# Changelog ## [1.1.5] - 2024-02-23 ### Fixed - Specified version bounds for all package dependencies. ### Added - Added support for GHC 9.8 series. ## [1.1.4] - 2023-07-28 ### Fixed - Support for `optparse-applicative` versions >= ## [1.1.3] - 2023-06-06 ### Fixed - Specify supported version bounds for `optparse-applicative`. ## [1.1.2] - 2021-11-05 ### Fixed - Strip whitespaces from bech32 stdin to satisfy Windows `echo` command. ## [1.1.1] - 2021-06-11 ### Added - Added `--version` switch for the `bech32` command. ### Changed - Upgraded CI to build with Cabal and GHC 8.10.4. - Update version constraints for GHC 9.0.1. ## [1.1.0] - 2020-07-08 ### Added - Added `bech32` command-line for easy conversions in the console. ```console Usage: bech32 [PREFIX] Convert to and from bech32 strings. Data are read from standard input. Available options: -h,--help Show this help text PREFIX An optional human-readable prefix (e.g. 'addr'). - When provided, the input text is decoded from various encoding formats and re-encoded to bech32 using the given prefix. - When omitted, the input text is decoded from bech32 to base16. Supported encoding formats: Base16, Bech32 & Base58. Examples: To Bech32: $ bech32 base16_ <<< 706174617465 base16_1wpshgct5v5r5mxh0 $ bech32 base58_ <<< Ae2tdPwUPEYy base58_1p58rejhd9592uusa8pzj2 $ bech32 new_prefix <<< old_prefix1wpshgcg2s33x3 new_prefix1wpshgcgeak9mv From Bech32: $ bech32 <<< base16_1wpshgct5v5r5mxh0 706174617465 ``` ## [1.0.2] - 2020-02-19 ### Added - Added support for the `bech32-th` extension library. ## [1.0.1] - 2020-02-13 ### Added - Exposed functions `dataPartFromWords` and `dataPartToWords` within public interface. - Exposed the `Word5` type within the public interface. - Exposed the `CharPosition` type within the public interface. ### Changed - Improved module documentation, adding basic examples to help beginner users quickly get up to speed. ## [1.0.0] - 2019-09-27 ### Added - Initial release pulled from https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet