-- Copyright 2015 Alvaro J. Genial (http://alva.ro) -- see LICENSE.md for more.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Codec.Binary.Base91.Text.Lazy (decode, encode) where

import Codec.Binary.Base91.Control (Applicative' (..), Foldable' (..))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base91 as Base91
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy      as TL

-- | Encodes ['Word8'] to (lazy) 'Text' in Base91; the opposite of 'decode'.
encode :: [Word8] -> Text
encode = Base91.encode

-- | Decodes ['Word8'] from (lazy) 'Text' in Base91; the opposite of 'encode'.
decode :: Text -> [Word8]
decode = Base91.decode

instance Applicative' Text where
    type Item (Text) = Char
    pure' = TL.singleton

instance Foldable' Text where
    type Element (Text) = Char
    fold' = TL.foldl'