# * Support sized primitive types in GHC 9.2 ([#16](https://github.com/haskell/base16-bytestring/pull/16) - thanks Bodigrim!) # * Backwards-compatible support for `bytestring ^>= 0.11` ([#15](https://github.com/haskell/base16-bytestring/pull/15)) # * Merged omnibus PR doing a variety of things in ([#10](https://github.com/haskell/base16-bytestring/pull/10)): - Improves performance by 3-4x for encode, 4-5x for decode. - The `decode` signature returning the tuple and actually returns an error message with offset. The signature will now be `ByteString -> Either String ByteString`. - Actually tests using the test vectors defined in the RFC, and uses property tests to ensure invariants hold. - Adds lenient decoders to the API - Adds `-XTrustworthy` annotations to the relevant exposed modules - Rewrites the haddocks to be more up to date and fancy-styled. - Adds benchmarks to the `.cabal` file so they can be run at toplevel, and make them better. - Bumps the Cabal version to 1.12 Because of the breadth of this change, we are calling this a new epoch for the `base16-bytestring` library. Hence, the version ``. # * Fix some bugs in lazy decoding ([#8](https://github.com/haskell/base16-bytestring/pull/8)). # * Changelog not recorded up to this version.