{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Data.List.Compat ( module Base #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)) , all , and , any , concat , concatMap , elem , find , foldl , foldl' , foldl1 , foldr , foldr1 , length , maximum , maximumBy , minimum , minimumBy , notElem , null , or , product , sum , mapAccumL , mapAccumR , isSubsequenceOf , sortOn , uncons , scanl' #endif #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)) , dropWhileEnd #endif ) where #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Data.List as Base #else import Data.List as Base hiding ( all , and , any , concat , concatMap , elem , find , foldl , foldl' , foldl1 , foldr , foldr1 , length , maximum , maximumBy , minimum , minimumBy , notElem , null , or , product , sum , mapAccumL , mapAccumR ) import Data.Foldable.Compat import Data.Traversable import Prelude.Compat hiding (foldr, null) import Data.Ord (comparing) #endif #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)) -- | The 'dropWhileEnd' function drops the largest suffix of a list -- in which the given predicate holds for all elements. For example: -- -- > dropWhileEnd isSpace "foo\n" == "foo" -- > dropWhileEnd isSpace "foo bar" == "foo bar" -- > dropWhileEnd isSpace ("foo\n" ++ undefined) == "foo" ++ undefined -- -- /Since: dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] dropWhileEnd p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x && null xs then [] else x : xs) [] #endif #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)) -- | The 'isSubsequenceOf' function takes two lists and returns 'True' if the -- first list is a subsequence of the second list. -- -- @'isSubsequenceOf' x y@ is equivalent to @'elem' x ('subsequences' y)@. -- -- /Since: -- -- ==== __Examples__ -- -- >>> isSubsequenceOf "GHC" "The Glorious Haskell Compiler" -- True -- >>> isSubsequenceOf ['a','d'..'z'] ['a'..'z'] -- True -- >>> isSubsequenceOf [1..10] [10,9..0] -- False isSubsequenceOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool isSubsequenceOf [] _ = True isSubsequenceOf _ [] = False isSubsequenceOf a@(x:a') (y:b) | x == y = isSubsequenceOf a' b | otherwise = isSubsequenceOf a b -- | Sort a list by comparing the results of a key function applied to each -- element. @sortOn f@ is equivalent to @sortBy . comparing f@, but has the -- performance advantage of only evaluating @f@ once for each element in the -- input list. This is called the decorate-sort-undecorate paradigm, or -- Schwartzian transform. -- -- /Since: sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOn f = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (\x -> let y = f x in y `seq` (y, x)) -- | Decompose a list into its head and tail. If the list is empty, -- returns 'Nothing'. If the list is non-empty, returns @'Just' (x, xs)@, -- where @x@ is the head of the list and @xs@ its tail. -- -- /Since: uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a]) uncons [] = Nothing uncons (x:xs) = Just (x, xs) -- | A strictly accumulating version of 'scanl' {-# NOINLINE [1] scanl' #-} scanl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] -- This peculiar form is needed to prevent scanl' from being rewritten -- in its own right hand side. scanl' = scanlGo' where scanlGo' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] scanlGo' f !q ls = q : (case ls of [] -> [] x:xs -> scanlGo' f (f q x) xs) #endif