etc/files: env: YBD_CONF paths: - "ybd.conf" etc/cli: desc: "baserock - Utility toolkit for manipulating definitions" header: "baserock - Utility toolkit for manipulating definitions" commands: print-config: desc: "Prints configuration summary" header: "Prints configuration summary" sanitize: desc: "Sanitizes an entire system down to the level of strata" header: "" set-all-refs: desc: "Set all refs in a stratum to a particular value" header: "" bump-shas: desc: "Bump all shas in a stratum" header: "" maybe-track-ref: desc: "Will track a ref and bump the sha if the branch exists on the remote" header: "" steal-instructions: desc: "Checkout all chunk instructions for a morphology from another branch in the repo" header: "" etc/entries: morph: etc/spec: type: "string" help: "Morphology filepath" cli: input: "argument" metavar: "MORPHFILE" commands: - sanitize - set-all-refs - bump-shas - maybe-track-ref - steal-instructions ref: etc/spec: type: "string" help: "A ref value" cli: input: "argument" metavar: "REF" commands: - set-all-refs - maybe-track-ref - steal-instructions gitlab: url: etc/spec: type: "string" help: "Gitlab url" env: "GITLAB_BASE_URL" cli: input: "option" short: "u" metavar: "GITLAB_BASE_URL" commands: - bump-shas - maybe-track-ref token: etc/spec: sensitive: true type: "string" env: "GITLAB_API_TOKEN" help: "Gitlab private token" cli: input: "option" short: "t" metavar: "GITLAB_API_TOKEN" commands: - bump-shas - maybe-track-ref