{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Data.Beamable.Internal
    ( Beamable
    , beam
    , unbeam
    , typeSignR
    , typeSign
    , TypeSign (..)
    ) where

import Data.Beamable.Int
import Data.Beamable.Integer
import Data.Beamable.Util

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Data.Digest.Murmur64

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), shift, testBit)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend, mconcat)
import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL

class Beamable a where
    -- | Serialize value into 'Builder'
    beam :: a -> Builder
    -- | Deserialize next value from 'ByteString', also returns leftovers
    unbeam :: ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
    -- | Get value's type signature, should work fine on 'undefined' values
    -- takes list of strings with datatypes which already been traversed
    -- workaround to support recursive datatypes. In most cases you should be
    -- passing empty list in there.
    typeSignR :: [String] -> a -> Word64

    -- by default let's use generic version

    default beam :: (Generic a, GBeamable (Rep a)) => a -> Builder
    beam v = gbeam (from v) (0,0)

    default unbeam :: (Generic a, GBeamable (Rep a)) => ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
    unbeam v = first to $ gunbeam v (0,0)

    default typeSignR :: (Generic a, GBeamable (Rep a)) => [String] -> a -> Word64
    typeSignR prev v = gtypeSign prev (from v)

-- | Get type signature of arbitrary Beamable datatatype encoded as Word64 hash
-- with all constructors and datatypes in it. It's preferable to use 'typeSign'
-- against typeSignR, because implementation of later might change.
typeSign :: Beamable a => a -> Word64
typeSign = typeSignR []

signMur :: Hashable64 a => a -> Word64
signMur !a = asWord64 $ hash64 a

-- | It's possible to beam arbitrary Storable instances (not very size efficient)
beamStorable :: Storable a => a -> Builder-- {{{
beamStorable = fromStorable

unbeamStorable :: Storable a => ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
unbeamStorable bs = let v = peekBS bs in (v, B.drop (sizeOf v) bs)-- }}}

-- | It's possible to beam arbitrary Enum instances
beamEnum :: Enum a => a -> Builder-- {{{
beamEnum = beamInt . fromIntegral . fromEnum

unbeamEnum :: Enum a => ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
unbeamEnum bs = let (i, bs') = unbeamInt bs in (toEnum (fromIntegral i), bs')-- }}}

class GBeamable f where
    gbeam   :: f a        -> (Int, Word) -> Builder
    gunbeam :: B.ByteString -> (Int, Word) -> (f a, B.ByteString)
    gtypeSign :: [String] -> f a -> Word64

-- this instance used for datatypes with single constructor only
instance (GBeamable a, Datatype d, Constructor c) => GBeamable (M1 D d (M1 C c a)) where
    gbeam  (M1 (M1 x)) = gbeam x
    gunbeam x = first M1 . gunbeam x
    gtypeSign prev x | elem (datatypeName x) prev = signMur (datatypeName x, '_')
    gtypeSign prev x = signMur (datatypeName x, ':', gtypeSign (datatypeName x : prev) (unM1 x))

-- this instance used for  datatypes with multiple constructors and
-- values are prefixed by uniq number for each constructor
instance (GBeamable a, Constructor c) => GBeamable (M1 C c a) where
    gbeam (M1 x) t@(_, dirs) = mappend (beamWord $ fromIntegral dirs) (gbeam x t)
    gunbeam bs = first M1 . gunbeam bs
    gtypeSign prev x = signMur (conName x, '<', gtypeSign prev (unM1 x))

-- this instance is needed to avoid overlapping instances with (M1 D d (M1 C c a))
instance (Datatype d, GBeamable a, GBeamable b) => GBeamable (M1 D d (a :+: b) ) where
    gbeam (M1 x) = gbeam x
    gunbeam bs (lev, _) = let (dirs, bs') = unbeamWord bs
                            in first M1 $ gunbeam bs' (lev, fromIntegral dirs)
    gtypeSign prev x | elem (datatypeName x) prev  = signMur (datatypeName x, '_')

    gtypeSign prev x = signMur ( gtypeSign (datatypeName x : prev) (unL . unM1 $ x), '|'
                               , gtypeSign (datatypeName x : prev) (unR . unM1 $ x))

-- choose correct constructor based on the first word uncoded from the BS (dirs variable)
instance (GBeamable a, GBeamable b) => GBeamable (a :+: b) where
    gbeam (L1 x) (lev, dirs) = gbeam x (lev + 1, dirs)
    gbeam (R1 x) (lev, dirs) = gbeam x (lev + 1, dirs + 2^lev)
    gunbeam bs (lev, dirs) = if testBit dirs lev
                                   then first R1 $ gunbeam bs (lev + 1, dirs)
                                   else first L1 $ gunbeam bs (lev + 1, dirs)
    gtypeSign prev x = signMur (gtypeSign prev (unL x), '|', gtypeSign prev (unR x))

instance GBeamable a => GBeamable (M1 S c a) where
    gbeam (M1 x) = gbeam x
    gunbeam bs = first M1 . gunbeam bs
    gtypeSign prev ~(M1 x) = signMur ('[', gtypeSign prev x)

instance GBeamable U1 where
    gbeam _ _ = mempty
    gunbeam bs _ = (U1, bs)
    gtypeSign _ _x = signMur 'U'

instance (GBeamable a, GBeamable b) => GBeamable (a :*: b) where
    gbeam (x :*: y) t = gbeam x t `mappend` gbeam y t
    gunbeam bs t = let (ra, bs')  = gunbeam bs t
                       (rb, bs'') = gunbeam bs' t
                   in (ra :*: rb, bs'')
    gtypeSign prev ~(x :*: y) = signMur (gtypeSign prev x, '*', gtypeSign prev y)

instance Beamable a => GBeamable (K1 i a) where
    gbeam (K1 x) _ = beam x
    gunbeam bs   _ = first K1 (unbeam bs)
    gtypeSign prev x = signMur ('K', typeSignR prev (unK1 x))

-- | [un]beamWord functions are a bit more efficient than [un]beamInt
-- it assumes that values are non-negative which allows more compact representation

beamWord :: Word64 -> Builder-- {{{
beamWord 0 = fromWord8 0
beamWord i = fromByteString . B.reverse . fst $ B.unfoldrN 10 octets (i, True)
        octets :: (Word64, Bool) -> Maybe (Word8, (Word64, Bool))
        octets (x, isFirst)
            | x > 0 = let r = (fromIntegral (x .&. 0x7F)) .|. (if isFirst then 0 else 0x80)
                      in Just (r, (x `shift` (negate 7), False))
            | otherwise = Nothing

unbeamWord :: B.ByteString -> (Word64, B.ByteString)
unbeamWord bs = (B.foldl f 0 this, rest)
        f :: Word64 -> Word8 -> Word64
        f i w = (i `shift` 7) .|. fromIntegral (w .&. 0x7F)

        Just lastWord = B.findIndex (not . flip testBit 7) bs
        (this, rest) = B.splitAt (lastWord + 1) bs

{-# SPECIALIZE beamWordX :: Word8 -> Builder #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE beamWordX :: Word16 -> Builder #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE beamWordX :: Word32 -> Builder #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE beamWordX :: Word64 -> Builder #-}
beamWordX :: Integral w => w -> Builder
beamWordX = beamWord . fromIntegral

{-# SPECIALIZE unbeamWordX :: B.ByteString -> (Word8, B.ByteString) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE unbeamWordX :: B.ByteString -> (Word16, B.ByteString) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE unbeamWordX :: B.ByteString -> (Word32, B.ByteString) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE unbeamWordX :: B.ByteString -> (Word64, B.ByteString) #-}
unbeamWordX :: Integral w => B.ByteString -> (w, B.ByteString)
unbeamWordX bs = let (i, bs') = unbeamWord bs in (fromIntegral i, bs')-- }}}

newtype TypeSign = TypeSign { unTypeSign :: Word64 } deriving (Num, Show, Eq, Storable)

-- (de)serialization for numbers -- {{{
instance Beamable Int    where { beam = beamEnum ; unbeam = unbeamEnum ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Int" }
instance Beamable Int8   where { beam = beamEnum ; unbeam = unbeamEnum ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Int8" }
instance Beamable Int16  where { beam = beamEnum ; unbeam = unbeamEnum ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Int16" }
instance Beamable Int32  where { beam = beamEnum ; unbeam = unbeamEnum ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Int32" }
instance Beamable Int64  where { beam = beamInt ; unbeam = unbeamInt ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Int64" }
instance Beamable Word   where { beam = beamWordX ; unbeam = unbeamWordX ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Word" }
instance Beamable Word8  where { beam = beamWordX ; unbeam = unbeamWordX ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Word8" }
instance Beamable Word16 where { beam = beamWordX ; unbeam = unbeamWordX ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Word16" }
instance Beamable Word32 where { beam = beamWordX ; unbeam = unbeamWordX ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Word32" }
instance Beamable Word64 where { beam = beamWord ; unbeam = unbeamWord ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Word64" }
instance Beamable Float  where { beam = beamStorable ; unbeam = unbeamStorable ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Float" }
instance Beamable Double where { beam = beamStorable ; unbeam = unbeamStorable ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Double" }
instance Beamable TypeSign where { beam = beamStorable ; unbeam = unbeamStorable ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "TypeSign" }
instance Beamable Integer where { beam = beamInteger ; unbeam = unbeamInteger ; typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Integer" }
-- }}}

instance Beamable Char where
    beam = beamWord . fromIntegral . ord
    unbeam = first (chr . fromIntegral) . unbeamWord
    typeSignR _ _ = signMur "Char"

-- Unit
instance Beamable () where
    beam          = const mempty
    unbeam bs     = ((), bs)
    typeSignR _ _ = signMur "()"

-- Tuples
instance (Beamable a, Beamable b) => Beamable (a, b)
instance (Beamable a, Beamable b, Beamable c) => Beamable (a, b, c)
instance (Beamable a, Beamable b, Beamable c, Beamable d) => Beamable (a, b, c, d)
instance (Beamable a, Beamable b, Beamable c, Beamable d
         ,Beamable e) => Beamable (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (Beamable a, Beamable b, Beamable c, Beamable d
         ,Beamable e, Beamable f) => Beamable (a, b, c, d, e, f)
instance (Beamable a, Beamable b, Beamable c, Beamable d
         ,Beamable e, Beamable f, Beamable g) => Beamable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

instance (Beamable a, Beamable b) => Beamable (Either a b)
instance Beamable a => Beamable (Maybe a)

instance Beamable Bool

instance Beamable a => Beamable [a] where
    beam xs = beamWord (fromIntegral $ length xs) `mappend` mconcat (map beam xs)
    unbeam bs = let (cnt, bs') = unbeamWord bs
                  in unfoldCnt (fromIntegral cnt) unbeam bs'
    typeSignR prev _ = signMur ('L', typeSignR prev (undefined :: a))

unfoldCnt :: Int -> (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> ([a], b)
unfoldCnt cnt_i f = unfoldCnt' [] cnt_i
        unfoldCnt' xs 0 b = (reverse xs, b)
        unfoldCnt' xs cnt b = let (x, b') = f b
                              in unfoldCnt' (x:xs) (cnt - 1) b'

instance Beamable ByteString where
    beam bs = beamWord (fromIntegral $ B.length bs) `mappend` fromByteString bs
    unbeam = uncurry (B.splitAt . fromIntegral) . unbeamWord
    typeSignR _ _ = signMur "ByteString.Strict"

instance Beamable BL.ByteString where
    beam = beam . BL.toChunks
    unbeam bs = let (chunks, bs') = unbeam bs
                  in (BL.fromChunks chunks, bs')
    typeSignR _ _ = signMur "ByteString.Lazy"