## 0.7.0 * Export applicative version of Foldable and Traversable functions [#72](https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude/issues/72) * Generalize all IO functions to MonadIO [#75](https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude/issues/75) * Use `foldl1` for `maximumBy` and `minimumBy` [#74](https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude/issues/74) * Remove nonexistent `foldr'` from `Data.List` hiding list * Remove the `lifted-base` dependency. This means that `CorePrelude` and `BasicPrelude` no longer expose any exception handling functions. This is intentional: the new recommendations from this library are to use an async-exception-aware exception handling library, either [safe-exceptions](https://haskell-lang.org/library/safe-exceptions) or [unliftio](https://www.stackage.org/package/unliftio). ## * Add `HasCallStack` for `terror` ## 0.6.1 * Generalize `sum` and `product` to `Foldable` [#69](https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude/issues/69) ## 0.6.0 * Export `show` from `Show` typeclass, and rename current `show` to `tshow` [#67](https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude/issues/67) ## 0.5.2 * Expose `bool` ## 0.5.1 * Expose `asum` * Deprecate `empty` (so it can be replaced with `Alternative`'s `empty`) ## 0.5.0 * Expose more Foldable/Traversable stuff ## 0.4.1 * terror ## 0.4.0 * Drop system-filepath ## 0.3.13 * Export converters between FilePath <-> Text, String. [#56](https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude/pull/56) ## 0.3.12 * Add `fromShow` [#55](https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude/pull/55) ## 0.3.11 * [Generalize `print`](https://github.com/snoyberg/basic-prelude/pull/51) ## 0.3 * Moved a number of exports from @BasicPrelude@ to @CorePrelude@ and vice-versa. ## 0.2 * Renamed `BasicPrelude` to `CorePrelude` and added a new @BasicPrelude@ module provided a full-featured `Prelude` alternative. Also added a number of new exports. ## 0.1 * Initial version, code taken from @classy-prelude@ with a few minor tweaks.