{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module GHC.Event.Array
    , capacity
    , clear
    , concat
    , copy
    , duplicate
    , empty
    , ensureCapacity
    , findIndex
    , forM_
    , length
    , loop
    , new
    , removeAt
    , snoc
    , unsafeLoad
    , unsafeRead
    , unsafeWrite
    , useAsPtr
    ) where

import Control.Monad hiding (forM_)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftR)
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Maybe
import Foreign.C.Types (CSize(..))
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr, plusPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import GHC.Base
import GHC.ForeignPtr (mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes, newForeignPtr_)
import GHC.Num (Num(..))
import GHC.Real (fromIntegral)
import GHC.Show (show)

#include "MachDeps.h"


#if defined(BOUNDS_CHECKING)
-- This fugly hack is brought by GHC's apparent reluctance to deal
-- with MagicHash and UnboxedTuples when inferring types. Eek!
#define CHECK_BOUNDS(_func_,_len_,_k_) \
if (_k_) < 0 || (_k_) >= (_len_) then error ("GHC.Event.Array." ++ (_func_) ++ ": bounds error, index " ++ show (_k_) ++ ", capacity " ++ show (_len_)) else
#define CHECK_BOUNDS(_func_,_len_,_k_)

-- Invariant: size <= capacity
newtype Array a = Array (IORef (AC a))

-- The actual array content.
data AC a = AC
    !(ForeignPtr a)  -- Elements
    !Int      -- Number of elements (length)
    !Int      -- Maximum number of elements (capacity)

empty :: IO (Array a)
empty = do
  p <- newForeignPtr_ nullPtr
  Array `fmap` newIORef (AC p 0 0)

allocArray :: Storable a => Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
allocArray n = allocHack undefined
  allocHack :: Storable a => a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
  allocHack dummy = mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes (n * sizeOf dummy)

reallocArray :: Storable a => ForeignPtr a -> Int -> Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
reallocArray p newSize oldSize = reallocHack undefined p
  reallocHack :: Storable a => a -> ForeignPtr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
  reallocHack dummy src = do
      let size = sizeOf dummy
      dst <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes (newSize * size)
      withForeignPtr src $ \s ->
        when (s /= nullPtr && oldSize > 0) .
          withForeignPtr dst $ \d -> do
            _ <- memcpy d s (fromIntegral (oldSize * size))
            return ()
      return dst

new :: Storable a => Int -> IO (Array a)
new c = do
    es <- allocArray cap
    fmap Array (newIORef (AC es 0 cap))
    cap = firstPowerOf2 c

duplicate :: Storable a => Array a -> IO (Array a)
duplicate a = dupHack undefined a
  dupHack :: Storable b => b -> Array b -> IO (Array b)
  dupHack dummy (Array ref) = do
    AC es len cap <- readIORef ref
    ary <- allocArray cap
    withForeignPtr ary $ \dest ->
      withForeignPtr es $ \src -> do
        _ <- memcpy dest src (fromIntegral (len * sizeOf dummy))
        return ()
    Array `fmap` newIORef (AC ary len cap)

length :: Array a -> IO Int
length (Array ref) = do
    AC _ len _ <- readIORef ref
    return len

capacity :: Array a -> IO Int
capacity (Array ref) = do
    AC _ _ cap <- readIORef ref
    return cap

unsafeRead :: Storable a => Array a -> Int -> IO a
unsafeRead (Array ref) ix = do
    AC es _ cap <- readIORef ref
      withForeignPtr es $ \p ->
        peekElemOff p ix

unsafeWrite :: Storable a => Array a -> Int -> a -> IO ()
unsafeWrite (Array ref) ix a = do
    ac <- readIORef ref
    unsafeWrite' ac ix a

unsafeWrite' :: Storable a => AC a -> Int -> a -> IO ()
unsafeWrite' (AC es _ cap) ix a = do
      withForeignPtr es $ \p ->
        pokeElemOff p ix a

unsafeLoad :: Storable a => Array a -> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO Int) -> IO Int
unsafeLoad (Array ref) load = do
    AC es _ cap <- readIORef ref
    len' <- withForeignPtr es $ \p -> load p cap
    writeIORef ref (AC es len' cap)
    return len'

ensureCapacity :: Storable a => Array a -> Int -> IO ()
ensureCapacity (Array ref) c = do
    ac@(AC _ _ cap) <- readIORef ref
    ac'@(AC _ _ cap') <- ensureCapacity' ac c
    when (cap' /= cap) $
      writeIORef ref ac'

ensureCapacity' :: Storable a => AC a -> Int -> IO (AC a)
ensureCapacity' ac@(AC es len cap) c = do
    if c > cap
      then do
        es' <- reallocArray es cap' cap
        return (AC es' len cap')
        return ac
    cap' = firstPowerOf2 c

useAsPtr :: Array a -> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
useAsPtr (Array ref) f = do
    AC es len _ <- readIORef ref
    withForeignPtr es $ \p -> f p len

snoc :: Storable a => Array a -> a -> IO ()
snoc (Array ref) e = do
    ac@(AC _ len _) <- readIORef ref
    let len' = len + 1
    ac'@(AC es _ cap) <- ensureCapacity' ac len'
    unsafeWrite' ac' len e
    writeIORef ref (AC es len' cap)

clear :: Storable a => Array a -> IO ()
clear (Array ref) = do
  atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \(AC es _ cap) ->
        (AC es 0 cap, ())

forM_ :: Storable a => Array a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forM_ ary g = forHack ary g undefined
    forHack :: Storable b => Array b -> (b -> IO ()) -> b -> IO ()
    forHack (Array ref) f dummy = do
      AC es len _ <- readIORef ref
      let size = sizeOf dummy
          offset = len * size
      withForeignPtr es $ \p -> do
        let go n | n >= offset = return ()
                 | otherwise = do
              f =<< peek (p `plusPtr` n)
              go (n + size)
        go 0

loop :: Storable a => Array a -> b -> (b -> a -> IO (b,Bool)) -> IO ()
loop ary z g = loopHack ary z g undefined
    loopHack :: Storable b => Array b -> c -> (c -> b -> IO (c,Bool)) -> b
             -> IO ()
    loopHack (Array ref) y f dummy = do
      AC es len _ <- readIORef ref
      let size = sizeOf dummy
          offset = len * size
      withForeignPtr es $ \p -> do
        let go n k
                | n >= offset = return ()
                | otherwise = do
                      (k',cont) <- f k =<< peek (p `plusPtr` n)
                      when cont $ go (n + size) k'
        go 0 y

findIndex :: Storable a => (a -> Bool) -> Array a -> IO (Maybe (Int,a))
findIndex = findHack undefined
  findHack :: Storable b => b -> (b -> Bool) -> Array b -> IO (Maybe (Int,b))
  findHack dummy p (Array ref) = do
    AC es len _ <- readIORef ref
    let size   = sizeOf dummy
        offset = len * size
    withForeignPtr es $ \ptr ->
      let go !n !i
            | n >= offset = return Nothing
            | otherwise = do
                val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` n)
                if p val
                  then return $ Just (i, val)
                  else go (n + size) (i + 1)
      in  go 0 0

concat :: Storable a => Array a -> Array a -> IO ()
concat (Array d) (Array s) = do
  da@(AC _ dlen _) <- readIORef d
  sa@(AC _ slen _) <- readIORef s
  writeIORef d =<< copy' da dlen sa 0 slen

-- | Copy part of the source array into the destination array. The
-- destination array is resized if not large enough.
copy :: Storable a => Array a -> Int -> Array a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
copy (Array d) dstart (Array s) sstart maxCount = do
  da <- readIORef d
  sa <- readIORef s
  writeIORef d =<< copy' da dstart sa sstart maxCount

-- | Copy part of the source array into the destination array. The
-- destination array is resized if not large enough.
copy' :: Storable a => AC a -> Int -> AC a -> Int -> Int -> IO (AC a)
copy' d dstart s sstart maxCount = copyHack d s undefined
  copyHack :: Storable b => AC b -> AC b -> b -> IO (AC b)
  copyHack dac@(AC _ oldLen _) (AC src slen _) dummy = do
    when (maxCount < 0 || dstart < 0 || dstart > oldLen || sstart < 0 ||
          sstart > slen) $ error "copy: bad offsets or lengths"
    let size = sizeOf dummy
        count = min maxCount (slen - sstart)
    if count == 0
      then return dac
      else do
        AC dst dlen dcap <- ensureCapacity' dac (dstart + count)
        withForeignPtr dst $ \dptr ->
          withForeignPtr src $ \sptr -> do
            _ <- memcpy (dptr `plusPtr` (dstart * size))
                        (sptr `plusPtr` (sstart * size))
                        (fromIntegral (count * size))
            return $ AC dst (max dlen (dstart + count)) dcap

removeAt :: Storable a => Array a -> Int -> IO ()
removeAt a i = removeHack a undefined
  removeHack :: Storable b => Array b -> b -> IO ()
  removeHack (Array ary) dummy = do
    AC fp oldLen cap <- readIORef ary
    when (i < 0 || i >= oldLen) $ error "removeAt: invalid index"
    let size   = sizeOf dummy
        newLen = oldLen - 1
    when (newLen > 0 && i < newLen) .
      withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> do
        _ <- memmove (ptr `plusPtr` (size * i))
                     (ptr `plusPtr` (size * (i+1)))
                     (fromIntegral (size * (newLen-i)))
        return ()
    writeIORef ary (AC fp newLen cap)

{-The firstPowerOf2 function works by setting all bits on the right-hand
side of the most significant flagged bit to 1, and then incrementing
the entire value at the end so it "rolls over" to the nearest power of

-- | Computes the next-highest power of two for a particular integer,
-- @n@.  If @n@ is already a power of two, returns @n@.  If @n@ is
-- zero, returns zero, even though zero is not a power of two.
firstPowerOf2 :: Int -> Int
firstPowerOf2 !n =
    let !n1 = n - 1
        !n2 = n1 .|. (n1 `shiftR` 1)
        !n3 = n2 .|. (n2 `shiftR` 2)
        !n4 = n3 .|. (n3 `shiftR` 4)
        !n5 = n4 .|. (n4 `shiftR` 8)
        !n6 = n5 .|. (n5 `shiftR` 16)
    in n6 + 1
#elif WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
        !n7 = n6 .|. (n6 `shiftR` 32)
    in n7 + 1
# error firstPowerOf2 not defined on this architecture

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy"
    memcpy :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> CSize -> IO (Ptr a)

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memmove"
    memmove :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> CSize -> IO (Ptr a)