char -> IO Int #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) writeCharBufPtr p ix ch | c < 0x10000 = do pokeElemOff p ix (fromIntegral c) return (ix+1) | otherwise = do let c' = c - 0x10000 pokeElemOff p ix (fromIntegral (c' `div` 0x400 + 0xd800)) pokeElemOff p (ix+1) (fromIntegral (c' `mod` 0x400 + 0xdc00)) return (ix+2) where c = ord ch #else writeCharBufPtr p ix ch = do pokeElemOff (castPtr p) ix ch; return (ix+1) #endif charSize :: Int #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) charSize = 2 #else charSize = 4 #endif -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Buffers -- | A mutable array of bytes that can be passed to foreign functions. -- -- The buffer is represented by a record, where the record contains -- the raw buffer and the start/end points of the filled portion. The -- buffer contents itself is mutable, but the rest of the record is -- immutable. This is a slightly odd mix, but it turns out to be -- quite practical: by making all the buffer metadata immutable, we -- can have operations on buffer metadata outside of the IO monad. -- -- The "live" elements of the buffer are those between the 'bufL' and -- 'bufR' offsets. In an empty buffer, 'bufL' is equal to 'bufR', but -- they might not be zero: for example, the buffer might correspond to -- a memory-mapped file and in which case 'bufL' will point to the -- next location to be written, which is not necessarily the beginning -- of the file. data Buffer e = Buffer { bufRaw :: !(RawBuffer e), bufState :: BufferState, bufSize :: !Int, -- in elements, not bytes bufL :: !Int, -- offset of first item in the buffer bufR :: !Int -- offset of last item + 1 } #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) type CharBuffer = Buffer Word16 #else type CharBuffer = Buffer Char #endif data BufferState = ReadBuffer | WriteBuffer deriving Eq -- ^ @since withBuffer :: Buffer e -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a withBuffer Buffer{ bufRaw=raw } f = withForeignPtr (castForeignPtr raw) f withRawBuffer :: RawBuffer e -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a withRawBuffer raw f = withForeignPtr (castForeignPtr raw) f isEmptyBuffer :: Buffer e -> Bool isEmptyBuffer Buffer{ bufL=l, bufR=r } = l == r isFullBuffer :: Buffer e -> Bool isFullBuffer Buffer{ bufR=w, bufSize=s } = s == w -- if a Char buffer does not have room for a surrogate pair, it is "full" isFullCharBuffer :: Buffer e -> Bool #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) isFullCharBuffer buf = bufferAvailable buf < 2 #else isFullCharBuffer = isFullBuffer #endif isWriteBuffer :: Buffer e -> Bool isWriteBuffer buf = case bufState buf of WriteBuffer -> True ReadBuffer -> False bufferElems :: Buffer e -> Int bufferElems Buffer{ bufR=w, bufL=r } = w - r bufferAvailable :: Buffer e -> Int bufferAvailable Buffer{ bufR=w, bufSize=s } = s - w bufferRemove :: Int -> Buffer e -> Buffer e bufferRemove i buf@Buffer{ bufL=r } = bufferAdjustL (r+i) buf bufferAdjustL :: Int -> Buffer e -> Buffer e bufferAdjustL l buf@Buffer{ bufR=w } | l == w = buf{ bufL=0, bufR=0 } | otherwise = buf{ bufL=l, bufR=w } bufferAdd :: Int -> Buffer e -> Buffer e bufferAdd i buf@Buffer{ bufR=w } = buf{ bufR=w+i } emptyBuffer :: RawBuffer e -> Int -> BufferState -> Buffer e emptyBuffer raw sz state = Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufState=state, bufR=0, bufL=0, bufSize=sz } newByteBuffer :: Int -> BufferState -> IO (Buffer Word8) newByteBuffer c st = newBuffer c c st newCharBuffer :: Int -> BufferState -> IO CharBuffer newCharBuffer c st = newBuffer (c * charSize) c st newBuffer :: Int -> Int -> BufferState -> IO (Buffer e) newBuffer bytes sz state = do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes bytes return (emptyBuffer fp sz state) -- | slides the contents of the buffer to the beginning slideContents :: Buffer Word8 -> IO (Buffer Word8) slideContents buf@Buffer{ bufL=l, bufR=r, bufRaw=raw } = do let elems = r - l withRawBuffer raw $ \p -> do _ <- memmove p (p `plusPtr` l) (fromIntegral elems) return () return buf{ bufL=0, bufR=elems } foreign import ccall unsafe "memmove" memmove :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> CSize -> IO (Ptr a) summaryBuffer :: Buffer a -> String summaryBuffer !buf -- Strict => slightly better code = "buf" ++ show (bufSize buf) ++ "(" ++ show (bufL buf) ++ "-" ++ show (bufR buf) ++ ")" -- INVARIANTS on Buffers: -- * r <= w -- * if r == w, and the buffer is for reading, then r == 0 && w == 0 -- * a write buffer is never full. If an operation -- fills up the buffer, it will always flush it before -- returning. -- * a read buffer may be full as a result of hLookAhead. In normal -- operation, a read buffer always has at least one character of space. checkBuffer :: Buffer a -> IO () checkBuffer buf@Buffer{ bufState = state, bufL=r, bufR=w, bufSize=size } = do check buf ( size > 0 && r <= w && w <= size && ( r /= w || state == WriteBuffer || (r == 0 && w == 0) ) && ( state /= WriteBuffer || w < size ) -- write buffer is never full ) check :: Buffer a -> Bool -> IO () check _ True = return () check buf False = errorWithoutStackTrace ("buffer invariant violation: " ++ summaryBuffer buf)